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Friday, June 6, 2014


Network Marketing

Many well known authors, including Richard Poe, Mark Victor Hansen, Bryan Tracy and Robert Kiyosaki, have extolled the virtues of network marketing.

Entrepreneurs such as Warren Buffet and companies like Virgin, Sara Lee and Time Warner are buying network marketing/direct selling companies. According to Buffet, “dollar for dollar, it’s the best decision I’ve ever made.” Fortune Magazine called the industry, “the best kept secret in the business world.”
Worldwide there are over 100 million individuals involved in networking representing over $150 billion in annual revenue. Some well known Fortune 500 companies that have offered products and services through networking include: Bausch & Lomb, Coca-Cola, General Electric, Motorola, AT&T, MCI and Xerox. Clearly, networking is the trend of the future.

Why, though is network marketing a good idea? The answers are simple. By building a business based on repeating sales, you are building residual income. That means that even if you don’t go to work on a given day, there are still people in your organization who are working and generating sales.
You set your own hours -
Work your Makeup Eraser business part-time or full-time
You create your own income -
Based on how much you devote to your business – unlimited earnings potential
You determine your career path -
Build your business with more distributors customers

“You must be in business for yourself. You will never get rich working for someone else.”
Did you know that half of all self-made millionaires run their own business? In J. Paul Getty’s book “How To Get Rich”, his first rule for success is, “You must be in business for yourself. You will never get rich working for someone else.”
This may be the reason why someone becomes self-employed in the U.S. every 10 seconds and why in the past 14 years alone, the numbers of these businesses have grown from 6 million to 32 million. And guess what? There is no slow-down in sight. In fact, an estimated 8,493 new businesses open every day in someone’s home.
Ever wonder how many people are actually in the Network Marketing industry and are succeeding? I mean, do a lot of people actually think this thing works? Let’s look at why the Network Marketing industry is exploding and the numbers that explain it.
The Great American Dream is gone. Official U.S. government reports point out that more than 3.5 million jobs have been eliminated in the past 10 years. This includes over 2,000 jobs per day last year alone. More frightening; an estimated 55% of all jobs created in the next 10 years will be near minimum wage. Currently, 90% of all the people in North America earn less than $40,000 a year and today’s two-income family are not living as well as their parents did. As well as what has been just stated, check out these economic facts:
At age 50:
75% of the population has less than $5,000 in the bank for retirement.
At age 65:
45% of Americans depend on relatives
30% depend on charities
23% are still working (most can’t afford to quit and work until they are no longer physically capable)
Only 2% are self-sustaining
At the current time:
It is impossible to support a family of two working full time at minimum wage
For the first time in history, the current generation is averaging a lower standard of living then their parents
The Bureau of Labor Statistics also states

Out of 100 people that start working at the age of 25, by the age of 65
1 is wealthy
4 have enough money to retire
63 depend on social security or charity
29 are deceased.
One of the most disheartening statistics is this:
95% of people, age 65 and over cannot afford to retire and work until they die.
Multi level marketing statistics suggest that the industry is in its hyper growth stage; it's the perfect time to invest your time, effort, and money in this business. Take the time to consider the multi level marketing statistics from the Direct Sellers Association:
According to their multi level marketing statistics, there are around 56 million people in the entire world engaging in the network marketing business. This impressive number is around the population of the whole country of Canada—doubled. Within the last few years, multi level marketing statistics suggest that the industry has over a hundred billion dollars in terms of sale, with the actual amount of profits not falling far behind.
Multi level marketing statistics also suggest that there are 100 countries all over the world doing multi level marketing businesses. If we put that figure against the number of people doing multi level marketing business, that will be around two million people per country. If you are afraid to invest your time and energy into a business that you fear is not doing well, then you can banish this irrational worry. Network marketing is as strong as ever in hundreds of countries, and if the industry is bound to go down, the others will have figured out if the trend is spiraling downwards. According to these multi level marketing statistics from the Direct Sellers Association, the industry is as robust as ever.
Perhaps the most convincing multi level marketing statistics is the fact that the network marketing industry has grown by ninety percent during the last ten years. There are very few global industries that have had the same growth over the same period of time. If you are curious about the nature of this kind of growth in the industry, the answer is quite simple: there are a growing number of people who are tired of working boring corporate jobs and there are more people who want to earn more than they currently do.
More and more people are getting tired of corporate jobs that take too much of their time, robbing them of much-deserved time with their families and loved ones. Quality time is fast becoming passé—more people want to have the quantity of time to spend with their families.

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