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Sunday, December 6, 2015

Order Your SF Now

Eat REAL food 🌽🍌🍏and still lose weight! 2 pills with a glass of water 30-45 mins before lunch and dinner!! Feel full, so you eat less! It's that simple! 


πŸ’—πŸ’œMonthly Health Weekly Goals order your SF here skinnyfibersales.com πŸ’—πŸ’œ

πŸ’—πŸ’œWeek 1 – Stop drinking your calories.

Week 1, you will commit to drinking water, freshly brewed tea, freshly made juice and homemade smoothies you make at home. Cut out all soda, diet drinks, store bought, sweetened tea and store bought juice from concentrate. How much water should you drink each day? Start with 7-9 glasses of water per day (56-72 oz). Add fruit, tea and natural sweeteners (Stevia, agave, etc) to your water for more flavor.

πŸ’—πŸ’œWeek 2- Commit to feeding your body, NOT your emotions. If you are dealing with emotional eating, stress eating, overeating or food addiction, get to the REAL root of your issues.

For the second week, I want you to focus identifying the junk food, fast food, sugary foods and highly processed foods that you haven’t been able to let go of. Ask yourself, what are the real reasons that you can’t let go of these foods. Take the time to really think about your connection to food, emotional eating, stress eating, overeating/binging and even food addiction. If you are medicating with food and using it to soothe and comfort yourself, that’s not really a food issue. That’s a lifestyle and mindset issue and you have to approach it as such. If you can’t commit to totally cutting these foods out, keep your indulging to a minimum and use portion control. However, be real and truthful about how much junk you’re really eating and why you are eating it if you want your lifestyle and habits to change.

πŸ’—πŸ’œWeek 3– Decide on a plan for eating and meal planning.

For the third week If you haven’t done your research and embraced an eating plan, it’s time to do that. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. One of the number one reasons people don’t get results, is because they don’t go into weight loss with a clear plan and clear, reasonable goals in mind. When it comes to eating, it’s very easy to get off track, eat too much or eat too little food.  

πŸ’—πŸ’œWeek 4– Decide on your exercise plan for the next 60 days. Workout at for at least 30 minutes, 3-4 times a week (minimum).

This week you will decide on your exercise plan for the next 60 days. No one can tell you what exercise routine will work best for you. Just like an eating plan, you have to do your research and figure out what will work for Y-O-U. However, there is no room for excuses. From home workout DVDs, to YouTube videos to fitness magazines, there are tons of workout resources out there at your disposal. Walking, jogging, HIIT, Tabata, cardio, Zumba, weight training, etc. If you’ve been exercising regularly, but haven’t challenged yourself in a few months, it’s time to consider more intensity.

πŸ’—πŸ’œBuy 1 on sale now save 10%. Or you can Order 2 Get 1 Free or Order 3 Get 3 Free Go to SKINNYFIBERSALES.COM . Plus free priority shipping πŸ’—πŸ’œ