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Monday, February 29, 2016


About Total Life Changes

TLC ® offers an amazing line of health and beauty products along with a great business opportunity. Founder and CEO Jack Fallon created TLC over 16 years ago with a single product: Iaso NUTRABURST. We have continued to grow the Iaso® brand of products like our popular Iaso Tea. Our hybrid binary system allows IBOs of TLC to be compensated quickly for introducing new reps to our products and business opportunity. We are dedicated to providing the greatest opportunity for you to feel healthier and flourish financially. Join us and thousands of others who have already started making Total Life Changes. http://bit.ly/GETPAIDEVERYWEEK

Saturday, February 27, 2016

118 ways to promote

118 ways to promote your business

Not my thoughts 

#1. Take a small zip close baggie (snack sizes work well) and include

the following in it:

Your Business Card, Business Oppty Mini Flyer, a Piece of Candy such as hard candy or a lollipop, mini flyer of current host specials, discount coupon (optional) etc.

Hand these out to the bank tellers, retail cashiers, at your kids sport events, every where you go!

#2. When I stay at hotels & motels I leave a mini catalog, my business card & discount coupon and the mini coin canister for the maid! I put her tip inside the mini coin canister! I have gotten 3 orders by doing this!

Be creative when you leave tips for Hotel Maids, Waitresses, Waiters, Hair Dressers, etc. Don't just hand them your business card, make it memorable!

You can also buy cute little beaded change purses at your local dollar discount store!

#3. Print out flyers with your contact info (not your personal address), your website address & email address along with any current specials you are offering.

Then contact local area mobile home park offices, apartment complex rental offices, housing developements etc and ask them if you can leave fliers in their office or hang on their tennants doors. Give

the office employees a free gift or discount on their personal orders.

#4. Contact local area bridal supply stores, bridal gown stores, caterers, tux rental centers, wedding dj's etc. Ask them if you can leave your business cards & fliers about the great (Company Name) Bridal Gift Registry for them to give to their customers.

Offer store owners a free gift or a personal discount for helping you spread the word about your business.

#5. Daycare Centers! They are excellent to contact and leave business cards and/or fliers at!

I print out a flyer and I attach my business card & a discount coupon. I get alot of orders by doing this!

So whatever company you represent, find some items that cater to children or to moms and make up a flier!

#6. Alot of churches hold a Spring and Fall Fest! Contact them about getting a table or a booth. Alot of times this will cost you under $15.00 for a space!

Make sure you take products with you along with business oppty fliers, plenty of catalogs, business cards etc.

Do a contest drawing at these types of events. Make up entry blanks

that gather the customers info so that you can initiate contact with

them again!

#7. Join your local area chamber of commerce! They are always holding

local business events that you can participate in.

#8. College Campuses! Dorms & Housing Students are always looking to

spend money! Alot of college students are also looking for an extra

income so target them with the Business Oppty too!

Drop off fliers and business cards to the College Student Center!

They usually have bulletin boards, tables and other things where you

can leave your information at for FREE!

#9. Contact your local area Welcome Wagon or Welcome to the

Neighborhood Group! Ask them about you leaving mini catalogs, fliers,

business cards, discount coupons, freebie mini gifts, etc with them.

They are always looking for additional items to place in their

Welcome Bags!

#10. Contact your local area hospitals and ask for Human Resources

Dept. The Majority of hospitals hand out New Mommy Diaper Bags filled

with products, samples and other stuff for New Moms who just had a


It's FREE for you to add in your information! I have gotten party

hosts, new customers and new recruits by participating in these types

of programs.

#11. Contact your local medical offices, particularly Gynecology and

OB Offices and Pediatric Offices and inquire about you leaving

information with them.

This is a way for you to target Parents of Children with both the

home party oppty, the business oppty and new customer sales.

#12. Donate a Product to your local area Radio Station, they have

numerous contests and they are always looking for sponsors!

Your donation can be written off as a tax deduction plus you will get

FREE Advertising & Business Exposure for your donation!

