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Monday, June 30, 2014

My Facebook Tricks


I Hit like at least 100 times a day
I comment on at least 20 posts each day
I post at least 20 posts a day
I add my location to at least 3 post a day
I respond to 99% of my likes comments and inbox messages each day
I accept only 25 friends per day
I like EVERY POST I create.
I repost my own Post with a lot of engagement every other week.
I repost post by other people and include their name for recognition
I Speak to YOU Everyday
I post 1/2 MARKETING TIPS every day
I RESPOND To EVERY like/comment By COMMENTING On their Posts

I do what I want. How I want.

What about you? Any facebook secrets? Comment below

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Getting Signups

I am learning that the biggest problem marketers or having is getting sign ups.

So my biggest question to you is what would make you go into a store and buy the hottest talked about product you are offering? Why do you think the next person should join your team? what will you be providing them, by offering them, what you are offering them, other than money.

Why do you choose to go to Walmart versus going to Kmart? Is it because of the prices, is it because of the service, is it because it's comfortable, is it because They provide more products? what makes you choose the reason why you choose one particular thing over another?

I know for the first six months of my career as a network marketer that was my biggest problem. Then when people would come to my store my next biggest problem became getting them to shop at my store.

so what I am telling you, is you need to learn how to get people to come to your store and buy from the store at the same time remembering your face personality and store hospitality.

When you leave an impression on people they come back because they know you are offering something to them that will provide not only monetary value but life long value.

what is it that you need to do to improve your Facebook Store (you and your page) to attract more preferred customers (sales) and inspired entrepreneurs (business partners)?

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Sunday, June 29, 2014

George Washington Grew Hemp

Yes, George Washington grew hemp at Mt. Vernon as one of his primary crops.
In fact, hemp had been a major part of the American culture up until the 1930's.... So why not anymore?

First of all, you need to get the facts on hemp. Hemp is not Marijuana, and it does not get you high. Read the best book out on hemp, Jack Herer's The Emperor Wears No Clothes.
(Read it free online here: http://www.jackherer.com/thebook )

Industrial Hemp is coming back to the USA in a BIG way, and people are finding out the truth very quickly. There is a movement growing every day bringing back hemp into our daily lives.

Want to find out more? Check this video out:


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Here is how to get registered for FREE **

1. Go here>> http://ow.ly/3mkurg

2. Put in your contact info


4. Click on NEXT




8. Update your Info


Anytime you want to upgrade its $15 a month. You can purchase any products anytime you want.

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My Success Story

My success story begins the day I was born when I was born it wasn't no easy delivery for my mother I was born out of complications from a pregnancy.

I was born basically out of distress my heart rate dropped i stopped breathing and when the doctor had to do a emergency cesarean section I had 6 cc's of blood in my lungs which means I swallow a half a cup of blood.

My diagnosis at birth was cerebral palsy 23 years later I was diagnosed with hypomyelination congenital neuropathy. This disability is a weakness of the nerves and muscles and requires me to walk or a crutch every day for Daily assistance.

after I gave birth to my second daughter which was born with the exact same disability I realize that my life is bigger than me my oldest daughter came out with after 21 hours of pushing and kicking then she was perfect. My youngest daughter came out in 17 minutes with no response but crying no body movements no nothing.

In the last five years Our journey has been to conquer our disability and show people that we are just as normal as anyone else. the only difference from you and I is that I walk on a crutch you don't. she walks on a walker and kids her age don't. we think like you actually maybe better. we speak like you are even more intellectually. and we or much more fun as you we love to party.

The reasons I Workfromhome is because my goal is to show my two daughters how to inspire people by being themselves. No Matter what your problem is, you are just as inspiring as the next person because you are created and designed with a purpose.

I love sharing my story with people about our disability because my entire life my mother and father made sure I grew up as a normal child. they never ever allowed me to see myself with a handicap. And as a result I went to college got married had two daughters now working from home going to grad school from home loving my family and life. My husband and I are raising our daughters to both be the same way. Our daughters or aware that you always look over the flaws that you would not normally see in another person because those flaws are what makes that person uniquely unique.

When you realize you do have a purpose in life and it's bigger than just you. You love to Inspire others and everything you do. my first business logo was called faithluvprosperity but as I'm growing God is showing me that every day I leave my home because I am different because I do walk with the crate because when people see me they are inspired it is now time to upgrade my company logo to INSPIRED ENTREPRENEURS because I love to inspire others in a more successful way

So where does your success story began my began on September 14, 1982.

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How to Get Sign Ups

So I think the hardest thing for everyone to do is get sign ups? Wrong or right? I'm currently trying new methods (whole month of June) and I saw a complete turn around. I'm not paying for anything I have tried and it has all worked.

Most important thing I will say before executing the step-by-step form is that you need to find a company that is affordable and have products that everybody can use.

if you do not do this then you are in for a long ride.

So find a company that is affordable for anybody rich or poor young or old newbie or vets. make sure that that the program has products everyone can use no matter the age their weight, their race, or affiliate. Give them something that will inspire them and help them to inspire others give them something that is new and has never been promoted before so that they understand that they are new in the business right along with the entire company.

Now In order to successfully get sign-ups on Facebook

1. the first thing you must do is make your Page become very popular page. Do this by putting post that are popular to what is taking place in the marketing industry entertainment world and inspirational world.

2. find people that need the product and services you are offering. so utilize hootsuite to search and type in what you are looking for, and then comment and like those posts and add the person.

3. follow up with everyone that is liking and commenting on your product post inspirational post and informative post by liking their comment and engaging on their page.

4. Create content that will provide answers to every question you would have if you were about to start a business.

5. Answer every question honestly if you know there is not that much success in a certain way they suggest, be honest make sure you tell the lead that.

6. Offer them samples of your product or provide them with preenrollment to your services so they can take a look at what they will be investing their money into.

7. Acknowledge the pros and cons of the business and give them the company's success rate directly off the company website.

8. Make sure you set them up completely during the preenrollment or during the samples. but first set them up with their compensation pay out by providing them with the documentation or necessary set up steps so that they can see that you are definitely interested in helping them earn money.

9. Ask them what they like best about the idea of joining the company and make sure you provide them with what you like best after joining the company.

10. Have them upgrade after a week of being involved with you, your team, the products and Company hang outs.

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Location:Gottlieb St,Baton Rouge,United States

How to Succeed Using FB

In order for you to be successful on Facebook the main thing you must always remember is that you are trying to be popular like the popular kid in class or the popular kid at the party. I know it sounds crazy but it really is the truth when you think about the big network marketers that or recognizable they are popular and the things you have to learn is how to become popular.

It is crazy to have to go back to a high school mentality but it really is the best way to start your business in a successful manner. if you start a business and you start the business all boring no fun, think about it with no excitement, guess what instead of becoming popular you become ignored.

I started this page on May 22, 2014 and when I started this page I started this page because I got very very aggravated with my other Facebook page which has over 1000 friends and over 500 followers.

I didn't realize that my aggravation should not be with the people on that page but my aggravation should be with the way that I was selling my popularity I never actually put things on that page other than job-related things.

Now that I have shifted my mindset and is starting to understand that my Facebook page is basically a store in the Facebook mall, I have now learned how to create a Facebook page that can become popular generating a nice income.

When people come to this industry they don't realize that this is one of the main things you need to really really make it. first of all your Page needs to be recognizable, Informative, and inspiring.

1. If you have a Facebook page that is over a year old and you have been marketing on it for over six months without seeing any success my first suggestion is to create a new page strictly for marketing and meeting like-minded individuals.

This was the first thing I did on May 22. I created a page and honestly I did not go friend like-minded individuals. I actually friended people in my hometown that liked the same sports teams as me. so I requested to join all Saints, LSU Tigers, and Southern Jaguars groups on Facebook.

Then after requesting to join those groups I made myself known by creating topics or post that was very relevant to what was going on in the sports industry. So one of the big topics for the Saints was the fact that they let go of Darren Sproles I created a topic around that and generated over 75 comments. Another big topic was the charges that been brought against former Saints player Darren Sharper. I created a post about that, that generated over 200 comments from it. I also started commenting on the post of other people that were in the groups of the Saints fans. This is how I added my initial people to my page and that was about 20 people.

On this new Facebook page I also decided it was really important to have real supporters on my Facebook page. so I went and requested Facebook friendships with people that were in the same marketing industry as me. so I requested friendships from Mca Associates, Wakeupnow independent business owners, and Kannaway brand ambassadors. I requested friendships with people that were looking for employment in the work groups on and on the unemployment Facebook pages. This is how I received my next 20 people on my Facebook page.

2. The best decision I made to help my Page succeed in Facebook friendships was getting involved in the VIRAL ADD ME FB POSTS. this is where I started changing my mindset on how to brand myself because I represent so many companies.

So go on pages and add only people that comment under posts that are meaningful to you.

Make sure when you add them, you like Whatever the comment is they left on the post and you go on their page and like the first three posts that are on their page.

3. If you are learning to become popular this is one of the most important steps you must remember to complete. always make three types of post each hour.

make a post that requires people to comment on something relevant to the marketing world, make a post that explains the product you are providing, and provide a post that gives people inspiration or a different way to look at negative things that are taking place in their life.

Do not put your link on all three posts I would suggest and what I have been doing is putting my link only on one of the three post specifically the product post. I also include my branding link only one of the three post so I actually put my link on two of the three post each hour.

4. Because you are making posts that require people to comment or inbox you or answer questions, I suggest that you do what I have done which is respond to every single comment by liking that comment. if you have AN actual verbal response I suggest typing that response letting them know what your thoughts are. this allows conversation to take place on your post and whether you realize it or not people are definitely reading the comments.

After you like their comment go on their page and like a few of their posts and leave one comment that requires people to engage in communication on one of the post you like on their page.

5. As you began to gain more popularity by just talking, I suggest you follow up with people who or engaging on your page. Send them an inbox message thanking them for leaving comments and liking your post. let them know that you will return the favor and love by doing the same. never give them your link just let them know if they are interested in creating multiple streams of income you have different things that could definitely help them do just that. Then go like more comments on their page.

6. Lastly Remember Facebook is not only a popularity contest. It is also your store to engage with customers. so always remember that your Facebook page is a store in the Facebook mall and you always want people coming to your store everyday.

When you go to the your favorite store you know exactly what you are looking for so you know exactly what to expect. remember people look at your Facebook page in the exact same way. not only do they expect you to have the post that are popular and that brings about a lot of communication they also look at your store for the best products and for the best services. so make sure that you provide all of the above and then you will get to see a increase in your income.

Now if you have read this and you are interested in creating this foundation please let me know. I will help you in every. I will show you how to be successful with using word-of-mouth by promoting your own self first.

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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Why Join Us

When choosing a company and product line that you plan on sharing with others, you understand that you are committed to placing YOUR name on the line based on the decisions that company is making.

So when you first came to take a look at this company called Kannaway, like many people, you likely wanted to see how the company would handle incredible growth, what kind of commitment they had to expansion and the capabilities of their core leaders.

So here are a few things you should know about Kannaway that will show you the same thing that tens of thousands of Brand Ambassadors for Kannaway have already discovered themselves:

* Kannaway has invested more than $2M in to our incredible launch

* Kannaway has already been featured in the Wall Street Journal and other high-profile magazines as a leading-edge company focused on CBD-rich products

* Kannaway has launched more than 10 products in less than 90 days that are getting RAVE reviews from industry experts

* We have more than 70 products in development right now

When searching for the “perfect” company to work with, you want strength, financial security, strong vision, an exciting product line, the eyes of the world watching, solid leadership, a strong plan of execution, a clear vision of expansion and future plans, and great timing.

Kannaway has taken something that is already in the news EVERY SINGLE DAY – the Cannabis and Hemp movement – and turned it in to a wave of incredible momentum.

That wave is growing each and every day, and your timing with us couldn’t be better.

We’re sure you want to grab hold of that momentum and ride this wave of success.

Now that you’re informed, you’re ready to join the movement.

So Do you want to take part in our 8 weeks program. It works like this join for $15. Buy a pack, sign up someone with a pack in a week and you get a share of a 4% bonus pool. For your first 8 weeks in the company. You also get 1/3 of your signups checks it they qualify.

With Kannaway all your websites/pages/autorespondor, its ALL setup and ready to use, nothing to mess and fuss with, join and your ready to start referring others,
No domains to mess with, no hosting, no forwarding and masking, its all ready to go over 10 websites ready for you! Capture pages so your able to build your list and it automatically emails your leads for you daily. ZERO SETUP!

And I will be 100 percent honest here, I KNOW most people are NOT GOOD at referring people, SO HERE IS WHY I CHOOSE to make KANNAWAY MY PRIMARY MLM COMPANY 2 huge reasons, (no I am not quitting my other companies, Multiple streams of income is the way to go once you have mastered referring)

#1 = 8 weeks to success - PAID WEEKLY -- Alls you must do is get 55 personal volume yourself by ordering 1 product, and refer 1 person to do exactly the same and you will get paid that week a company bonus of the entire company sales. JUST FOR BRINGING IN 1 person who orders 1 product. THIS MEANS MASS DUPLICATION. Because everyone knows one person, You dont need 3 to start earning, dont need a million people to make money, thats number 1.

#2 = Brand new for the next 4 weeks they are offering a Kannaway Double Up Promotion -

If your ready to work with some Industry leaders please give me a text - email - private message and lets get you started, Remember its only $15 to become an IBO - NO HIDDEN UPSELLS OR UPFEES. The only other fee that would ever be associated with Kannaway is if your interested in trying a product, We have hempvap pens, Kannakick energy chews, anti aging line, & over 70 new hemp products in the works!

Remember timing is everything in MLM and you have the chance to get in early. The company just launched in APRIL of this year. Imagine the possibilities.

Here is how to get registered **

1. Go here>> http://CountdownToKannaway.com/CPvideo/2834652

2. Put in your email address

3. Watch the video overviews

4. Click on SIGNUP TODAY

5. Make your initial product purchase if you want

6. Share the experience

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Kannaway 9-step plan

HAVE YOU MARKED YOUR POSITION IN KANNAWAY? What are you waiting for? Its only $15 a month to earn a commission. IF YOU BRING THREE PEOPLE HELP THEM GET THREE PEOPLE EACH, TOTALING 12 PEOPLE or have a BV of 5400 points you get paid weekly of 25% on everything you sell and everyone who joins and you make residually $400 for your team and their products.



Here's the Kannaway 9-step plan for success. Get in for $15, use your company-provided tools and the DONE-FOR-YOU marketing system to share the business, and GET PAID.

So what is Kannaway? Its product line is derived from hemp. And no, this has NOTHING to do with "pot". The products contain CBD-rich hemp oil... a proven nutritional supplement that benefits mind and body....it does NOT get you high. Do a Google on CBD...research it independently yourself....you'll be amazed at all the benefits.

So how do you market this? Simple. The company GIVES you a complete marketing system, with capture pages, autoresponder, pre-written follow-up emails, and full training. No setup, no muss, no fuss. Just start referring people to your site, and let it do the work. And if you like a more hands-on approach, I'll provide you with 2 hours of step-by-step Facebook training, showing you exactly how to promote this (or any other) business on Facebook using 100% FREE methods.

Plus, we have LIVE Google Hangouts EVERY NIGHT where you can send your prospects, and let Kannaway do the "selling" for you.

It's only $15 to become a Kannaway business owner. Did you catch that? $15.

If you're tired of pitching the same old "opportunities" that everyone else is already involved with....then connect with me...let me show you an alternative.

Wanna get in on this? I'm looking for a CORE group to start building the business under. You'll benefit from my team recruiting....and you'll make even MORE if you work it too. Let me show you how to FINALLY have success online.

TO LEARN MORE GO HERE >>> http://profitfromthegreenrush.com/CP1/2834652

Kannaway's paying DOUBLE COMMISSIONS right now. Limited time. Check it out >>> http://bit.ly/1mW3Cvj

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Thursday, June 26, 2014


Are you covered? When you are at home are you covered? When you are at work are you covered? When you are out shopping Orr socializing are you covered? Is your significant other covered? Are your children covered? What happens if you get a flat tire or lock the keys in the car? If you lose your credit card are they protected? If you get in a accident how will you get towed home? If you run out of gas who would bring you more? If someone stole your vehicle would you have to go out and purchase another one or would your insurance cover the lost vehicle? What happens if you are rushed to the hospital and have to call into work, how will you substitute that financial lost? If someone stole your identity do you have protection to investigate and charged the Theif? If you accumulated speeding tickets while driving on the road how would they get paid? If you needed a lawyer to represent you as a result of a accident could you afford one? If you do not have a answer to at least one of these questions then you need to go to my website and get covered. Call 225-341-1862 or go to http://www.getcoveredgetpaid-MCA.org/ We can cater to young, old, college commuters, job commuters, doctors, dentists lawyers, single parents, married couples, multi credit card holders, road travelers, jail birds, traffic speeders, the sick, truck drivers, motor cycle owners, boat owners, car salesman, auto dealerships, hospitals, insurance agents, small transportation services, YOU. We literally meet everyone's needs with our services. Join me in MCA. get covered get paid now. Start Now http://careerchanger.net/nowhiring

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Mindset Changes Everything

As a network marketer I know I have times when I just want to push my link on people, however I am aware that that is not a successful way to establish trust.

I have learned that you must take the time to establish trust with a person so that they are comfortable with the information you are about to provide them. The reason why I shop at certain stores is because not only do I have trust but as a customer they provide value thru their prices and products. and I also know that other people are also going to the same store and they are getting the same equal value and that makes me want to shop ther as well.

Do you feel very uncomfortable when you walk into a store and as soon as you walk in someone approaches you and says, "here I think you should have this shirt?"

I know I do, and that's why I'm telling you that's how people feel when you shove your link at them as soon as they accept your friend invite from your page.

So from now on you should look at your business as a store in the local mall. what would you do to attract people to come into your store, feel comfortable and leave with a handful of products? how would you get them to engage and tell other people about your store, product, and YOU?

How would you make them go from being window shoppers to being loyal customers?

See you really do have to put your mind set in a mindframe where you are thinking like a business and not thinking like oh I'm just on Facebook meeting new people. No you're not meeting new people you want all of the people that is on your page to ask to come to your store and shop.

Now if they choose to work for the same company as you can show them how to do that but your main goal should always be for them to come into your store, feel comfortable enough to ask questions, buy a lot of products, leave happy, then referred friends.

If you're having trouble doing this, (selling the product in your store), then here are a few things you need to do to set your Store up to actually generate a income.

1) Invite people to look at your store (opportunity) by posting pictures of the products or product info.

2) offer information about your products that are valuable to the reader such as discounts offered, or material used to make them, or amount of people using the product.

3) when they message you about the products or the store or the business opportunity don't spam your link answer their questions give them information directly from the website. Don't you hate when you walk into a store and you ask the person in there if they have any more sizes in the back, and they look at you and say I don't know and don't go to see. well that is the same thing as you sending them a link or video.

4) if you actually had customers inside of a real store how would you engage with them? what would you promote the most? I mean this is what you should be doing on your page but not every post.

5) if you find a customer leaving the store without purchasing a product would you stop him? would you invite them back? would you say thank you for coming.? what would you do if this was an actual store in a storefront?

6.) if a customer does purchase a product how would you introduce them to the income opportunity? or how would you train them to work in your store? Or at their own store?

this is when you have to go to the next steps but I would not go to the next steps until I learn how to attract people into my store.

I think I am going to get out of my shell and do a YouTube video explaining how to attract people to their store.

I wish you all the greatest success possible. You have to change your mindset.

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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Kannaway Pay

Kannaway, LLC, is a network sales and marketing company specializing in the sales and marketing of hemp-based botanical products.

We are training Brand Ambassadors all over the United States.

We offer a Extremely lucrative compensation plan designed to create six and seven figure earners

The Kannaway compensation plan provides 11 ways to earn income.

The Kannaway hemp cannabis mlm has a structure in which you refer three people and your membership is free.

You get paid for your product sales and For the product sales of your first 3 referrals and on your sales and team sales.

We have fast starts so if You sell a hemp vape you get commission and then whenever someone below you buys one you get a team override commission also.

Starting off at 1 cycle a month is $400 residuals thats just one of the ways to get paid. Once you cycle 3 times a month 2 months in a row earning $1200 monthly residual you get a $500 car bonus.

1 cycle = 5400BV
= $400

When you have 3 legs and reach 5400 group volume without having 80% volume in 1 of the legs it triggers a cycle pay out of $400

So if our organization reaches 16,200 volume monthly that's $12,000 residual. Plus $500 car bonus

Kannaway requires affiliates to pay an “IBO fee” (purportedly $15 a month). Once they’ve done this they’ll be eligible for shares in one of twelve pools.

Pool 1 -recruit 1 to 3 affiliates
Pool 2 – recruit 4 to 6 affiliates
Pool 3 – recruit 7 to 9 affiliates
Pool 4 - recruit 10 to 12 affiliates
Pool 5 - recruit 13 to 15 affiliates
Pool 6 - recruit 16 to 18 affiliates
Pool 7 - recruit 19 to 21 affiliates
Pool 8 - recruit 22 to 24 affiliates
Pool 9 - recruit 25 to 27 affiliates
Pool 10 - recruit 28 to 30 affiliates
Pool 11 - recruit 31 to 33 affiliates
Pool 12 - recruit 34 or more affiliates

There are 3 steps to qualify you to earn commissions:

Step 1 ‐ Simply register to become a Kannaway Independent Business Owner (IBO) by enrolling online and paying the required IBO fee of only $15 a month. [The monthly IBO fee it will be debited each

Step 2 – Activate your Business Center by personally selling or purchasing a Qualified Kannaway Product or Product Pack.

Step 3 – Maintain the minimum Personal Recurring Sales Volume (PV) required for your rank each month, either through Customer sales or personal orders. month on the monthly anniversary date.]

It’s that easy! Once qualified, you’ll receive credit for sales generated within your sales organization.

When I learned the TRUTH...I was blown away! Unique in-demand product, zero competition, full marketing system, complete training -- all for just $15/month!

Yes start your very own business for $15 find 3 people to do the same and then when they do the same and if they all sell products youre fee is free.

When u pay the $15 you dont have to buy a product to start getting commissions.

11 Ways To Earn With Kannaway Direct Sales Income Get Three & Your’s Is Free
First Order Bonus
First Order Team Bonus
Team Override Bonus
Differential Infinity Bonus Coded Infinity Bonus
Bonus Pools Car Program Incentives & Rewards

Kannaway pays 11 different ways. Wanna get in on this?

You get all the marketing tools you need...retail website, referral website, capture pages, autoresponder, pre-written and automatic lead follow-up. This is just plug in and go!

The New Back Office has
* 15+ capture pages
* 10+ websites
* The ability to create a note for your contact.
* Date and Capture Page your prospect opted into.
* Set a priority for the contact.
* Last visit date.
* Live tracking to see your prospects activity. If they revisit your webpage, if they attend your hangout link, if they visit your store... you will know! So if you notice a prospect or lead that has a lot of activity, they may just need that extra push from you... Contact them asap!

I'll also provide you with one-on-one training showing you exactly how to promote this (or any biz) on Facebook using 100% FREE methods...it's all I use.

This company's only 90 days old. Imagine if you had gotten in WakeUpNow or Empower Network in the first 90 days. This will be bigger...guaranteed!

Take action now, and seize the opportunity!


You get paid for your product sales and For the product sales of your first 3 referrals and on your sales and team sales.

We have fast starts so if You sell a hemp vape you get commission and then whenever someone below you buys one you get a team override commission also.

Starting off at 1 cycle a month is $400 residuals thats just one of the ways to get paid. Once you cycle 3 times a month 2 months in a row earning $1200 monthly residual you get a $500 car bonus.

1 cycle = 5400BV
= $400

When you have 3 legs and reach 5400 group volume without having 80% volume in 1 of the legs it triggers a cycle pay out of 400$

So if our organization reaches 16,200 volume monthly that's 12,000 residual. Plus 500$ car bonus

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone marketwithebonynow.biz

Get Your $100 Bill Drop Cards

When I leave my house I always leave with flyers. business cards, product samples, proof of payout and my biggest secret 10 $100 bill drop cards (I have them for each company). www.marketwithebonynow.biz/

With this Offline method I get at least 5 new signs up each week. I mean I dont change my routine. If I'm going to the grocery store or to pick up my girls from school I leave my $100 bill cards In the parking lot, in the aisles of Walmart. At the gas station pump. At my daughters soccer game by the concession, at the beauty and nail salons. Barber shops. I make sure to leave these cards everywhere.

If you didn't know there are many ways to market your business but I believe the offline method is the most successful.

If you are having trouble online getting new team members, I recommend trying $100 dropcards... They're convenient and easy to use.. Think about it.. What better way to attract new leads. If you were out and saw what looked like a $100 bill you'd naturally go after it..

If you need to increase your product sales or Workfromhome team. Get These cards they are affordable, you will get 100 cards for $14.99. When you Pass out 10 a day in different locations, at the bank, gas station, grocery store, local colleges, etc., I guarantee you will get at least one sign up daily.. You know thats worth it.


Make sure to put a catchy phrase on your card with a free goggle number to call you on or really put your phone number.

When I started this offline It changed my business tremendously. I make it a point to go to colleges, local malls, garage sales, movies parking lot, restaurant parking lots, libraries, and doctor offices.

What I love is that when people find the drop cards. They don't won't to be noticed. So they pick it up quickly stuff it in their purse or pocket and call me when they get home. Now I do put on my cards in red "redrop this if you're not interested".

Again this is my offline secret. You can get your cards anywhere even from your local office supply store. Or you can order them here. http://www.realisticdropcard.com/order/?o=ww093Hhy


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Are you in looking to get more traffic to your website and need a little more facebook training? If you have a blog, website, or mlm company replicated website you need traffic. Or people visiting your website to see your offer on a daily basis. Without traffic then you’re going to have a hard time having any success. But with a little facebook training, you will be on your way to massive success. One important tip before we get to the facebook training Facebook is a place that people come to have fun and mingle with others. Its like one big social party. Think about that when you’re promoting your business. No one wants to get pitched an opportunity every time they login to their account. Have fun and upload stuff that people want to feel they can connect with you about.

Facebook Training Tip #1 Have a Cool Profile Picture First impressions are worth it’s weight in gold and your profile picture will set you apart from the rest. Your facebook training will start by making sure you have a great profile picture. Upload a picture of you smiling and having a good time. No one wants a stuffy person. Use the timeline to upload new pictures each day. This makes it different each time someone logs in to see you.

Facebook Training Tip #2 Promote Your Url with Education Just below your profile picture is a place to give information about yourself. Use the education section to send people to a fanpage that gives more information about your business. I see a lot of people that have “Self employed and loving it” Make an education link just for you, something like “Self employed and making money”. Then link it to a fanpage.

Facebook Training Tip #3 Add Daily Photos Do you have a cell phone with a camera? My guess is you do. Then take pictures every day and upload it. Oh you are asking “what do I take pictures of?” EVERYTHING. Take a photo of you eating, take a photo of you working out, take a photo of you feeding the fish in the pond. Make it fun, people will start to ask themselves this question. “How can they have all this free time to have this much fun?” “I better find out what type of business they are involved in so I can have that much free time”

Facebook Training Tip #4 Check in Did you go to the gym? Check in. Are you at a company event? Check in. What ever you are doing check in. What this does is ad one more thing to the total news feed. So when someone is surfing on facebook they see you are all over the place. It keeps your name at the top of the news feed.

Facebook Training Tip #5 Lots of Likes On your news feed you will see other people posting stuff all day also. Like as many things as you can on the feed. This is a huge viral tool that is part of your overall facebook training. It’s shocking to realize how many other people will see your likes. If you do enough it draws more attention to you.

Facebook Training Tip #6 Repost Same as likes on the news feed. Re Post, or share what others are posting. If someone posted a cool success quote. Share it on your wall. If someone uploaded a cool picture. Share it on your wall. This is another huge viral tool to use.

Facebook Training Tip #7 Create Value On your Wall Your facebook training will end with the most important. Your facebook wall. When you post on your wall think in your mind. “Is this going to create value for someone else?” Ask yourself this question every time. The true way to long term success is always creating value for others. And your facebook wall is the best place to do this.

Facebook Posting Techniques That Really Work

When’s the best time to post? While weekends and off-peak hours from 2pm to 5am are the times when page admins are least likely to add a new post, those are the posts that receive the highest interaction rates. Thursdays, on the other hand, shoulder the highest number of postings during the week and the lowest interaction rate. And since a high level of postings results in a lower interaction rate from users, it only stands to reason that posting in off-peak hours means you’ll gain more interaction from fans.

How many times should I post per day? You’d think too many posts would offend your followers but the report suggests frequent posting increases interaction. As you might suspect, fewer posts reduce the chances users will see them. And while unsubscribe rates go up after three posts per day, they level off at higher frequencies. The secret is to find that balance between optimizing interaction and managing unsubscribes, which is going to be different for every business.

What type of content elicits the most interaction? By far, photos generate the highest interaction rate for the six varieties of content, with status updates ranking No. 2. Others -- in descending order -- include video, music and links. The fact that links are at the bottom is interesting, considering they are posted the most often. Photos rank at the top because they’re visual, easy to digest and they elicit emotion.

Should I ask fans to Like or Comment on my posts? Absolutely. Just by taking advantage of a "Like" call to action boosts your interaction rate by 216 percent. Momentus Media analyzed 49,266 Page posts, comparing interaction rates for posts with "Like" and "Comment" calls to action and those without. And while only 1.3 percent of status messages had a call to action attached, those who used "Like" or "Comment" showed a huge boost in interaction rates.

Should I ask my fans questions? You’d think that by asking questions you’d get a better interaction rate, but such is not the case. However, Facebook page admins looking to achieve the highest comment rate should pose questions and then directly ask for fans to reply with comments.

How long should my status messages be? According to this study, size does matter. While there’s a higher posting rate for shorter posts (especially those that stay within the 140-character limit for cross-posting purposes on both Twitter and Facebook), interaction increases as the length of the status message increases.

How long do my messages remain in the Newsfeed? In the first hour of a Facebook status update, half of the users who will click on the post will have done so, with 90 percent of the clicks occurring within nine hours of the post going live.

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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

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Monday, June 23, 2014

Kannaway Comp

Get Three & Your’s Is Free - Only $15 to become an IBO Brand Ambassador
As an Active and Qualified IBO you can qualify to receive your monthly product order for free through our Get 3 Yours is FREE program.

Have you heard about KANNAWAY? http://kannaway.com/magazine/?ba=2834652

Here’s how it works:

1. You must maintain an active monthly Autoship
order of at least 55 BV in product orders.

2. You must and have at least 3 Preferred
Customers, with active Autoship Orders in a
calendar month totaling a minimum of 165 BV in
product orders. When this occurs your next
month Product order is FREE.

The amount of free product an IBO can receive will
be based on the total average order of their
Preferred Customers.

Rank & Pin Levels
a. Requirements
i. Pay the required (Monthly) $15.00 IBO Fee
b. Earn
i. Retail Commission
ii. FOB on all Personally enrolled IBO’s initial orders
iii. 1 level of Team Bonus

II. Director [DIR]
a. Requirements
i. Maintain at least 28 BV in Personal Sales
ii. Maintain a monthly Total Group Business Volume (TGBV) of 600 with not more than
80% from any one leg
b. Earn
i. Retail Commission
ii. FOB on all Personally enrolled IBO’s initial orders
iii. 2 levels of Team Bonus

III. Regional Marketing Director [RMD]
a. Requirements
i. Maintain at least 55 BV in Personal Sales
ii. Personally enroll & maintain 3 Active IBO’s placed in 3 separate legs

III. Regional Marketing Director[RMD]
a. Requirements
i. Maintain at least 55 BV in Personal Sales
ii. Personally enroll & maintain 3 Active IBO’s placed in 3 separate legs
iii. Maintain a minimum of 5,400 in monthly TGBV sales with not more than 70% from any
one leg
b. Earn
i. Retail Commission
ii. FOB on all Personally enrolled IBO’s initial orders
iii. First Order Team Bonus {See rules below}
iv. 3 levels of Team Bonus
v. 1 share in Director Bonus Pool

IV. National Marketing Director [NMD]
a. Requirements
i. Maintain at least 55 BV in Personal Sales
ii. Personally enroll & maintain 3 Active IBO’s placed in 3 separate legs
iii. Maintain a minimum of 15,000 in monthly TGBV sales with not more than 60% from any
one leg
iv. Help promote and maintain 3 IBO’s who achieve the rank of Director or above in
separate legs
b. Earn
i. Retail Commission
ii. FOB on all Personally enrolled IBO’s initial orders
iii. First Order Team Bonus (See Rules Below)
iv. 4 levels of Team Bonus
v. 2 shares in the Director Bonus Pool
vi. Car Qualified, $500 Allowance (*Personally Fast Start Qualified)
vii. iPad mini (see qualifications)

V. Silver Executive [SE]
a. Requirements
i. Maintain at least 110 BV in Personal Sales
ii. Personally enroll & maintain 3 Active IBO’s placed in 3 separate legs
iii. Maintain a minimum of 50,000 in monthly TGBV sales for 2 consecutive months with
not more than 60% from any one leg
iv. Help promote and maintain 3 IBO’s who achieve the rank of RMD in separate legs
b. Earn
i. Retail Commission
ii. FOB on all Personally enrolled IBO’s initial orders
iii. First Order Team Bonus (See Rules Below)
iv. 5 levels of Team Bonus
v. 1 share in Executive Bonus Pool
vi. $500 Car Allowance
vii. 2% Differential Infinity Bonus
viii. 1% Coded Infinity Bonus

VI. Gold Executive [GE]
a. Requirements
i. Maintain at least 110 BV in Personal Sales
ii. Personally enroll & maintain 3 Active IBO’s placed in 3 separate legs
iii. Maintain a minimum of 150,000 in monthly TGBV sales for 2 consecutive months with
not more than 60% from any one leg
iv. Help promote and maintain 3 IBO’s who achieve the rank of NMD in separate legs
b. Earn
i. Retail Commission
ii. FOB on all Personally enrolled IBO’s initial orders
iii. First Order Team Bonus (See Rules Below)
iv. 6 levels of Team Bonus
v. 2 shares in Executive Bonus Pool
vi. $750 Car Allowance
vii. 4% Differential Infinity Bonus
viii. 2% Coded Infinity Bonus

VII. Platinum Executive [PE]
a. Requirements
i. Maintain at least 110 BV in Personal Sales
ii. Personally enroll & maintain 3 Active IBO’s placed in 3 separate legs
iii. Maintain a minimum of 300,000 in monthly TGBV sales for 2 consecutive months with
not more than 60% from any one leg
iv. Help promote and maintain 3 IBO’s who achieve the rank of Silver Director in separate
b. Earn
i. Retail Commission
ii. FOB on all Personally enrolled IBO’s initial orders
iii. First Order Team Bonus (See Rules Below)
iv. 7 levels of Team Bonus
v. 3 shares in Executive Bonus Pool
vi. $750 Car Allowance
vii. 6% Differential Infinity Bonus
viii. 3% Coded Infinity Bonus
ix. $10,000 Cash Bonus & Rewards

