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Saturday, August 2, 2014

Why Join Skinny


I’ll start with the marketing system, because when it comes to building an income from home, online or offline, the marketing system is the most important factor.

One of the coolest things about Skinny Body Care is the marketing system, landing pages, and even a 5 minute movie is included 100% FREE as long as you are an active product customer. Most companies charge $19.95 to $99.95 just to use their marketing system alone. So this is a BIG plus, and makes it even easier to start earning a profit without constantly nagging your bank account with fees.

The Skinny Body Care marketing system is one of the most effective I’ve ever seen. When it comes to rating a system, the best test is always how well it converts a “visitor” into a paying customer with no personal contact. Now of course I don’t recommend or promote this, but again, for testing purposes, it’s the best test. SBC wins hands down.

Because the products work, the system explains everything, and everyone who joins really does earn a check, this may be one of the best converting marketing systems ever.

The Skinny Body Care Products:

Skinny Fiber is an amazing weight loss manager. It is a powerful supplement that hits weight loss at three angles, and is so much easier than shakes and other complicated weight management systems. GLUCOMANNAN is a fiber that makes you feel full, so you eat less, thus take in less calories. Carralluma is a natural appetite suppressant, again helping fight the #1 cause of weight gain, over eating. Then Chá de Bugre is Brazil’s best kept secret, as it may boost metabolism.***

Ageless Anti aging serum is a product you just have to try to believe. I personally use this after showering, my face gets so dry and flaky, gross I know. But after applying Ageless it is left smooth and younger looking. You really should read more on this Ageless anti aging serum, and yes people, I really do use it and it works wonders for my dry skin.***

The 3 bottles free Premier pack is simply the best way to start, see below for more details.

Skinny Body Care Compensation Plan:

The plan is a 3 X 8 forced filled matrix, with AWESOME pay outs in the matching and fast start bonuses.

No need to write a book on this plan, it’s truly dollar for dollar one of the highest pay outs in the MLM industry. Fast Start bonuses of $25, $50, and $75 help the new member earn quickly, and matching bonuses from 50% to 100%, up to five generations. That’s Generations, NOT levels. Very powerful.

Rank Advancement bonuses from $1,000 all the way up to $25,000, AND for those MLM leaders and serious builders you can also earn the Bentley Car Bonus. A brand new Bentley paid in full, in your name, no strings attached for those who qualify.

—> Take a look inside http://stopthecalories.OneBigPowerline.com

In Conclusion:

Skinny Body Care may be one of the very best product driven Home Base Business Opportunities ever put together. It has a fantastic marketing system included 100% free, a product line that covers two MAJOR niches that most everyone is looking for, and a compensation plan that dollar for dollar is one of the best in the industry.

How To Build Skinny Body Care:

I wanted to take this Skinny Body Care review one step further and assume you’re going to join this company, because most people who learn about it do. Remember when you compare other opportunities you always have to factor in another $20 to $100 per month just for the marketing system alone. With a monthly order of at least one bottle of Skinny Fiver OR Ageless for only $59.95 you are 100% qualified to earn commissions and bonuses, AND you get the state of the art marketing system including several landing pages and the 5 minute movie that converts visitors into members 100% FREE. Pretty darn cool, and affordable for everyone.

Here’s what I recommend though. Start with the Premier pack, which gives you 3 FREE bottles of either Skinny Fiver or Ageless. Then simply use this 3 FREE bottle promotion and refer 3 others to start the same way.

By just referring 3 who start with the 3 FREE bottle Premier pack, you earn $225. Actually $234 because for 38 days you’ll also be qualified as a Gold Leader and earn the extra $3 override per bottle.

Seriously, you can give away 3 FREE bottles and earn $75 every time. Pretty simple, and you can do this. Imagine the checks that will roll in by referring a few people to get 3 bottles FREE. What if you refer 10 this week, that’s $750 !!!

Take a FREE tour http://stopthecalories.com/?SOURCE=BGSBC

See you inside,

***These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


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