#13. Donate a Product to your local area Bingo Halls! They are always

looking for sponsors of their Bingo Prizes! Bingo is BIG in alot of


#14. Call your Chamber of Commerce and find out about Local Area Job

Fairs. Get a booth and set up info about the fabulous business oppty!

#15. Call your Local Area Colleges and find out when their next

job/employment fair is. Alot of times you can get a booth or table

for less than $35 and you will get alot of GREAT new recruit leads by

participating in events like these.

#16. Contact local area car dealerships. I have 2 in my local area

that hand out a small packet that I made up for FREE to their

customers who come in to take a free test drive!

#17. Target your local area gyms! You can get a table space for $20

or less in most cases! Make sure you have 3-5 products on display,

plenty of catalogs, business cards and fliers.

#18. Network with others in your community who are in home business.

Find out what events and activities that they participate in. They

are usually "in the know" and can help you get started in networking

in your community.

#19. Contact Companies in your area to see if you can come in and set

up a table in the employee lounge or cafeteria for a employee

shopping break! These days alot of companies will allow you to do

this if you ask them!

#20. Does your local area tv cable company have a local information

channel? Inquire about advertising! These ads will reach thousands of

potential buyers for you! I recommend you only use your website

address for these types of advertising and not your personal at home


#21. Contact local small companies and shops to see if you can offer

an exclusive discounts or freebie gift to their employees. Companies

are always looking for a way to "treat" their employees to specials

from the local surrounding community.

#22. Small Home Town Newspapers! I dont get too good of a response

when I do big newspaper city ads, however... when I target small town

newspapers I usally get a great response. I even had them let me

place an ad on their wedding and engagement announcements page which

I advertised the Bridal Gift Registry.

So if you are going to do any type of newspaper advertising, inquire

about getting your ads on specific pages in the newspaper that

targets the group of people most likely to buy from you.

#23. Get a low cost outdoor banner printed up with your business

information on it. You can usually get them done for $55 or less

depending on who makes it.

You can have these outdoor banners displayed at outdoor music/concert

events, outdoor childrens sporting events, outdoor adult sport

events, outdoor neighborhood block parties, outdoor community events,

carnivals, fairs, etc.

#24. Take your business on the road during nice weather. Contact

local area parks & community centers to see what their schedule of

events are and inquire about setting up a booth or table.

This is a great way to network & market your business to those in

your community.

#25. Community Clipper Coupon Packs & Sales Flyer Mailings. These

days alot of communities have mailings such as these, contact them

and see how you can participate and advertise your business.

#26. Contact small local area businesses such as hair salons, massage

parlors, boutiques, banks etc.

See if you can set up a table for 1 week with 3 of your best selling

products on it along with some catalogs, fliers, coupons and your

business card. Keep a basket on the table for any customer orders

which you can follow up on after you return back to pick up your

display. Offer the store owner or manager a free gift for allowing

you to do this.

You can also offer to donate a prize for a contest if they let you

display the prize donated & get a copy of the contestants entry

blanks after the promotion closes.

#27. Contact local area pizza shops, diners, deli's and coffee bagel

shops to ask them about advertising on their paper placemats!

Customers do read those ads!

#28. Contact local area restaurants, bars and clubs and see about

advertising on their paper beverage coasters!

#29. Local Television Stations are always holding on-air contests &

website contests for their viewers, contact them about you donating a

prize or gift certificate to sponsor one of their contests! Great

business exposure for you!

#30. Attend Local Area holiday shopping events. Customers who are

ready to spend holiday shopping money turn out for these events by

the thousands! You can usually get a booth for less than $50.00 so

they are economical to participate in!

#31. Hold a local area community Block Party at your home or local

community center! Families are always looking for something to do

during the nice weather seasons!

Optional: Attend your neighborhood block party and set up a table

with your product offerings or samples. Get out there in your

community and get your business seen!

#32. Get your business listed in your cities telephone book yellow

pages! Alot of them also have a coupon section too!

#33. You can take this phone book advertising one step further by

finding out what company makes the plastic vinyl phone book covers

which have local business ads on them and get your business added to


#34. Get your business information printed up on pencils and hand

them out to local colleges and technical schools for them to hand out

to their adult students! This keeps your business information in

front of them! (make sure you only donate them to schools with adult


#35. Get a vehicle banner made for your automobile. I recommend the

vinyl window clings or vinyl cling ones that stick to your automobile

but dont scratch or remove the paint. You can easily remove them when

washing your vehicle!

