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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Daily Core Commitments

Facebook Instant Income System Daily Core Commitments.

1. Invite 5 people a day to view your website.
2. Comment on 10 different posts per day.
3. Recognize 2 peoples accomplishments on your team.

Remember the top 4 reasons people join a Network Marketing company are:

Leadership – be the leader, be positive, mentor others
Recognition – People want community, to feel good in front of leadership., Use charisma, compliment others.
Opportunity – People want to make money. Explain the 100% comp plan. No one does it with such a product suite of tools.
Product – Know why we have the products, their value in the marketplace


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Become a Better YOU

10 ways to bring out the best in YOU

1. Work on your skill set daily -
Find out new ways of doing things, keep up today with new strategies.

2. Work on your mind set daily - Read books listen to audios videos.

3. Don't worry about what other people think -
Be confident and lead with your heart

4. Don't compare yourself to others -
There will aways be people not as good as you and way better than you.

5. Let go of your ego -
By letting go of your ego you will it be bothered about judgment of others this will allow your best self to shine through not holding back to give it you all.
Letting go of your ego allows you soul to shine through and light up the world also.

6. Give tones of value to receive -
Don't give receive, give to give,
And give more. Expecting to receive, will only push people away

7. Find your deep core why- This will
Help you to stay motivated when things get a little tough.

8. Surround yourself with positive people, on the same path as you-
This will uplift your spirit and you will learn a lot from what others are doing to.

9. Meditate -
Allowing your mind to rest with hour sleeping, helps your mind to have to categorise your knowledge and experience. Also helps you to let to of past and future to be present. By doing thing the most important things come to mind to help you to get to the next level of your reality.

We alleviates stress and worry, for a clears focused mind.

10. Always give it 110% - By doing things this way working to the best of your ability.
Master the art of mastery


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Location:Laurel St,Baton Rouge,United States

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Mca is NOT Insurance

Mca IS NOT insurance, it IS a supplemental protection plan that provides member benefits directly to the member AS LONG AS YOU HAVE CURRENT AUTOMOBILE and HEALTH COVERAGE.

MCA is a way to meet and help new people, share a great product, AND a way to earn extra money.

No one is going to make you become an associate, that's a choice you'll have to make, but what we're trying to stress above all things is, MCA IS A PATHWAY TO ENDLESS POSITIVE POSSIBILITIES.

1 REFERRAL. =$80

Get started by doing the following:

Step 1: Call my MCA sizzle number 225-341-1862

Step 2: Review what you heard http://www.mcatotalsignup.info

Step 3: Get covered http://getcoveredgetpaid.info

Step 4: Get Trained Make Money

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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Say This EveryDAY

How do you kick start your day? Here's 25 Affirmations to have a KICK ASS DAY!!

1. I am no longer looking for the right person, I am the right person.
2. I am my own best product and there is a waiting list.
3. I have a warm smile of radiant strength and use it often.
4. I am always in the right place at the right time, engaged in the right activity.
5. I have a broad awareness of what is going on around me, especially the opportunities that will help me reach my goals.
6. People call me about my business everyday, they look at my success as a point they would like to be.
7. I love making $_________ per month. It feels great.
8. I love having $_______ in the bank. I feel secure, independent and free.
9. I love being 100% debt free. It feels awesome.
10. My income increases daily whether I am working, playing or sleeping.
11. I am a money magnet, money flows to me easily and effortlessly.
12. I enjoy and deserve making $_______ per month.
13. It is safe to assert myself, there is opportunity in risk.
14. I am special. I am a special creation of God; he has great plans for me to succeed. I serve God in everything I do.
15. I feel great and satisfied because I always tithe at least 12 % of my income. I am a cheerful giver.
16. I am a great motivator. I always use the right words and tones and ask the right questions. I give praise to all people.
17. I always think before I speak. I chose my words and tones very carefully. I am always patient and tactful in all situations. I am a great wordsmith.
18. I am great at understanding people and their situations. I am very empathetic to all people and their needs.
19. I am coachable and teachable. I am constantly and continually growing. Everyday in everyway I am getting better and better.
20. I love the knowledge, wisdom and fulfillment I get from reading everyday.
21. I love to make decisions. I take 100% responsibility for my own actions. I am a 1%er.
22. I love being organized. I always manage my time very well.
23. I always work with a sense of urgency. I have a Do it now attitude and I love it.
24. I will do today what other won’t, so I can live tomorrow like other can’t.
25. I am a WINNER all is do is WIN WIN WIN!!

Now click these links

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Sunday, July 20, 2014

Tired of the Excuses

I'm so tired of those lame excuses. People I normally don't post on Sunday but this was in my mind after vaping. I found that people will pay for what they want and not what they need ex. cigeretts, fancy cell phone, eat out a lot, buy expensive footwear, hair, clothes etc.

But they will not spend money to make money. It's called an investment people. That means you will get your money back with interest. It's not illegal it's not a scam it's the way rich people get rich. They invest, promote, and make money. They do not sit at home and accept their brokeness.

So when people come to you with EXCUSES how do you tackle it. I never accept them. I literally call them out.

Them oh wait I have to Pay to start
Me- uh oh.. You're doing it
Them- what
Me- making excuses
Them- no I'm not. Why you say that. I don't hv any money to start and why do u need to pay anyways. I thought it was a job
Me- well you haven't made an excuse yet accept those questions you just ask. But here's my question to you. How much money did you spend this week on you?
Them- I didn't have any to spend that's why I need this job.
Me- EXACTLY. YOU NEED THIS BUSINESS bc you have to much to accomplish in life and sitting at home wishing you could should never be an option.
Me- how long have you been thinking and seeing my post
Them- a year
Me- then you just lost a year of income
Them- never thought a about that
Me- it's ok. Let's just change your thought process and then get you started.
Them- okay what do I have to do
Me- think positive remain consistent accept no no's and stay qualified.
Them- that's it
Me- there's always needed work but that keeps you successful.

So as you see an excuse can always be changed. Just do it with sincerity. Don't be Bossy or rude. Just give them some motivation with reality.

Here are some excuse killers

No time- respond
have you ever heard the saying time is money? Well if you do this you will be in control of your time bc you see the money in your time and you know you would rather make money with your time vs do nothing.

No money- Respond-
I hear this from everyone of my trained bosses before they joined. And when they actually invested their money on themselves, and received their first payout they always message me with gratitude bc the first check is the best.

No internet- respond
Do you of out to run errands or pay bills, you could promote then by wearing a shirt or handing out a business card and flyer. You don't need the internet. You need to be able to effectively communicate about what you are doing.

No Experience- respond
Well 99% of us had not one drop of experience when we started on Day one. This is not a business that requires you to have experience. We prefer a positive attitude and mindset. We give you all the training we have so you gain the necessary experience to help the people you refer.

I'm not good at Selling- respond
Oh trust me. None Of us are that's why we don't sell. We let you into our lifestyle as a result of using the products. You never have to sell what we do. Show them the benefits of joining and most times they think on it and follow up with a I'm ready. I don't sell anything I show people how the products help me.

So as you See kill those excuses with positive responses.

If this is you, a person full of excuses!!! then you should change your thought process and get started. All you have to do is think positive remain consistent accept no no's and stay qualified. If you can do this then go below and pick your business.


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Saturday, July 19, 2014

4 Steps to This



You can Start Kannaway now AS A FREE PREFERRED CUSTOMER and get
INSTANT discounts on ALL our hottest items.

When you BECOME A BRAND AMBASSADOR you get a business with 11 ways to get paid. You get over 25 business websites, a online business shopping store for people to shop at, a online office to see every person who comes to any of your business links.You get to see who purchased what, when, time, and how much their total, your immediate payout, plus see and track your total income. Our training and team support is amazing. The kway president leads a online hangout every night to answer questions and discuss new kway exclusives. After you get your business You can download our app and access everything from their.


There are four steps to succeed in Kannaway





It’s that easy! Once qualified, you’ll receive credit for sales generated within your sales organization.

MARK YOUR POSITION IN KANNAWAY? What are you waiting for? Earn a residual paycheck. IF YOU BRING THREE PEOPLE HELP THREE PEOPLE, GET THREE PEOPLE EACH, TOTALING 12 PEOPLE or have a BV of 5400 points you get paid weekly of 25% on everything you advertise and everyone who joins you makes you residually $400 for those 12 people and their products.




Kannaway, LLC, is a network sales and marketing company specializing in the sales and marketing of hemp-based botanical products. Kannaway currently hosts weekly online sales meetings and conferences across the United States, offering unique insight and opportunity to sales professionals who are desirous of becoming successful leaders in the sale and marketing of hemp-based botanical products. Kannaway currently has over 60,000 marketing professionals in its network and more than 10,000 Brand Ambassadors.


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Monday, July 14, 2014

Instant Income

About the program and how it works.

1. Please make sure that you are signing up from a computer or laptop from HOME... Not at the library, or a friends house. At home. Even though some people have said they haven't had a problem signing up from their cell phone I would recommend that you do it from a computer.

2. The Instant Rewards program itself is 100% FREE there are no monthly fees associated with being a member of Instant Rewards.

3. You are paying the one dollar for the 7 day trial of the creditreport .com service and cancelling it after 5 days. You will only ever pay the $1 and no monthly recurring fees unless you forget to cancel the trial.

4. You must complete the trial yourself in order to be eligible to get paid from others that sign up using your link.

5. You are paid $20 for every person that you refer to Instant Rewards and that completes the offer and receives 1 full credit. Some people are completing other offers and those don't receive a full credit please don't be mad at us because you didn't follow directions. There are only two offers that give 1 full credit and that is the Gamefly offer and the CreditReport .com offer. All the rest of the offers give partial credit. So, if you decided to do any other offer you will need to complete more than one offer to become qualified.

6. They recommend that you complete the offers using the Firefox browser when completing the offer. You can download it from here: http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/

7. You CAN NOT pay with prepaid cards or gift cards YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE CREDIT!!!!!!!

8. You can not have more than one account. Please don't try to be slick and create multiple accounts in an effort to make a quick buck they will FREEZE your account and you won't be able to make any more from them then.

9. Go to >> http://www.easy.instantrewards.net/index.php?ref=163231
Put in your info, it'll take you to another page. Register under the $20/Starter step 1 and then complete the Credit Report offer. It's $1 and a 7 day trial...cancel anytime within that 7 days! Refer your friends to pay that same $1 and you get $20 PER PERSON!

Directions http://imnmarketer.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Quick-start.pdf

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone marketwithebonynow.biz

Get A Dose of Zen

1. Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me for the path is narrow. In fact, just piss off and leave me alone.

2. Sex is like air. It's not that important unless you aren't getting any.

3. No one is listening until you pass wind.

4. Always remember you’re unique. Just like everyone else.

5. Never test the depth of the water with both feet.

6. If you think nobody cares whether you're alive or dead, try missing a couple of mortgage payments.

7. Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes.

8. If at first you don’t succeed, skydiving is not for you.

9. Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

10. If you lend someone $20 and never see that person again, it was probably well worth it.

11. If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.

12. Some days you are the dog, some days you are the tree.

13. Don't worry; it only seems kinky the first time.

14. Good judgment comes from bad experience ... And most of that comes from bad judgment.

15. A closed mouth gathers no foot.

16. There are two excellent theories for arguing with women. Neither one works.

17. Generally speaking, you aren't learning much when your lips are moving.

18. Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.

19. We are born naked, wet and hungry, and get slapped on our arse - then things just keep getting worse.

20. Never under any circumstances take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone marketwithebonynow.biz

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Freedom *FROM*, or Freedom *TO*?

Are we desperately seeking Freedom *FROM*, or enjoying Freedom *TO*?
So many of us imagine happiness coming when we snap the leash of the j.o.b., when we finally break free of the dread "Triple-40 Scam", when we've made enough money to be responsible with our obligations, and enough to give, and enough to have a fulfilling & fun life for our foreseeable future, Freedom *FROM* bosses, commutes, and the need for the paychecks.
What about Freedom *TO*? (Time-) Freedom *TO* be with family, *TO* volunteer, *TO* follow through on those wonderful dreams we had as children ("When I grow up, I'm gonna...") that sadly got shelved with the plush toys when we got older & got jobs? Freedom *TO* go all those fascinating places and meet the people who live there? Freedom *TO* learn different ways of doing things that might help us get where we want to be - earlier?
Freedom "from" seems like a childish desire to run away;
Freedom *TO* means a child-like joy to run & play.