VIII. Diamond
a. Requirements
i. Maintain at least 110 BV in Personal Sales
ii. Personally enroll & maintain 3 Active IBO’s placed in 3 separate legs
iii. Help promote and maintain 3 IBO’s who achieve the rank of Gold Executive in separate
b. Earn
i. Retail Commission
ii. FOB on all Personally enrolled IBO’s initial orders
iii. First Order Team Bonus (See Rules Below)
iv. 8 levels of Team Bonus
v. 1 share in Diamond Bonus Pool
vi. $1,000 Car Allowance
vii. 8% Differential Infinity Bonus
viii. 4% Coded Infinity Bonus
ix. $25,000 Cash Bonus & Rewards

IX. Double Diamond
a. Requirements
i. Maintain at least 110 BV in Personal Sales
ii. Personally enroll & maintain 3 Active IBO’s in 3 separate legs
iii. Help promote and maintain 3 IBO’s who achieves the rank of Platinum Executive in 3
separate legs
b. Earn
i. Retail Commission
ii. FOB on all Personally enrolled IBO’s initial orders
iii. First Order Team Bonus (See Rules Below)
iv. 9 levels of Team Bonus
v. 2 shares in Diamond Bonus Pool
vi. $1,000 Car Allowance
vii. 10% Differential Infinity Bonus
viii. 6% Coded Infinity Bonus
ix. $50,000 Cash Bonus & Rewards

X. Triple Diamond
a. Requirements
i. Maintain at least 110 BV in Personal Sales
ii. Personally enroll & maintain 3 Active IBO’s in 3 separate legs
iii. Help promote and maintain 2 IBO’s who achieve the rank of Diamond in separate legs
b. Earn
i. Retail Commission
ii. FOB on all Personally enrolled IBO’s initial orders
iii. First Order Team Bonus (See Rules Below)
iv. 10 levels of Team Bonus
v. 3 shares in Diamond Bonus Pool
vi. $75,000 Pink Slip
vii. 12% Differential Infinity Bonus
viii. 8% Coded Infinity Bonus

XI. Royal Diamond
a. Requirements
i. Maintain at least 110 BV in Personal Sales
ii. Personally enroll & maintain 3 Active IBO’s in 3 separate legs
iii. Help promote and maintain 3 IBO’s who achieve the rank of Diamond in separate legs
b. Earn
i. Retail Commission
ii. FOB on all Personally enrolled IBO’s initial orders
iii. First Order Team Bonus (See Rules Below)
iv. 10 levels of Team Bonus
v. 4 shares in Diamond Bonus Pool
vi. 14% Differential Infinity Bonus
vii. 10% Coded Infinity Bonus
viii. $100,000 Cash Bonus & Rewards

Car Program Car Program– In the Kannaway Program you have 3
ways to earn a car with ultimately receiving the Pink
Slip to the car of your choice up to $75,000 in retail
value. (See, Cash Bonus and Rewards.) Here’s how it
works: The qualifying IBO must purchase/lease a
company approved car, in either Black, Silver or
White that is not older then 3 model years.
If an IBO chooses to purchase/lease a car that is a
pre‐owned, it must be free of any exterior & interior
defects and be in good operating condition. (See
Company Car Program Policy)
[Mini Copper must be wrapped with a Kannaway
wrap and must be either white, black or silver.]
*Car bonuses are awarded monthly
What car maker/makers are we going to choose?
a. BMW
b. Mercedes Benz
c. Mini Cooper (Must be wrapped with Kannaway
car wrap)
2. Three Ways To Earn Your Car
1. Fast Start Qualified Car Program
a. Must Be Personally Fast Start Qualified,
b. Complete at least 3 First Order Team Bonus
cycles in a calendar month for two
consecutive months and have achieved an
Active, Paid As Rank of NMD or above.
c. If an IBO chooses not to participate in the
KANNAWAY Car Program they may opt to
receive 50% of the car bonus in cash once
they have achieved a Paid As Rank of RMD
for two consecutive Calendar Months.
d. An IBO who is a College Student may opt to
have the full value of the Car Bonus applied
directly towards their college tuition. (See
College Tuition Program for details)

2. Non‐Fast Start Qualified
a. At Kannaway we are a company that
believes in being inclusive and not exclusive
so we wanted to offer our IBO’s who opted
not to become PFSQ the ability to qualify
for a car bonus.
b. Achieve and maintain the Paid As Rank of
Silver Executive.

3. Pink Slip
a. Achieve the Paid As Rank of Triple Diamond
and receive the Pink Slip to the car of your
b. choice. (Value up to $75,000, see Incentive
& Rewards)

First Order Bonus
Earn a First Order Bonus for every FOB Qualified
Product Pack you personally sale to a new IBO or
Customer at the time of their initial enrollment.

The Kannaway compensation plan pays 50% of the
total BV out in commissions. Personal products
purchased after the initial enrollment order will
count toward Team Override Commission’s.
[NOTE: Kannaway has no required product purchase
to be an IBO, the only required fee to be a Kannaway
Independent Business Owner is the IBO Fee.]
*FOB commissions are paid weekly

First Order Team Bonus
In the Kannaway programIBO’s have the
opportunity to earn bonus overrides on sales
generated to Infinity throughout their entire
Here’s how it works: Qualified IBO’s may qualify to
start receiving First Order Team Bonuses in the
Kannaway program two different ways. One, by
Personally Fast Start Qualifying, (PFSQ) and two, if
they choose not to PFSQ, they are eligible after
they’ve been in the program for at least 30 days and
have achieved the rank of Regional Marketing
Director, (RMD).
To Become Personally Fast Start Qualified, an IBO
must complete the following actions:
1. Enroll in the Kannaway Autoship program with at
least 55 BV in Personal Volume.
2. Become Personally Fast Start Qualified, (PFSQ) by
Generate 900 BV in personal sales. This may be
accomplished through personal product purchases
and/or sales to Retail and Preferred Customers.
(PFSQ is based on total PV so an IBO may satisfy the
PV requirement thru a combination of personal
and/or customer sales.
3. Personally sponsor a minimum of three active
IBO’s who enroll in the Kannaway Autoship program
with 55 BV, or more, and place them in three
separate legs.
4. Generate a total of 3,600 BV from the
combination of your personal sales/purchase and
your personally sponsored IBO’s sales/purchases. A
maximum of 900 BV will counted from an IBO’s
personal sales and a maximum of 900 BV will be
counted from each personally sponsored IBO’s sales.

After 30 days, an IBO must:
1. Achieve and maintain a Paid As Rank of Regional
Marketing Director (RMD) or above.
Once Qualified, all new qualified First Order Sales to
either Customer’s or IBO’s generated within an IBO’s
organization, (with no depth limit), will count toward
First Order Team Bonuses. Every time 5,400 BV in
Qualified First Order Sales is generated within an
IBO’s organization they will earn a First Order Team
bonus of $400.
[Qualified product packages are the Premier
Package, Lifestyle Package & Essential Package; see
Infinity Fast Start Qualification Rules]
Once an IBO who has PFSQ, completes at least 3 First
Order Team Bonus cycles in a calendar month for
two consecutive months they will become car
qualified and have the opportunity to participate in
the Kannaway luxury car program once they achieve
the rank of National Marketing Director, (NMD). [See
Kannaway Car Program]
*First Order Team Bonuses are paid weekly

First Order Team Bonus Rules
i. Must be Personally Fast Start Qualified or achieve the Paid As Rank of Director or above with 3 personally enrolled IBO’s in 3 separate legs.
1. Personally Fast Start Qualified:
a. Enroll in the Kannaway Autoship program with at least 55 BV in Personal Volume
b. Become Personally Fast Start Qualified, (PFSQ) by Generate 900 BV in personal sales.
This may be accomplished through personal product purchases and/or sales to Retail
and Preferred Customers. (PFSQ is based on total PV so an IBO may satisfy the PV
requirement thru a combination of personal and/or customer sales
c. Personally sponsor a minimum of three active IBO’s who enroll in the Kannaway
Autoship program with 55 BV, or more, and place them in three separate legs
d. Generate a total of 3,600 BV from the combination of your personal sales/purchase and
your personally sponsored IBO’s sales/purchases. A maximum of 900 BV will counted
from an IBO’s personal sales and a maximum of 900 BV will be counted from each
personally sponsored IBO’s sales.
2. After 30 Days:
a. Achieve and maintain a Paid As Rank of RMD or above.
b. Personally enroll at least 3 active IBO’s in 3 separate legs.
ii. First Order Team Bonuses are generated when an IBO has at least 5,400 in TGBV (Total Group Business
iii. No more then 45% of the BV may be counted from any one personally enrolled team, (Leg)
iv. Only BV from the initial qualified product purchases counts towards First Order Infinity Bonuses. [Premier
Package, Lifestyle Package & Essential Package]
v. Qualified First Order Team Bonus BV will only be credited one‐time to qualified IBO’s
vi. The number of cycles an IBO can complete in a given week is based on an IBO’s Paid As Rank
1. Director ‐ 4 cycles
2. RMD ‐ 4 cycles
3. NMD and above 8 cycles
vii. If a product is returned for a full refund all BV paid on that sale will be deducted from all IBO’s, (who were
credited with the BV), next commission check. If that BV triggered a First Order Team Bonus the entire
Bonus will be deducted from the next check, however the remaining BV from that cycle will be credited
towards the IBO’s next First Order Team Bonus qualification.
viii. All FOB & First Order Team Bonus commissions will be capped at 100% of the BV allocated towards those
bonuses. If at any time the total commissions earned for these bonuses exceeds that threshold
KANNAWAY reserves the right to apply the CAP Rule on FOB and First Order Team Bonus commissions
ONLY. If the CAP rule is applied the FOB & First Order Team Bonuses will pay as follows.
1. All FOB will be Paid in Full
2. All first Cycle First Order Team Bonuses earned that pay period will be paid in full
3. All First Order Team Bonus Cycles affected by the CAP rule will be prorated, by dividing the CAP
overage by the number of cycles in that pay period to establish the exact value of each Cycle
ix. All BV from a qualified First Order Sales above the required 5,400 BV will not be carried over.

Team Override Bonus
As a Kannaway IBO, your focus will be on creating a
retail and preferred customer base, as well as
building a team of IBO’s. As you progress through
the Kannaway compensation program you will earn
increased Team Override Commissions from the
product sales generated throughout your sales
In Kannaway we utilize a Unilevel structure for our
Team Override Commissions. Meaning every IBO will
be automatically placed in their sponsors 1st level
unless their sponsor chooses to place them under an
IBO deeper in their Team Override Tree.
[Placement is an advanced organizational strategy,
ask your Team Leader for advice on the best building
strategy for your Kannaway Business.]
As you can see from the diagram below the higher
the rank you achieve, the more levels from which
you can earn commissions on.
The Kannaway compensation plan uses
“compression” to allow IBO’s to earn on sales
originating down deeper within their organization if
someone in the organizational tree is inactive. This
means any Customer or IBO volume that is not
generated from an Active IBO will “compress” and
be counted in the volume of the level immediately
[All commissionable sales will be paid through the
Unilevel Placement Tree, with the exception of sales
that qualify as FOB & First Order Team Bonus sales.]
*Team Override Bonuses are paid monthly

Differential Infinity Bonus
The Infinity Bonus begins at the 11th levels and
allows qualified IBO’s to override all sales made by
their sales organization no matter what level the sale
was generated on.
Example: If a Royal Diamond has no Silver
Executives or above in a specific leg or directly
sponsored team, they would receive a 10% Infinity
Bonus on all sales below their 10th level. Once an IBO
in that team qualifies as a Silver Executive they
would begin to earn a 1% infinity bonus on their 11th
level sales to infinity, the Royal Diamond would earn
the difference between their percentage override,
(10%) and the Slivers (1%) on the very same sale, i.e.
If a Royal Diamond has a Platinum in one of their
legs and a Gold under the Platinum in that same leg,
the Diamond is paid 10% down to the Platinum's
10th level and 7% on the Platinum's 11th level and
beyond. This is because on the Platinum's 11th level
they begin to earn a 3% Infinity Bonus themselves
(10% less 3% = 7%). The Platinum is also paid 3%
down to the Gold's 10th level and 1% on the Gold's
11th level and below. Once again, this is because on
the Gold's 11th level, the Gold Executive begins to
earn the Infinity Bonus (3% less 2% = 1%).
[The Differential Infinity Bonus pays a total of 10%
BV (FOB & First Order Team qualified BV excluded) to
qualified IBO’s and is based on the Paid As Rank.]
Note: The infinity bonus starting with the 11th level,
all Team Override Commissions will follow the
diagram above. The Differential Infinity Bonus is
calculated through the Placement Tree.
*Differential Infinity Bonuses are paid monthly

Coded Infinity Bonus
The Kannaway compensation plan rewards those
IBO’s who work hard and build a strong productive
sales team. All Paid As Ranks of Silver Executive and
above (see Achieving Higher Leadership Levels), have
the potential to earn an additional bonus of the
Business Volume (BV) on sales made by every IBO in
their sales team, no matter what level the IBO is on.
It’s all related to who made the sale, even if they are
on the 100th level.
Here’s how it works: Every IBO in the Kannaway
program has upline leadership. This is true for you
and it will be true for those in your sales organization.
Every time an IBO is enrolled into Kannaway their
Business Center is “tagged to” or “linked to” 7 of
their upline IBO’s forever.
The Qualifying leaders will earn an additional bonus
on every sale that IBO makes and potentially every
sale their entire IBO organization makes to Infinity.
[The Coded Infinity Bonus pays a total of 10% BV (FOB
& First Order Team qualified BV excluded) to qualified
IBO’s. Bonuses are based on Paid As Rank. All BV is
calculated based on Sponsorship Tree, not Placement
*Coded Infinity Bonuses are paid monthly

Bonus Pools
At Kannaway we believe in rewarding those IBO’s
who partner with us in growing the company and
sharing the Kannaway Lifestyle with others. We do
this through the Kannaway Bonus Pools Program,
which not only rewards our IBO’s for their part in the
success of the company, but it also helps to create a
company wide culture of Teamwork!
Here’s how it works: Kannaway allocates 9% of the
total company wide BV and places it into 3 pools, 2%
into the Director Pool, 3% into the Executive Pool
and 4% into the Diamond Pool. Once you reach the
rank of Regional Marketing Director, (RMD), you’ll
start sharing in the Director pool, the Director Pool is
divided by shares with RMD’s earning 1 share and
NMD’s earning 2 shares of the total pool.
The Executive and Diamond Pools work the very
same way with shares of the pool being divided
based on Rank. [See diagram below for details]
The value of each share in a particular pool is always
equal, for example if there were 10 RMD’s and 5
NMD’s sharing the pool the total number of shares
would be 20, (1 share per RMD and 2 shares per
The total dollar amount in the pool is divided by the
total number of shares, which gives us a per share
value, RMD’s earn 1 share and NMD’s earn 2. This
processes is repeated in each pool.
Qualification is based on a Paid As Rank.
*Bonus Pools commissions are paid monthly

Organizational Structure
Sponsor Tree
When a new IBO is sponsored, they go into the Sponsor Tree as a Level 1, or frontline, to the IBO who
sponsored them. First Order Bonuses (FOB) and Coded Bonuses are based on the Sponsor Tree.
Placement Suite
The KANNAWAY compensation plan allows the Sponsoring IBO the ability to sponsor an IBO and place
them above or under another IBO on their team within 30 days from the date of enrollment. The
Sponsoring IBO will still maintain sponsorship and will receive all sponsor bonuses.
Placement Tree
When a new IBO is sponsored, they are automatically placed on their Sponsors’ 1st level. However,
anytime within the first 30 days of enrollment the sponsor may elect to place or move the enrolled IBO
above or under another IBO in their organization. All products purchased or sold by the enrolled IBO are
commissioned based on their placement when the commission period ends. Placement is an advanced
strategy that allows the sponsoring IBO the opportunity to increase sales volume in an existing leg and
enables the new IBO to gain additional support from a sales organization that is already in place. Rank
advancement, First Order Infinity Bonus, Team Override Commissions & Differential Infinity Bonuses are
all based on the BV in the Placement Tree



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Kannaway Pays 11 diff ways

Get Three & Your’s Is Free - Only $15 to become an IBO Brand Ambassador
As an Active and Qualified IBO you can qualify to receive your monthly product order for free through our Get 3 Yours is FREE program.

Have you heard about KANNAWAY? http://kannaway.com/magazine/?ba=2834652

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Take action now, and seize the opportunity!

LEARN MORE HERE >>> http://profitfromthegreenrush.com/SP/2834652

Kannaway has a product line that is based on one of the most attention-getting, headline-grabbing things in the world right now: CBD-rich hemp oil

* We’ve assembled some of the best tools ever created for internet marketing and have given them to everyone who chooses to become a Brand Ambassador with us

* Our strong start has led us to over 80,000 enrollees and more than 10,000 Brand Ambassadors who are absolutely *loving* our products. All of which has occurred in UNDER 90 days!


It’s still early. Locking in your spot with Kannaway NOW means you can lock arms with one of the most exciting opportunities to ever come to network marketing.

LEARN MORE HERE >>> http://profitfromthegreenrush.com/SP/2834652

Why is everyone in shock? Could be the products...100% organic hemp-based lifestyle and nutrition products with ZERO competition...

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The History of Hemp

The History Of Hemp & Its Importance (Must Read)

By Payed To Click Marco on Sunday, February 16, 2014 at 1:42pm

The facts cited here, with references, are generally verifiable in the Encyclopedia Britannica which was printed on hemp paper for 150 years:

All schoolbooks were made from hemp or flax paper until the 1880s; Hemp Paper Reconsidered, Jack Frazier, 1974.

It was LEGAL TO PAY TAXES WITH HEMP in America from 1631 until the early 1800s; LA Times, Aug. 12, 1981.

REFUSING TO GROW HEMP in America during the 17th and 18th Centuries WAS AGAINST THE LAW! You could be jailed in Virginia for refusing to grow hemp from 1763 to 1769; Hemp in Colonial Virginia, G. M. Herdon.
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and other founding fathers GREW HEMP; Washington and Jefferson Diaries. Jefferson smuggled hemp seeds from China to France then to America.

Benjamin Franklin owned one of the first paper mills in America and it processed hemp. Also, the War of 1812 was fought over hemp. Napoleon wanted to cut off Moscow’s export to England; Emperor Wears No Clothes, Jack Herer.

For thousands of years, 90% of all ships’ sails and rope were made from hemp. The word ‘canvas’ is Dutch for cannabis; Webster’s New World Dictionary.

80% of all textiles, fabrics, clothes, linen, drapes, bed sheets, etc. were made from hemp until the 1820s with the introduction of the cotton gin.
The first Bibles, maps, charts, Betsy Ross’s flag, the first drafts of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were made from hemp; U.S. Government Archives.

The first crop grown in many states was hemp. 1850 was a peak year for Kentucky producing 40,000 tons. Hemp was the largest cash crop until the 20th Century; State Archives.

Oldest known records of hemp farming go back 5000 years in China, although hemp industrialization probably goes back to ancient Egypt.
Rembrants, Gainsboroughs, Van Goghs as well as most early canvas paintings were principally painted on hemp linen.

In 1916, the U.S. Government predicted that by the 1940s all paper would come from hemp and that no more trees need to be cut down. Government studies report that 1 acre of hemp equals 4.1 acres of trees. Plans were in the works to implement such programs; Department of Agriculture
Quality paints and varnishes were made from hemp seed oil until 1937. 58,000 tons of hemp seeds were used in America for paint products in 1935; Sherman Williams Paint Co. testimony before Congress against the 1937 Marijuana Tax Act.

Henry Ford’s first Model-T was built to run on hemp gasoline and the CAR ITSELF WAS CONTRUCTED FROM HEMP! On his large estate, Ford was photographed among his hemp fields. The car, ‘grown from the soil,’ had hemp plastic panels whose impact strength was 10 times stronger than steel; Popular Mechanics, 1941.

Hemp called ‘Billion Dollar Crop.’ It was the first time a cash crop had a business potential to exceed a billion dollars; Popular Mechanics, Feb., 1938.
Mechanical Engineering Magazine (Feb. 1938) published an article entitled ‘The Most Profitable and Desirable Crop that Can be Grown.’ It stated that if hemp was cultivated using 20th Century technology, it would be the single largest agricultural crop in the U.S. and the rest of the world.

The following information comes directly from the United States Department of Agriculture’s 1942 14-minute film encouraging and instructing ‘patriotic American farmers’ to grow 350,000 acres of hemp each year for the war effort:

‘…(When) Grecian temples were new, hemp was already old in the service of mankind. For thousands of years, even then, this plant had been grown for cordage and cloth in China and elsewhere in the East. For centuries prior to about 1850, all the ships that sailed the western seas were rigged with hempen rope and sails. For the sailor, no less than the hangman, hemp was indispensable…

…Now with Philippine and East Indian sources of hemp in the hands of the Japanese…American hemp must meet the needs of our Army and Navy as well as of our industries…

…the Navy’s rapidly dwindling reserves. When that is gone, American hemp will go on duty again; hemp for mooring ships; hemp for tow lines; hemp for tackle and gear; hemp for countless naval uses both on ship and shore. Just as in the days when Old Ironsides sailed the seas victorious with her hempen shrouds and hempen sails. Hemp for victory!’

Certified proof from the Library of Congress; found by the research of Jack Herer, refuting claims of other government agencies that the 1942 USDA film ‘Hemp for Victory’ did not exist.

Hemp cultivation and production do not harm the environment. The USDA Bulletin #404 concluded that hemp produces 4 times as much pulp with at least 4 to 7 times less pollution. From Popular Mechanics, Feb. 1938:

‘It has a short growing season…It can be grown in any state…The long roots penetrate and break the soil to leave it in perfect condition for the next year’s crop. The dense shock of leaves, 8 to 12 feet above the ground, chokes out weeds.
…hemp, this new crop can add immeasurably to American agriculture and industry.’







This is a once and a lifetime type opportunity so don't waste another second register right away...

** Here is how to get registered **

1. Go to http://CountdownToKannaway.com/CPvideo/2834652

2. Put in your email address

3. Watch the video overviews

4. Click on SIGNUP TODAY

5. Make your initial product purchase

6. Share the experience with your friends

You can also get more info here: www.mycbdresearch.com

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This is not WEED

The common misconception on Cannabis Hemp is based on the visual similarities to “marijuana.” Hemp and marijuana come from the same species of plant known as Cannabis Sativa. They produce compounds known as “Cannabinoids,” which is where Cannabidiol (CBD) and Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are derived from.

“Marijuana” is cultivated for high levels of THC, which is concentrated mostly in the flowers and trichomes of the plant. THC is the psychoactive chemical responsible for most of marijuana’s psychological effects that gets people high.

Industrial hemp is high in fiber and low in active tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Hemp contains an abundance of CBD, which comprises up to 40% of the cannabis or hemp plant. It is non-psychoactive, meaning it won’t induce a “high.” CBD is 100% legal in all 50 states.

According to the Agricultural Marketing Resource Center, “Canada and the European Union maintain this distinction by strictly regulating the THC levels of industrial hemp, requiring it to be less than 0.3 percent, compared to THC levels of between 3 to 30 percent in marijuana.”

Industrial hemp has been cultivated all over the world for around 10,000 years. The founding fathers of the United States grew industrial hemp. Sails and ropes on ships in the Revolutionary War were made from hemp. The United States cultivated hemp for cloth and fiber for military uniforms, canvas, and rope during WWII.

Since the 1950’s, industrial hemp has not been grown legally in the United States. The Federal Controlled Substances Act, which categorizes any product that contains THC (including industrial hemp) as a “drug,” which makes it illegal to raise any cannabis plant varieties.

On February 7, 2014 President Obama signed the 2014 Farm Bill, which contains an amendment to allow institutions of higher education (colleges and universities) and State Agricultural Departments to grow industrial hemp for academic or agricultural research purposes. However, it only applies to states where industrial hemp farming is already legal under state law.

Currently, nine states including: California, Colorado, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, Washington, and West Virginia have laws making industrial hemp legal.







This is a once and a lifetime type opportunity so don't waste another second register right away...

** Here is how to get registered **

1. Go to http://CountdownToKannaway.com/CPvideo/2834652

2. Put in your email address

3. Watch the video overviews

4. Click on SIGNUP TODAY

5. Make your initial product purchase

6. Share the experience with your friends

You can also get more info here: www.mycbdresearch.com

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Friday, June 20, 2014

Join the TheHealthyHempKClub

First things first, let’s cover who the company is. Kannaway is a San Diego-based company that sells hemp based products through a Network Marketing business model. The health and wellness products the company sells are rich in hemp oils. For example, the products will contain Cannabidiol (CBD) which supports the nutritional health of aging bodies. http://store.kannaway.com/?2834652

KannaWay, LLC was founded in 2014 and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of General Hemp, LLC. Products for Kannaway’s businesses. The products will exclusively be supplied by HempMedsPX, LLC, which is a distributor of federally legal, hemp-based CBD products and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Medical Marijuana, Inc. (MJNA). HempMeds is the master distributor and marketing company for CannaVest Corp.


We are The World's First LEGAL Cannabis Income Opportunity! We are legal in all 50 states! Kannaway a hemp lifestyle company with a focus on nutritional wellness whose products contain CBD rich hemp oil. There is a big difference between HEMP and MARIJUANA. Please don't confuse Kannaway as a Marijuana Business Opportunity. ...it has absolutely nothing to do with it. Our products are 100% LEGAL in all 50 States.

These *Products* are not designed to get you high, but to get you WELL … and everyone you know !


It contains very, very low THC content and very, very high Cannibidiol (CBD) Content will encourage endless medical applications with more being discovered everyday.

We are the First EVER Hemp Based Network Marketing Company
Zero Competition (First To Market Opportunity)
Publicly Traded Parent Company
Legally Shipping Products To All 50 States !!
Major National Media Buzz Around CBD & Hemp Based Products
Extremely lucrative compensation plan designed to create six and seven figure earners
Powerful launch strategy designed to bring in thousands and thousands of people during pre-launch

If this is the first time you’re hearing about this amazing opportunity hitting the marketplace, you can certainly thank me later but for now you need to get plugged into our company power-line marketing system.

The company is allowing people to secure a spot for only $15 to check everything out. You literally have nothing to lose but everything to gain by securing your spot in our power-line system.

Refer Lots and Lots of people here and talk about it with them ! ( BE SURE TO HAVE THEM USE YOUR ID# TO SIGN UP ) refer 3 and it's Free.

You’re probably thinking that this is the first weed mlm. NOOOOO. of course that is illegal. you see the ingredients in the kannaway product is not the same thing in weed.

So people are not getting high while making money. if so that would be great for them but it would be illegal and this company would quickly be shut down.
hemp is a well known ingredient that has been around for centuries and is used in a multitude of things but we won’t get into that this time.

The Kannaway compensation plan provides 11 ways to earn income. kannaway hemp cannabis mlm has a structure in which you refer three people and your membership is free. kannaway hemp cannabis mlm is built by legs and volume. kannaway hemp cannabis mlm theres three packages or different levels to buy into

From a business standpoint, it’s good to know that the compensation plan allows you to make immediate income as well as residual income. Like most compensation plans in the industry, you can earn income by selling products and sponsoring new distributors into your team. And like most compensation plans, you can also build residual income by building a base of customers that purchase products each and every month. There are also incentives like Car Bonuses on the table for top producers. Overall, the compensation looks pretty lucrative and there’s no doubt that the right person can make a great income. Of course, if you’re serious about becoming a distributor, you should review the detailed compensation plan and do your own due diligence. You can check out the compensation plan document right here.

Kannaways Product Line contains CBD Rich Hemp Oil Infused Products.
We have Cannabis Beauty Defined Anti-aging skin care line. We have the HempVÄ€P which is the first hemp-based cannabidiol (CBD) vaporizer product on the market. It is the new hip, stylish and natural alternative to smoking!an we have KannaKick. This is a first-of-its kind functional food chew square that contains CBD-Rich Hemp Oil.


The oil Kannaway uses CBD-rich oil IS legal in all 50 states and the parent company has been selling it for 7 years and has been proven through third-party laboratory testing to be higher in CBD’s than any other oil. The last time it was tested against many other oils, it was found to be 97% CBD-rich and the closest competitor was only 56%. This is why it is such a powerful product.

"During the Kannaway convention in Denver in May 2014, we introduced the world's first CBD-rich hemp oil functional food energy chew, KannaKick(TM), and the world's first CBD-rich hemp oil anti-aging luxury product line, Cannabis Beauty DEFINED(TM). We are extremely pleased to announce that yet another new, innovative CBD-rich hemp oil product will be unveiled in Atlanta."

The Kannaway Buzz Launch Compensation Plan revolves around the recruitment of affiliates and the mandatory purchase of Kannaway products. There are literally 10 ways to earn. It’s really quite simple. Get 3 and yours is free; and the car bonus is actually very easy to achieve and you get a BMW or Mercededes. Also it is not a binary. It goes 10 levels deep and infinitely wide. There is no break-away in this model. You keep what you earn, always as long as you maintain your BV which is 50 if memory serves. Very, very easy.

In a nutshell, affiliates sign up and then are required to purchase Kannaway products to secure their position in the company’s compensation plan. Affiliates who do not purchase Kannaway products are sent to the back of line and given another three days to make a purchase.

Once an affiliate has purchased their Kannaway products compensation plan position, they are locked in the queue. It’s important to understand that Kannaway does not pay commissions for the recruitment of other Brand Ambassadors. ALL commissions paid in the Kannaway program are paid solely from the sale of Kannaway products. Since your goal as a new Kannaway Brand Ambassador is to acquire customers that buy Kannaway products—and to build a strong team of motivated Brand Ambassador who do the same—the 8 Weeks to Success program is an exciting (yet optional) action plan that rewards Brand Ambassadors for building their businesses correctly.

We Have a well balanced plan that focuses on product sales and not recruiting. We have an additional “8 Weeks To Success” comp plan on top of the regular comp plan for those that want to earn financial freedom on the fast track.

8 Weeks to Success Rules
I. To be qualified, a Brand Ambassador must personally enroll at least one active Brand Ambassador each week, or a Brand Ambassador may personally enroll up to eight Brand Ambassadors at any time during the 8 Weeks to Success program and be fully vested.
II. If a Brand Ambassador fails to enroll a new Brand Ambassador in a given week, they will forfeit the bonus for that week(s); however, they may re-qualify the next week by enrolling an active and qualified Brand Ambassador. (Unless they are vested with eight enrollments.) Only
III. Brand Ambassadors may only personally participate in the 8 Weeks to Success program during their first eight weeks.
IV. BV from all company sales, with the exception of BV from sale that generate an FOB bonus and are paid out as FOB & FOTB Bonues are paid in the 8 Weeks to Success bonus.
IV. Brand Ambassadors who personally sell or purchase a Kannaway Starter Pack or products equaling the Qualifying BV will count as a Personally Enrolled Brand Ambassador for the 8 Weeks to Success bonus. Commissions are paid weekly.
V. Commissions are paid solely from the sale of products and not on the recruitment of Brand Ambassadors.

KannaWay has a generous and straightforward compensation plan that rewards their IBO’s 9 different ways and gives them 3 different options to earn a car! In order to qualify for commissions you will need to register with KannaWay and become an Independent Business Owner (IBO) by Paying the $15 a month. This gives you access to the marketing websites and funnels, a secure back office, training, and media marketing system. next you have the choice to personally sell or purchase product to activate your business center. finally maintain a minimum personal recurring sales volume (PV). what is nice with this plan is that you dont have to actually buy any product if you don’t want. you can earn all your PV through sales if you choose.

The 10 Ways you earn are:
8 Weeks To Success comp plan
Direct Sales Income
Get Three & Your’s is Free
First Order Bonus
First Order Team Bonus
Team Override Bonus
Differential Infinity Bonus
Coded Infinity Bonus
Bous Pools
Car Program

Kannaway requires affiliates to pay an “IBO fee” (purportedly $15 a month). Once they’ve done this they’ll be eligible for shares in one of twelve pools. Note that the recruitment criteria below is for the duration of the Buzz prelaunch period.

Pool 1 -recruit 1 to 3 affiliates
Pool 2 – recruit 4 to 6 affiliates
Pool 3 – recruit 7 to 9 affiliates
Pool 4 - recruit 10 to 12 affiliates
Pool 5 - recruit 13 to 15 affiliates
Pool 6 - recruit 16 to 18 affiliates
Pool 7 - recruit 19 to 21 affiliates
Pool 8 - recruit 22 to 24 affiliates
Pool 9 - recruit 25 to 27 affiliates
Pool 10 - recruit 28 to 30 affiliates
Pool 11 - recruit 31 to 33 affiliates
Pool 12 - recruit 34 or more affiliates

Money in the pools is determined by the sales volume generated by all the affiliates in any given pool. An affiliate’s individual share in the pool they qualify for is determined by the amount of sales volume that occurred under them in the prelaunch straight-line queue.


After you join you will receive 3 of their own landing pages with your code built in. Kannaway also provides some of the easiest, slickest and most powerful marketing software on the planet. There is nothing else like it, it only costs $15 per month (which is a steal) and you will be able to post pre-made, content-rich ads with your code already built in to more than 300 social sites…with one click. Any time those ads are re-shared, your representative’s link stays with the ad and you receive credit for any sign-ups, no matter how many times it is shared.


Everything about the company from start to finish is extremely professional and well-done. The marketing materials are top notch and beautiful along with the websites; and with more than 70 products based on the richest CBD-oil in the world, this is a winner. Anyone who does not know about CBD’s can watch this video http://youtu.be/n0rgILN2wn4 or go to http://www.MyCBDResearch.com and signing up to be a rep is easy at

Why should you join now?
1. Everyone is receiving their product and the products are excellent. (I DO actually use them everyday.)
2. The product line that Kannaway sells is 100% legal in all 50 states according to Federal Legislation (I HAVE actually read it).
3. Kannaway IS a viable opportunity backed by $70 Million in research and development. (We ARE actually doing very well and the company support is excellent!)
4. It’s not secret, hidden information that HempMedsPx is providing the products.
5. The compensation plan has been fully disclosed and explained and is available to all Representatives. (It is quite lucrative, with 10 ways to earn, including a very nice, rather easily-obtainable car bonus with models including Mercedes and BMW’s from which to choose.)
6. The websites are beautiful and professionally made and ALL Reps get 3 landing pages that are currently free. Its only cost $15 per month to use the personalized landing pages and software that is unrivaled in the industry, which will enable all Representatives to take their business to the next level.
7. Kannaway has 2 high-powered legal teams working for them, as a fact, so compliance is assured.

There has never been anything like this and the ‘buzz’ along with the quality of leadership, reminds me of the early days of another MLM giant with ‘Way’ in the name that will go unnamed. So when there is another opportunity to get involved at the ground floor of something so huge like this, I consider it a no-brainer. This is truly unprecedented and I hope to see you guys there!

This is a once and a lifetime type opportunity so don't waste another second register right away...

** Here is how to get registered **

1. Go to http://CountdownToKannaway.com/CPvideo/2834652

2. Put in your email address

3. Watch the video overviews

4. Click on SIGNUP TODAY

5. Make your initial product purchase

6. Share the experience with your friends

You can also get more info here: www.mycbdresearch.com

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