#36. If your city has a travel guide that tourists request, contact

that business and find out how you can advertise in it too!

#37. Local City Maps! These days even city maps have advertising on

them! You can usually get a small business ad printed on them for an

economical price. Don't advertise your personal location. If you dont

have a business location then advertise your website address or email


#38. Contact local area hotels, motels and bed & breakfast inns and

ask them if you can do up a Lobby Basket and leave it in their Lobby.

What is a Lobby Basket? You make up little packs of info about your

business & products and put them into the Lobby Basket for their

patrons to take.

They usually have a pamphlet wall or area too with pamplets from

local area attractions etc. If they dont have a lobby basket area,

inquire about leaving your business info in their pamphlet area.

#39. Get your business info printed up on balloons! This is very

economical to do! You then distribute them to local community

centers, sporting events and other types of places where parents book

their childrens birthday parties!

These balloons can be displayed at the birthday party giving you

business exposure. You can usually get them done for .3-.8 cents

each. Your business name & website address is all you need on them!

#40. Find a few other self employeed business owners in your

community and team up! You can all sponsor a local parade float,

parade clowns etc. Make up signs with your business info imprinted on

them so that you can receive some great business exposure during the


#41. Get some T-shirts printed up with your business information on

it (both front & back sides) and hand them out to some friends,

family and co-workers and ask them to wear them out and about in the

community. This is their FREE gift for helping you to spread the word

about your business!

Optional: Get ball caps printed up with your business info!

#42. Get some canvas tote bags printed up with your business

information printed on it. Find a few ladies who are very active in

your community and ask them to use your tote bag and give it to them

for FREE under the agreement that they will use it every time they go

out in the community for errands & events!

#43. Get a license plate made up for your vehicle! If you have your

normal license plate on the back of your car, put your business named

one on the front of the car!

You can get one with just your business name on it for about $20-$30

per plate!

#44. Wear a business name tag every time you go out into your

community! Get a Catchy Slogan printed on it such as:

A. Ask me about (your company name) Products!

B. I work from home, you can too!

C. Earn some FREE when you party with me!

#45. Local Area Magazines! Does your city publish a City Magazine?

If so, contact them about advertising or if they hold contests for

their readers offer to donate a product or service for their contest!

#46. Check out your local area State Fairs & Community Carnivals,

there are always alot of them going on during seasonal weather.

Ask about getting a booth or table & set it up with your business

information! People love to shop at Fairs & Carnivals and they are

looking to spend money!

#47. Get some Business Card Magnets printed up and hand them out

every where you go! Have your friends & family pass them out too!

People are more apt to keep a magnetic business card compared to a

regular one which gets shoved into a drawer or wallet. By having a

magnetized card, your business is kept in front of the potential


#48. When you give gifts to family, friends, neighbors, co-workers

etc. make sure you give them gifts from your own company! This allows

other people to see & touch your gift meaning FREE business exposure

for you! (plus, you bought the gift from yourself so you are saving


#49. Invite your spouses co-workers over to your home for a little

mingling party! Serve some refreshments or do a cookout BBQ and make

sure you have a table set up with some product displays!

If you sell kitchen or food products, make sure you use them!

#50. Do a neighborhood childrens shopping party!

I do this before Christmas and again before Mother's Day. I invite

the neighborhood kids to come by and shop for gifts for their

parents and loved ones. They enjoy shopping on their own and parents

enjoy a small break from the children!

To make this successful make sure the products you are offering are

economical, I try to keep them under $25.00 each with most being

around $10.00 each. Have a table set up with some inexpensive

crafting supplies and let the children make their own greeting cards

to go with the gifts they have purchased or have a gift wrapping

table set up so they can personally wrap their gifts!

#51. Do a joint party with another consultant in a non-competing

business. Partying with a friend is always fun! You can hold it at

one hosts home, your home or at a local community center. Invite

every one you know and have others help you spread the word. Hang up

fliers at local centers & businesses too!

#52. Put an AD in the back of local high school yearbooks! You can

usually get these ads for around $20.00 which makes it affordable

advertising for you!

#53. Put an AD for your business in local Athletic Sport Programs!

You can find these at the High School Level, Minor League Level and

at Professional Sporting Events!

#54. Contact Local Churches & Religous Groups and see if you can

place an AD in their weekly church bulletins & program guides!

#55. Do you have a local Community Play House? If so, get your

business ad placed in their play programs! You can usually get ads

in them for less than $25.00

#56. Co-Sponsor a Local Youth Athletic Group! Baseball teams,

softball teams, cheerleading squads, gymnastic squads and swim

teams, etc. are always looking for sponsors!

Co-Sponsoring a team will help get your business noticed in your

local area!

#57. Get a Yard Sign! If you have a home business consider getting a

Yard Sign printed up and proudly display it in your front yard!

#58. Does your neighborhood hold local Meet & Greets? If so, make

sure you go out and attend them! Get to know your fellow community


#59. Donate a Raffle Drawing Prize to a Non-Profit Group or Charity

in your local community! They are always looking for prize donations

for their charitable raffles.

Note: Make sure you get a receipt for tax purposes!

#60. Do you have a Online Business & Website? Consider getting some

computer mouse pads printed up with your website address & business

name on them! This will keep your website & business in front of

them every time they sign online! This encourages them to check out

your website often for new products, updates & features!

#61. Local Bus Stops & Bus Sheds! Have you noticed that alot of them

have local business advertising on them? Call up the company and see

how much it would cost you to advertise there too!

#62. Does your local area grocery store allow advertisers to place

business ads on the back of their cash register receipts? If so,

contact them about getting your business ad on there too!

#63. Local baby expo's and baby events/contests! Set up a booth or

table with your business info! These events are always very popular

and a great way for you to reach new customers!

#64. Watch your local newspaper for Wedding, Engagement and New Baby

Annoucements! Make a list and then go to:

www.searchbug. com

to try to track down addresses. You can mail off your business info

to them announcing your business, bridal gift registry, baby gift

registry, etc.

#65. Stamp your business info to the outside of all outgoing postal

mail! Include your business card on the inside. Do this for personal

mail, business mail and for paying your bills!

#66. Contact your local Fire & Ambulance companies and see if you

can set up a table at their next BBQ Event or fundraiser event.

#67. Contact LOCAL Assisted Living Centers for Senior Citizens (this

is different then a nursing home!) and see if you can come in &

offer a shopping oppty. to their Senior Residents! Seniors can NOT

get out like they used too so they appreciate being able to shop

from home and the majority of them don't own computers & if they do,

they are not extremely computer savvy...so offer a one on one

shopping experience with them! They also appreciate the adult


#68. Are there local small summer concerts held in your local parks?

We have them here during the summer months! Ask about advertising

options during these community events!

#69. BUY little boxes of Smartie (tm) Candies! Put your Business

info on one side & on the front side slap on a label that says "Be a

Smartie, Earn FREE (Your Company Name) w/a Party!" Hand them out

every where you go!

#70. Make up candy packs with your business info attached to them

and hand out to the Halloween Trick or Treaters!

#71. Exchange Business Cards, Fliers or Coupons with another Home

Party Consultant in a NON-Competing Business and place her filler in

your bags & outgoing packages & have her do the same for you! Sort

of "scratching each others backs".

#72. The PUBLIC Library! I go in there often and see all kinds of

local advertisements for businesses there! See if you can leave a

catalog & a few business cards!

#73. Do a CATALOG SWAP with another party plan consultant (NON

competing business). See if she will swap a few catalogs with you.

You hand out a few of her catalogs at the END of your party and have

her do the same! Hand them out as guests are LEAVING the party!

#74. I have a friend & fellow network member who prints out for

me...mint books...she prints a pretty graphic on it, along with my

business info...they look like matchbooks and inside is a piece of

peppermint hard candy! They are inexpensive too! I think I paid

$8.00 for 40+ of them! She includes the candy too! I can refer her

to you if you want to try those! Tell Tonya that Shelly sent ya!

www.bboopsworld. com/

#75. Do a PARTY SWAP with a Consultant in another HOME party

business! (NON-COMPETING! ) Tell her if she holds a (Your Company)

Party for you.....you will hold a XYZ Party for her!

#76. Ask about getting your info printed onto golf tee's and golf

balls & then donate them to a local golf course or mini golf course!

#77. FOAM DRINK COZIES, the foam thingie you wrap around a cold

beverage can! See if you can get some of those with your business

info on them & hand them out at local sporting events!

#78. Indoor Concert Arena's. Have you attended a concert lately?

Tons of advertising by local and national merchants at concerts!

Check into doing some advertising!

#79. Children LOVE Stickers! Buy a slew of stickers with your

business name on them....hand them out! Chances are that the kid's

parents will see the stickers too!

#80. Temporary Employment Agencies...again drop off packets of info

about Your Business Oppty to them. The Economy is sluggish in alot

of the areas in the USA...ask Temp. Employment Agencies to refer

some clients to you who may be interested in a (Your Company Name)

Home Business!!! You could offer the staff a discount or free gift

for referrals.

#81. Print up some flyers and get permission from local shopping

centers to see if you can leave them on car windshields! Always ASK

permission first!

#82. Does your community print up FREE Renters Guides, House Buying

Guides Etc? (you can usually find them for FREE at your local

supermarket) . If so, contact them about placing your business ad

inside one!

#83. Got a local ice cream man who drives around in his ice cream

truck throughout your community? Talk to him about passing out

flyers or letting you add a logo onto his truck via a vinyl cling

logo banner!

#84. Do a web search for you local county, local township and

surrounding areas. I found tons of websites for my area with FREE

online business directories which I was able to get my website

listed in. They also have offline ADS that you can advertise in too!

A great way to also find out about upcoming local community events

to participate in!

#85. Are there any professional moving companies in your area? If

so, contact them! They usually give out new business packet info to

their customers/clients to welcome them to their new home. See about

adding your business information to their "New Move" Packs!

#86. Local small town radio stations that are usually found on the

AM frequency usually offer very low-cost local area advertising on

their small radio station. A great way to get your business info out

to those in your local community.

#87. Get your business information printed out onto paper text book

covers! You can make them yourself! Donate them to local area adult

technical schools and colleges!

#88. Is there a local business in your area holding a upcoming Grand

Opening? If so, contact them! Alot of times they are giving away

freebies to the first few hundred customers plus they do heavy

advertising announcing their Grand Opening. This is a GREAT way for

you to capitalize on that!

#89. Get your business info printed up on inexpensive bookmarks!

Then give them to local area colleges, adult technical schools, book

reading groups, libraries etc. You can usually print up your own

bookmarks with your business info on them for less than .8 cents

each! This will keep your business info infront of those avid book

readers! They are also great to give away for FREE with customer


#90. Put your Business Knowledge to Work! Offer to teach classes to


Examples: If you are with a kitchen/cooking company offer to teach

adults to cook! They are always looking for fast & easy ways to

prepare healthy meals!

If you are a scrapbooking consultant, offer to teach a class to new

moms on how to scrapbook new baby pages!

If you are a Bath/Body/Spa consultant offer to teach pampering

classes to women & moms!

You can find adult programs by contacting: Local Community Centers,

Local Civic Groups and alot of High Schools & Community Colleges

offer evening classes to adults. (continuing education).

This generates leads & sales and only takes a short amount of time!

#91. Put the word out to your friends, family & co-workers that you

offer freebies to party go'ers. What do I mean?

Well, people who are holding baby showers, bridal showers, birthday

parties, anniversary parties etc. contact me about my freebies. They

make up party goodie bags and are always looking for things to stuff

them with. Depending on what type of party it is depends on what I


I print out pretty bookmarks, recipe cards, candy wrappers, gift bag

tags, shopping lists, chore lists etc. with pretty designs on them

along with my business info. I also attach a coupon. I keep my cost

down to .15 cents per person. An inexpensive way to reach new

potential customers.

#92. Print out your own Re-ordering labels! If you sell consumable

goods (foods, spices, soaps, bath products, cosmetics etc) make sure

you stick on a small re-ordering info sticker with your business

info on it so that your customer can easily locate your information

for placing reorders! This is also important to do considering some

customers purchase items from you to give as a gift, this way the

person who received the gift will also know how to contact you and

will become a potential new customer for you!

#93. Establish a Referral program for your business and print out

referral coupons! Offer established customers a free little gift or

personal discount if they refer a new customer to you! I like to

give out 3 Referral Coupons to every new customer I get so that they

know they will be rewarded for referring new customers to me.

Established customers are more apt to refer new customers to you if

they know they will be rewarded for that referral. Verbal referral

programs don't work well, so print up referral coupons or referral

promotion cards to hand out to your established customers. I also

like to put a "referral reward" sticker in all of my Tupperware

catalogs. You can also add a sticker to the backs of your business


#94. Print out Coloring Pages with a small section on them

advertising your business and donate them to local area restaurants,

daycares etc. I was able to find 4pc. crayon sets for ONLY .05 cents

a box which I also donated along with the printed out coloring

pages! Parents hang them on the front of their refrigerators after

the children are done coloring them which keeps your business in

front of the parent daily! Cost: About .03 cents for printed out

coloring page with your business info located some where on it

and .05 cents for the mini box of crayons.

Try to find a design that relates to your business for the best


#95. Contact your local area Girl Scouts, 4-H Club and other youth

groups. Talk to them about you coming in to do a project with the

youth's in the group. You can also talk to them about your business

fundraiser program if you offer one. During the summer time there

are alot of youth camps throughout the community. You can also find

youth camps through local churches. Some are seasonal and some are

year long programs. The YMCA is also a great resource!

For Example: If you are a Kitchen Consultant, come in and teach the

youth how to cook or about kitchen safety. If you sell pet products,

go in and talk about grooming a pet. If you sell candles, go in and

make some mini candles or teach them how to decorate them for gifts.

Be creative!

#96. If you are crafty with your computer you can print out tea bag

wrappers with a pretty design on them along with your business

information. I purchased a few boxes of individually wrapped tea

bags and then put my printed business tea bag wrapper over it. You

can hand them out throughout your community.

I like donating them to: Assisted Living Centers, Senior Community

Centers, Daycare Centers (to be given to the parents & teachers),

School Teacher Lounges, Employee Break Rooms etc.

Example of Cost: .03 cents for a printed color wraper and about .03-

.05 cents per tea bag.

#97 Make sure you leave info about Your Business on your answering

machine or voice mail message! Not everyone who phones you knows

that you sell or represent a particular company! (especially those

pesky bill collectors & telemarketers) .

#98 Take your outdated catalogs and randomly mail or distribute them

thru-out your neighborhood! Make sure you stamp it OUTDATED and

provide contact info for yourself so they can contact you if

interested to get a current catalog!

#99 Get Business Themed Banking Checks! Your bank checks pass thru

tons of hands that could become potential customers or party hosts!

If possible get your email address or website URL preprinted onto

them! I also suggest using preprinted postal address labels too!

(try to get checks that have pictures of some of the products you

sell on them or at the very least make sure some where on the check

it says: Tupperware Consultant, Avon Rep, and so forth.)

#100. Get your business info printed onto matchbooks! Donate the

matchbooks to candle shops, smoke shops, clubs etc. to help get your

business name out in your community!

#101. Consider getting some inexpensive mini desk-top sized

calendars printed up with your business information on them and hand

out to local office workplaces! A great way to keep your business

information in front of a potential or repeat customer/client.

#102. Take the above idea a step further. Get your business info

printed up on pencils, pens, mini note pads, tab stickers and so

forth. Contact local office style businesses and donate a

few "business" supplies to them!

When you go to the doctors or dentists office you see a slew of

these types of things from various companies all over the office, so

you can do the same thing by donating them to office-style


#103. Contact local groups in your own community. These can be hobby

groups, collector groups, new moms, new parents, neighborhood watch

groups and so forth.

See what their coming up activites will be and offer a fundraiser

opportunity to them or offer a party or to teach a class to them.

Better yet, get involved in a group as a participient. The more you

get out there in your community and make contacts the better your

business will be.

#104. Local Holiday Events! Does your area hold a childrens

christmas party, easter egg hunt, halloween party, etc? If so, get

involved! You can donate candy or other holiday items and get

yourself some business exposure, besides they are always alot of fun

to participate in!

#105. Get your business info printed up on some Lanyards and

distribute them to local office place environments for employees to

use to keep their keys on or give as freebies to your current

established customers etc.

#106. Get your business info printed up on some employee id tag

holders! Hand them out to office environments that have alot of

employees to get your business info seen by lots of people!

#107. Contact some local small shops in your area. Offer to sponsor

a drawing box & prize. Make sure you have an attractive drawing box

and have the prize on display. Alot of small shops have in-shop (in-

store) drawings that are sponsored by other local merchants. You

should also have on hand a few catalogs and a stack of business

cards. This is a great way to get business exposure and to collect


Make sure your entry form states:

Name, phone number and email address

plus a section for:

____ more info about hostessing a party

____ more info about the consultant opportunity

____ request a free catalog

____ please subscribe me to your online newsletter

#108. Draft up a business press release. Submit it to your local

newspapers, local magazines, tv stations and radio stations. Offer

to be a guest on one of their live or recorded shows.

#109. Do you get alot of magazines to your home? If so, after

reading them, print up some labels on your computer that

say "Compliments of ____________ ______" and donate them to local

doctors offices, dentist offices, local hospitals, libraries,

community centers, senior centers, etc. Make sure your label

includes your business name & information.

#110. Draft up some mini tip booklets, recipe booklets or craft

project booklets. Make sure you label them as "Courtesy of

____________ ____" and donate them to local daycare centers, salons,

civic and community groups, etc. You can print them out on your home

computer inexpensively.

#111. If you can afford this idea, its a great one! Remember those

little rubbery type of change purses with the key ring attached to

them that advertisers use to put their name and advertising info

onto them? Well, they are popular again! I got one from our local

bank! If you can afford it or co-op it with another consultant that

would be a great idea to hand out to BIG office environments where

employees carry around alot of change for vending machines, parking

meters etc.

#112. If your company has a fundraising program the best way to

promote it is to locate local area fundraisers. What do I mean? When

local groups hold bake sales, sub sales, chicken BBQ's, car washes

etc....go visit them and offer them a company fundraiser pack with

all of the important fundraising information, catalog and a contact

sheet & business card.

#113. Contact your local area Home Owners Association. See if you can drop off flyers, catalogs and business cards promoting your business to them or set up a free contest giveaway basket in their offices to promote your business and products.

#114. Do you attend alot of outdoor sporting events & concerts? Have you seen those afghan throws that you can get personalized? Instead of getting a family name & date imprinted on one...get your business name on it! I have one that has my website address & my business name. Since we attend alot of outdoor sporting events in the fall, I take it out with me and wrap around myself on the bleachers! Everyone sitting around me gets to see my business info! I even lend it out to friends & family when they attend outdoor events!

#115. Take the idea above one step further. Do you spend alot of time out at the neighborhood pool or at the beach? Get your business info printed up on beach towels & beach blankets! You can also get your biz info printed up on a beach umbrella...better yet, get yourself a rain umbrella with your biz info printed on it!

#116. Does your city/town have a local taxi cab company? If so, call them up! I recently donated 35 of my mini catalogs to a taxi company who placed one in the back seat magazine holder of 35 of their cars. Since that time, I have gotten 1 new consultant and 2 new customers!

Some bus companies will also accept them so check those out too! People are always looking for something to read!

#117. When you travel take numerous catalogs, flyers, business cards etc. with you when you pack for your trip. Make up a separate tote bag just for these items. Leave you catalogs, flyers and business cards ever where you go while on your trip.

ie. back of train seats, back of airplane seats, hotel lobbies, restaurants, sporting events, etc...where- ever. This is a great way to target non-local customers and interest in your business.

#118. Contact other work at home business people and small business owners in your community. It's more economical for a group of you to

share costs on community advertisements and mailings.

By Shelly Hill

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

lose 5 lbs in 5 days

Who do you know that wants to lose 5 lbs in 5 days? 

For example, if a friend wanted to try the tea for $44.95, you would make a ($20)commission for referring them.

This is not a new concept. We are always recommending products  and services to people we know. The thing is, we didn't receive a commission from sending that business customers. 

Here at Total Life Changes aka TLC we reward you financially for every product you refer. TLC has been around for 15 years globally and is debt-free. It's just now becoming popular in the North America - This means huge opportunity for you.

There is NO LIMITS on the amount of income you can make weekly as long as you remain an active member. You stay active by having a monthly minimum product autoship of $44.95.

What will you do with all that extra cash?

- Pay off debts
- Take an Exotic vacation
- Save for college tuition 
- Enjoy More time freedom

Total Life Changes (TLC) is the perfect simple home business, because it positions you to get a piece of the growth of a soon to be Trillion Dollar Wellness Industry by Capitalizing on 8 Powerful Growth Industries... 

Weight Loss 
Energy & Vitality 
Natural Skincare 
Gourmet Coffee 
Natural Sex Enhancer 

All this from the comfort of your home or computer...No Strings Attached!

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Saturday, February 13, 2016

About FLP


FaithLuvProsperity provides you with life coaching skills and marketing techniques to help you successfully run a affiliate business from home. We are here to motivate you 24 hours a day through positive post and inspiration. We also provide you with the correct and most current marketing tools used to successfully market any business online or off-line. 

Who are YOU?

I am a college graduate a mother of two daughters a successful online marketer and future life coach and certified mentor. I am a Christian a lover of peace happiness and nature. I am a stay at home mom and entrepreneur working towards creating my own to help others. 

What do you REPRESENT?

Christ first. My family second. My business FaithLuvProsperity third. It represents Gods love Family and Success through team building and affiliate marketing. 

What can you PROVIDE?

I can provide you with the most popular products to use daily while you represent successful companies through life testimonies and current success tools to help you in your personal and business life. 

How did you SUCCEED?

I stop thinking I couldn't. started believing I could.  put action behind everything I said I would do made myself accountable by stating it to others and then I started to do things differently like do what I thought I could when I thought of it. 

Can you CREATE leaders? 

Yes. I have 2 Fb groups. One of 1700 business leaders and one of 1300 Mua business owners and 29 Fb chat groups with 50 or more members. 

Why should I JOIN YOU?

Because I started from the bottom and now I am here. JOIN OUR TEAM AND GET ALL OF YOUR PROMO TOOLS AND TRAINING. Sample ads, Email Scripts, hundreds of Free ad Posting Sites, Facebook Techniques, Steps to success, business cards, flyer designs and much more.


Yes. I have current wage compensation deposits from all businesses I currently affiliate with. 


Both. I am marketing my brand as  I earn and learn how to effectively brand myself.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

TyraBeauty links

Free acct http://bit.ly/TBOOTYFULFREEACCT

Beautytainer http://bit.ly/TBJOINOURCREW

Shop http://bit.ly/TBDOLLZSHOP

Tyovers http://bit.ly/TBTYOVERSALE

Wednesday, February 10, 2016



No weapon formed against me shall prosper. Every tongue that rises up against me in judgment shall be condemned. 

Let's speak out THESE 25 affirmations. By Stormy Wellington

1. I will hear the voice of the Holy Spirit within

2. I will lead and not follow

3. I will create and not destroy

4. I am a force from God

5. I defy the odds 

6. I set new standards

7. I am the head and not the tail

8. I am above and not beneath. 

9. I am the lender not the borrower 

10. I am loved by God. 

11. I am chosen by God. 

12. I am protected by God. 

13. It's my season. 

14. It's my turn. 

15. I am healthy 

16. I am happy 

17. I am humble. 

18. I am wealthy 

19. I am strong. 


21. I will never be broke another day in my life. 





No weapon formed against me shall prosper No weapon formed against me shall prosper and every tongue that rises up against me in judgement shall be condemned. every tongue that rises up against me in judgement shall be condemned.