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Sunday, July 6, 2014

Mca Signup Process

I'm glad that you've shown interest in this business opportunity.


(UNLIMITED) Emergency Roadside Assistance
100 Miles of towing to your desired destination (per service call)
Fuel/Gas delivery to your vehicle
Tire Change
Locksmith Services
Vehicle Battery Boosting
$500 Reimbursement for rental cars and hotels
$2,000 in attorney fee assistance to fight tickets | criminal
Up to $25,000 in Arrest & Bail Bonds
Prescription drug, dental, & vision discounts - 65% off
$500 Emergency room reimbursement | $150 towards hospital bill daily

Protected with all of the MCA Total Security benefits
Work from home at your own pace, and create your own schedule
No background check, drug testing, credit check, or google search
Earn $80 for every policy sold or new recruit added to your team
Build your own team and learn how to train them
Earn $6 on every new membership your team members sell
MCA pays every Friday by direct deposit
Facebook Team Training & A Complete Training Web Site
Advertise online or by passing out flyers, business cards, etc.
You will be an official member of The Money Team (8,000 Members)
You are an (IBO) Independent Business Owner, this is not a job
HOW IT WORKS - To earn money with MCA, you must first sign up for a roadside assistance package. You pay $40 up front and $20 per month starting 30 days later. As soon as you make your $40 payment, you can begin working.

I advertise on Facebook which has over a billion members. I also advertise on YouTube, and twitter. I'll show you how to follow my lead.

You will receive your web site immediately after your payment is processed. Every person you refer to your web site to do the exact same thing, you will be paid $80 on the following Friday. MCA pay's out 52 Times Per Year (Every Friday).

Ready to get started?
1) Make the $40 payment with a Real Bank Debit | Credit Card (NO Prepaid Cards Like Walmart, GreenDot, Netspend Etc.)

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Friday, July 4, 2014

Cannabis is a Cure

The reason cannabis is so effective medicinally is directly related to its ability to interact with receptors in the body which inhibit inflammation and prevent disease.

Cannabis does this so well, that few drugs can compete with its level of potency which come essentially with no side effects.

These are just 5 diseases that are proven to respond better to cannabis than to drugs, however, there are many studies currently being conducted that may prove dozens more.

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Many researchers have noted that there was “inadequate” data for decaded to determine whether smoked marijuana was safe or effective in treating symptoms of pain and preventing disese. The primary reason for the s lack of data had to do with the National Institute on Drug Abuse, or NIDA, which was the only source of cannabis for research and they were blocking the most meaningful studies due to close ties with pharmaceutical companies.

This view was supported by Dr. David Bearman, the executive vice president for the Academy of Cannabinoid Medicine/Society of Cannabis Clinicians. “Part of the problem in the United States is that the NIDA has blocked almost all meaningful studies on cannabis,” Bearman said. Bearman argues that while synthetic cannabis pills do offer pain relief, marijuana is cheaper, has fewer side effects and can be more effective.

Now decades of propaganda is being reversed as scientists and the public are being exposed to the true potential of cannabis and its ability to both heal and prevent disease.

Excellent cannabis strains which treat various medical conditions includeCharlotte’s Web, Harlequin, Sour Tsunami and Cannatonic.

Noting cannabis’ vastly superior side effect profile DEA Administrative Law Judge, Francis L. Young, after a two-year hearing to reschedule cannabis in 1998 said:

“Nearly all medicines have toxic, potentially lethal effects. But marijuana is not such a substance.

There is no record in the extensive medical literature describing a proven, documented cannabis-induced fatality…

In strict medical terms marijuana is far safer than many foods we commonly consume.

Marijuana, in its natural form, is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man.”



