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Sunday, June 29, 2014

My Success Story

My success story begins the day I was born when I was born it wasn't no easy delivery for my mother I was born out of complications from a pregnancy.

I was born basically out of distress my heart rate dropped i stopped breathing and when the doctor had to do a emergency cesarean section I had 6 cc's of blood in my lungs which means I swallow a half a cup of blood.

My diagnosis at birth was cerebral palsy 23 years later I was diagnosed with hypomyelination congenital neuropathy. This disability is a weakness of the nerves and muscles and requires me to walk or a crutch every day for Daily assistance.

after I gave birth to my second daughter which was born with the exact same disability I realize that my life is bigger than me my oldest daughter came out with after 21 hours of pushing and kicking then she was perfect. My youngest daughter came out in 17 minutes with no response but crying no body movements no nothing.

In the last five years Our journey has been to conquer our disability and show people that we are just as normal as anyone else. the only difference from you and I is that I walk on a crutch you don't. she walks on a walker and kids her age don't. we think like you actually maybe better. we speak like you are even more intellectually. and we or much more fun as you we love to party.

The reasons I Workfromhome is because my goal is to show my two daughters how to inspire people by being themselves. No Matter what your problem is, you are just as inspiring as the next person because you are created and designed with a purpose.

I love sharing my story with people about our disability because my entire life my mother and father made sure I grew up as a normal child. they never ever allowed me to see myself with a handicap. And as a result I went to college got married had two daughters now working from home going to grad school from home loving my family and life. My husband and I are raising our daughters to both be the same way. Our daughters or aware that you always look over the flaws that you would not normally see in another person because those flaws are what makes that person uniquely unique.

When you realize you do have a purpose in life and it's bigger than just you. You love to Inspire others and everything you do. my first business logo was called faithluvprosperity but as I'm growing God is showing me that every day I leave my home because I am different because I do walk with the crate because when people see me they are inspired it is now time to upgrade my company logo to INSPIRED ENTREPRENEURS because I love to inspire others in a more successful way

So where does your success story began my began on September 14, 1982.

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