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Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Are you in looking to get more traffic to your website and need a little more facebook training? If you have a blog, website, or mlm company replicated website you need traffic. Or people visiting your website to see your offer on a daily basis. Without traffic then you’re going to have a hard time having any success. But with a little facebook training, you will be on your way to massive success. One important tip before we get to the facebook training Facebook is a place that people come to have fun and mingle with others. Its like one big social party. Think about that when you’re promoting your business. No one wants to get pitched an opportunity every time they login to their account. Have fun and upload stuff that people want to feel they can connect with you about.

Facebook Training Tip #1 Have a Cool Profile Picture First impressions are worth it’s weight in gold and your profile picture will set you apart from the rest. Your facebook training will start by making sure you have a great profile picture. Upload a picture of you smiling and having a good time. No one wants a stuffy person. Use the timeline to upload new pictures each day. This makes it different each time someone logs in to see you.

Facebook Training Tip #2 Promote Your Url with Education Just below your profile picture is a place to give information about yourself. Use the education section to send people to a fanpage that gives more information about your business. I see a lot of people that have “Self employed and loving it” Make an education link just for you, something like “Self employed and making money”. Then link it to a fanpage.

Facebook Training Tip #3 Add Daily Photos Do you have a cell phone with a camera? My guess is you do. Then take pictures every day and upload it. Oh you are asking “what do I take pictures of?” EVERYTHING. Take a photo of you eating, take a photo of you working out, take a photo of you feeding the fish in the pond. Make it fun, people will start to ask themselves this question. “How can they have all this free time to have this much fun?” “I better find out what type of business they are involved in so I can have that much free time”

Facebook Training Tip #4 Check in Did you go to the gym? Check in. Are you at a company event? Check in. What ever you are doing check in. What this does is ad one more thing to the total news feed. So when someone is surfing on facebook they see you are all over the place. It keeps your name at the top of the news feed.

Facebook Training Tip #5 Lots of Likes On your news feed you will see other people posting stuff all day also. Like as many things as you can on the feed. This is a huge viral tool that is part of your overall facebook training. It’s shocking to realize how many other people will see your likes. If you do enough it draws more attention to you.

Facebook Training Tip #6 Repost Same as likes on the news feed. Re Post, or share what others are posting. If someone posted a cool success quote. Share it on your wall. If someone uploaded a cool picture. Share it on your wall. This is another huge viral tool to use.

Facebook Training Tip #7 Create Value On your Wall Your facebook training will end with the most important. Your facebook wall. When you post on your wall think in your mind. “Is this going to create value for someone else?” Ask yourself this question every time. The true way to long term success is always creating value for others. And your facebook wall is the best place to do this.

Facebook Posting Techniques That Really Work

When’s the best time to post? While weekends and off-peak hours from 2pm to 5am are the times when page admins are least likely to add a new post, those are the posts that receive the highest interaction rates. Thursdays, on the other hand, shoulder the highest number of postings during the week and the lowest interaction rate. And since a high level of postings results in a lower interaction rate from users, it only stands to reason that posting in off-peak hours means you’ll gain more interaction from fans.

How many times should I post per day? You’d think too many posts would offend your followers but the report suggests frequent posting increases interaction. As you might suspect, fewer posts reduce the chances users will see them. And while unsubscribe rates go up after three posts per day, they level off at higher frequencies. The secret is to find that balance between optimizing interaction and managing unsubscribes, which is going to be different for every business.

What type of content elicits the most interaction? By far, photos generate the highest interaction rate for the six varieties of content, with status updates ranking No. 2. Others -- in descending order -- include video, music and links. The fact that links are at the bottom is interesting, considering they are posted the most often. Photos rank at the top because they’re visual, easy to digest and they elicit emotion.

Should I ask fans to Like or Comment on my posts? Absolutely. Just by taking advantage of a "Like" call to action boosts your interaction rate by 216 percent. Momentus Media analyzed 49,266 Page posts, comparing interaction rates for posts with "Like" and "Comment" calls to action and those without. And while only 1.3 percent of status messages had a call to action attached, those who used "Like" or "Comment" showed a huge boost in interaction rates.

Should I ask my fans questions? You’d think that by asking questions you’d get a better interaction rate, but such is not the case. However, Facebook page admins looking to achieve the highest comment rate should pose questions and then directly ask for fans to reply with comments.

How long should my status messages be? According to this study, size does matter. While there’s a higher posting rate for shorter posts (especially those that stay within the 140-character limit for cross-posting purposes on both Twitter and Facebook), interaction increases as the length of the status message increases.

How long do my messages remain in the Newsfeed? In the first hour of a Facebook status update, half of the users who will click on the post will have done so, with 90 percent of the clicks occurring within nine hours of the post going live.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad