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Sunday, December 31, 2000


So you’ve created a profile on Tsū, http://tsu.co/BossDiva you’ve added a few friends… a few random people are even following you, but you want to know how you can make some extra sustainable royalties and build your Tsū brand. Although Tsū is still new, we have put together some general guidelines on how to increase the value of your profile:

1. Interesting Content – The best kind of content is extremely unique content which is generated by someone and cannot be found anywhere else. Having this sort of content will help you gain followers and will keep your current friends and followers engaged. For the average user, this means your friends and family, so let them know where you go, what moves you, a funny story that happened to you or pictures of you. Remember, that royalties come from posts, so the larger your audience and the more you post, the more royalties you get. You own the content, so make it your best!

2. Recruitment – Until the outside world understand the Tsū Philosophy, there will be skepticism because they do not understand. Rather than just blasting your link over every social media outlet, take your time explaining it to people close to you. Once they understand and join, you are more likely to attract the masses when they see it coming from 10-20 of their friends rather than just one person.

3. Build Your Following – Spend the majority of your time early on searching and inviting friends on the network. Hashtags (#hashtags) are the best tool for spreading your posts. Anytime anyone searches for the terms that are hash-tagged on your post, it will show up. The more views your posts see, the more royalties you will be entitled to. Tsū has a tool on the desktop or ipad which will allow you to find your friends that are on Tsū AND on Facebook under “Settings”. They will be adding this feature to the apps hopefully in a few days as well. You can find this at: www.tsu.co/settings/findfriends

Most people do not want to sacrifice their privacy and Tsū has created “Friends” and “Followers” to deal with this. When you create a post, you will have the option of making it “Public” which will put it out to all of your Friends and Followers and “Friends Only” will post to exactly that… only your friends. This allows you to post without sacrificing your privacy.

4. DO NOT OVER-POST – This is a rookie mistake that can really be abused on a site like Tsū. Users will begin to understand that every time they post something, their profile will get views and thus will generate revenue. Followers do not want to see their NewsFeed plastered with content from one user. The problem with this is there’s a “critical mass” point where if the content becomes uninteresting users will begin to “hide comments”, un-follow, or even de-friend people. This is most apparent during Presidential Elections where political rants run ramped throughout your wall. While you are welcome to your opinion, the vast majority of users do not like this type of polarizing post. The only time this works is if you have a specific profile built to appeal to a specific audience (ie. – The Right Wingers).

5. Using Emoticons Will Increase Your Comments By 33% – If you thought that only teenage girls use Emoticons, think again. According to AMEX OPEN FORUM, not only are there 33% more comments with posts with Emoticons, but they are Liked 57% more often than those without!

6. Question Posts Get Double the Comments – In the same Kissmetric study, they found that written posts that are in the form of a question receive 100% more engagement then posts which are statements. “What should I have for dinner?” or “Does anyone know a good doctor in Boca Raton?” will get double the comments then “I’m having chicken again for dinner” or “Time to make a doctor’s appointment”.

7. Users Get More Engaged at the End of the Week – Buddymedia ran a study that found that engagement rates on Social Media sites are 18% higher as the weekend approaches; specifically on Thursdays and Fridays. There are theories that the closer the weekend comes, the less people want to work or users tend to be out more often on those days and thus want to document their escapades. Either way, posts on Thursdays and Fridays will gain a good amount more interaction.

Hopefully some of these ideas give you a roadmap how to begin monetizing your profile and happy Tsūing!

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- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad