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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Telling People What to Do

Telling People What To Do and Commanding the Universe to Deliver To Your Command- Even a 12 Year old could do this...

Posted by Sean Nardin on March 13, 2014

I want you to pay attention as you read this post because if you do, you'll understand how to unlock the secrets of the universe and be able to virtually command it to give you anything you want and desire...

The Secrets of the Universe
Back in the day when I was small lad, I can recall multiple times where I'd be in these situations where someone else told me what to do... What do I mean?
I mean when I was in school and the teacher told us to read 3 pages for homework. Or when I was at a my job and the boss man told me to go mop the floor in the kitchen... Surprisingly enough I DID IT!
I listened, I did what was I told to do!
Shocking I know!

It didn't matter! All that mattered was that 'someone' told me what to do next...

Now I know what someone of you are saying right now, cool what's that have to do with anything?

Think about that for a second! When someone has told you something to do... Did you even stop to ask why? Or did you just go ahead and do it? Without any questioning at all, whatsoever...
Think about that for a second because I want to address this point and make it very clear to you about what i'm talking about because when you understand this part of this process...

People do what they're told to do a majority of the time most of the time without any questioning on why... Why? I don't know that's just how people are programmed. Most of society these days act like drowns and will do whatever they're told as long as it makes some sort of sense...

So what do you need to start doing?


It's so simple. Start telling people to optin into your email list to watch the video! Start telling people to join! Start telling people to buy all of the products and the universe will give you what you ask for!


Because people tend to do what they're told to do... That's why.
So inside of your marketing if your struggling right now it's most likely because your missing this step.

Your not telling people what to do at the end of every blog post...

Your probably just hopping someone clicks on your optin and joins, your not TELLING them too!

There's a big difference here folks,
Here's an example:
When I say “watch this video for 3 simple steps a Once Ex- Homeless Man used to became the Top income earner inside of his company in less than 6 months watch it now, click here.

That's 10x more powerful than saying.
Here's how a once ex-homeless man used three steps to become the top income earner inside of his company...

You see the difference?

The first one I say 'Watch this Video' Meaning: I'm commanding whoever is reading my post to watch the video so they watch it...
That makes sense right?

Telling people what to do next is so powerful inside of your business because if you don't, your missing out on a TREMENDIOUS amount of income...

I hope this post helped, if it did leave a comment below

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone