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Wednesday, May 25, 2016


Almost all of us have met many different types of soulmates in our life. Some of them come in solely for the purpose of teaching us something, some to break apart our life and redirect us to somewhere different and some who pass us for the briefest of moments, yet tug on our hearts as if we’ve known them a lifetime. Each type will help you reveal the layers of your spirit, and guide you towards finding the ultimate soulmate…
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The Friend Soulmate
Sometimes we meet a person and just from that moment we behave like we have known them our entire life, even if we’ve only known them a few minutes.
You could talk to this person for hours on end and never get bored. These types of soulmates actually know you better than you know yourself, which is why they are extremely important in your life. They “get you” in ways nobody else does and help you find your way through all of life’s trials and triumphs.
The Affair Soulmate
These people don’t stay in our lives forever, but they come in as a lover and typically take on the form of a really beautiful relationship for a period of time. These soulmates are meant to be in our lives for a certain period of time to teach us about ourselves and other important lessons about our life road.
Soulmates like this often stay on good terms and become friends after their relationship ends, both realizing and acknowledging how much the other person taught them. Therefore that “soul connection” lasts a lifetime even though the romantic love portion of the dynamic fades.
The Stranger Soulmate
This is always a very brief encounter with somebody you don’t know. It might be the person you sat next to on a flight for a few hours, someone you meet and spend time with one evening at a party, or as brief as a stranger whose eyes yours meet on the street and you exchange just a few words with.
If you believe in past lives, it’s typically because you are recognizing them as someone who truly is from your past.
The exchange is brief but intimate. They normally say something that you need to hear in that moment, validate something that you’ve been feeling or push you in a direction you need to go but are afraid. You know in the depths of your soul the encounter meant something even though you never see them again.
The Teacher Soulmate
Also referred to as Karmic Soulmates. A significant other, a friend, a family member, and even an enemy can be a teacher soul. This relationship can be romantic but it does not last. No matter how strong the attraction is, teacher souls do not make good romantic partners as they will never see you as their equal.
Teacher soulmates bring out the best and worst parts in you. They are around to teach a lesson, and what you fail to learn from one karmic soulmate, you will tend to seek from another.
More than often, teacher souls start as friends and end as near-strangers when their work is done. When that happens it’s best to accept the wisdom gained from the teacher soul and move on. Understanding why they appeared will help you appreciate them for what they were — a lesson, and nothing more.
Divine Love Soulmate
This is the soulmate that every one of us desires to have. And if we’re lucky enough, we will meet them and live out the rest of our days on this earth together.
They encompass all of the above… the familiarity, the feeling of having known them for an entire lifetime moments after meeting them, the intense bond and connection that never goes away, the deep friendship, and the extraordinary, enchanted, deep-seated love.