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Saturday, August 2, 2014

SBC Fast Start

Dear Blog Diary,Today I wanted to cover how to make some NOW money in Skinny Body Care. So by now we know that the product works, how it works, how you will know if the product is working for you and we also understand the Powerline Marketing System (for Preenrollees). So let’s get down completely the Fast Start Bonus structure and how it works. In the back office it currently shows %’s when you look at that portion of the pay plan. But I wanted to break this down in the simplest terms I can, so you can understand.

Fast Starts are what you earn when a Preferred Customer or Distributor orders Skinny Fiber from one of your websites. There will be 2 things that determine how much you earn. The first is how much product they order, the second is what your rank is at the time they order. So let me break it down for you.

When someone orders from one of your sites whether it is a Distributor or a Preferred Customer their product purchase is given a BV value.

1 Bottle of Skinny Fiber is worth 50BV
Buy 2 get 1 bottle Free is worth 100BV
Buy 3 get 3 bottles Free is worth 150BV
Buy 5 get 5 bottles Free is worth 200BV
Buy 10 get 10 bottles Free is worth 400BV

This is the First Part of the Fast Start Bonus we talked about the “Enroller Bonus”. This means that if someone ordered from your website as a Preferred Customer and they ordered the Buy 3 Get 3 bottles Free for 150BV product purchase then your “Enroller Bonus” would be $75.

The second part of the Fast Start Bonus is the Infinity Overrides. Let’s say that this month you are ranked as a Silver. So for the same person as above who orders the Buy 3 and Get 3 Free for 150BV you will earn the 50% “Enroller Bonus” plus an additional 4% for being a Silver Ranked Distributor. For a total of 54% for the 150BV order or $81. This is pretty simple to understand for the 1st Generation.

One of the things I might add when it comes to 1st Generation…. Let’s say that you are Ranked a Silver. And you brought in someone named Jane. Jane recruited a man named Bob. Jane and Bob are Unranked (meaning have not yet hit Bronze) Up until the point where Jane & Bob actually become rank advanced and even though technically Bob is your 2nd Generation of Enrollership you will earn the 1st Generation of Bronze and 1st Generation of Silver Overrides on everyone they bring into the business up until the point where they become rank advanced. So you can be earning 1st Generation of Overrides on people in your team even though you weren’t the enroller. (I wanted to get that part VERY clear) so I can move onto 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Generations as indicated above.

One of the things you MUST understand in Skinny Body Care. Not only does the system look for Generations of Enrollership, it ALSO looks for Generations of Rank Advancements below you in your Organization. (this means people connected to you through enrollership) or other words on your team.

So Let me type out a scenario for you…. Each of the people below is enrolled by the person above. So Fernando enrolled Sue, Sue enrolled Jack, Jack enrolled Jane and so on. So technically Joe would be on my 7th level of enrollership….

Ebony (I am the beginning of my enroller tree) I am a Diamond
Sue (unranked)
Jack (unranked)
Jane (unranked)
Barry (Silver)
Bob (Gold)
Seth (Bronze)
Joe (Platinum)

But the way the Generations of Overrides work in SBC, the system looks for Generations of Ranks not enrollership to pay me out the Overrides listed above.

Bronze pays out 1 Generation
Silver pays out 2 Generations
Gold pays out 3 Generations
Platinum pays out 4 Generations
Diamond pays out 5 Generations

What these means above is that it is looking for 1 Bronze to pay out the Bronze Override, 2 Silvers to pay out the Silver Override and so on…

So in my example above of people. If Jane brings someone into SBC I will earn the Bronze Over ride on that person they brought in because Sue, Jack and Jane are unranked.

If Barry brought someone into SBC (Preferred Customer or Distributor mind you) I would earn the Silver Override. This is because Barry is my 1st Generation of Bronze (which takes me out of that override) and my 1st Generation of Silver.

If Bob brought someone into SBC I would earn the Gold, Platinum & Diamond Overrides. Bob is my 2nd Generation of Silver so he takes me out of that Override.

So in closing…… As you grow your organization remember that the Fast Start overrides will pay you $$ Overrides on Fast Start bonuses up until there are 5 Generations of Diamonds in an enroller tree leg.. Hope that makes sense…

As you can see by the earnings summary above, this account is not recruiting or enrolling anyone. But people within the organization are bringing in Preferred Customers & Distributors. So since the organization doesn’t have 5 generations of Diamonds below it yet, those Diamond overrides really ADD UP!

As your team grows your overrides grow with it!!

Have a super day! http://stopthecalories.SBCPower.com

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