1. Cancer

Cannabinoids, the active components of marijuana, inhibit tumor growthand also kill cancer cells. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the principal psychoactive constituent (or cannabinoid) of the cannabis plant, targets cannabinoid receptors similar in function to endocannabinoids, which are cannabinoids that are naturally produced in the body and activate these receptors.

Researchers have now found that cannabidiol has the ability to ‘switch off’ the gene responsible for metastasis in an aggressive form of cancer. Importantly, this substance does not produce the psychoactive properties of the cannabis plant.

A Spanish team, led by Dr Manuel Guzmon, wanted to see whether they could prevent a form of cancer (glioblastoma multiforme) from growing by cutting off its blood supply. Glioblastoma multiforme is one of the most difficult cancers to treat – it seldom responds to any medical intervention, especially conventional methods which poisoning and primatively destroy cells such as radiotherapy, chemotherapy and surgery.

Genes associated with blood vessel growth in tumors through the production of a chemical called vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) have their activity reduced when exposed to cannabinoids.

Cannabinoids halt VEGF production by producing Ceramide. Ceramide controls cell death.

Dr Manuel Guzmon tested a cannabinoid solution of patients had glioblastoma multiforme and had not responded to chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery. The scientists took samples from them before and after treating them with a cannabinoids solution – this was administered directly into the tumor.

Amazingly, both patients experienced reduced VEGF levels in the tumor as a result of treatment with cannabinoids.

A study published in the July 2002 edition of the medical journal Blood, which found that THC and some other cannabinoids produced “programmed cell death” in different varieties of human leukemia and lymphoma cell lines, thereby destroying the cancerous cells but leaving other cells unharmed.

A study published in a 1975 edition of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, which showed that THC slowed the growth of lung cancer, breast cancer and virus-induced leukemia in rats.

Titled Antineoplastic activity of cannabinoids, this study was funded by the US National Institute of Health, and performed by researchers at the Medical College of Virginia. Despite the promising results, no further research was made, and the study has essentially disappeared from the scientific literature.

A 1994 study, which documented that THC may protect against malignant cancers, and which was buried by the US government. The $2 million study, funded by the US Department of Health and Human Services, sought to show that large doses of THC produced cancer in rats. Instead, researchers found that massive doses of THC had a positive effect, actually slowing the growth of stomach cancers. The rats given THC lived longer than their non-exposed counterparts.

he study was unpublished and the results hidden for almost three years, until it was finally leaked to the media in 1997. (CC#17, THC for tumors).

2. Fibromyalgia (FM)

More and more patients with FM are finding effective relief from cannabis.

So say the results of a recent online survey of over 1,300 subjects conducted by The National Pain Foundation and NationalPainReport.com. Among those surveyed, 379 subjects said that they had used cannabis therapeutically. Sixty-two percent of them rated the substance to be “very effective” in the treatment of their condition.

By comparison, among those FM patients who had used Cymbalta (Duloxene), only eight percent rated the drug as “very effective,” and 60 percent said it did “not work at all.” Among those who had used Lyrica (Pregabalin), ten percent said that drug was “very effective,” versus 61 percent who reported no relief. Among those who had used Savella (Milnacipran), ten percent rated the drug as effective, and 68 percent said it was ineffective.

Commenting on the survey results, Dr. Mark Ware — associate professor in family medicine and anesthesia at McGill University in Montreal — told the National Pain Report, “We desperately need someone to step up and explore this potential for the efficacy of cannabis.”

Ware, whose own clinical research has demonstrated inhaled pot’s efficacy in subjects with hard-to-treat refractory pain, added: “The scientific rationale is there. There are some early preliminary, proof-of-concept clinical trials that demonstrate cannabis may be effective. Now your study adds additional weight that patients are reporting that cannabis may be better than the existing therapies. I think that this really should provide incentives for researchers to take a hard look at clinical trials to really explore that in much more detail.”

Some investigators already have. In 2006, German scientists reportedthat the administration of oral THC significantly reduced both chronic and experimentally induced pain in patients with fibromyalgia. Subjects in the trial were administered daily doses of 2.5 to 15 mg of THC, but received no other pain medication during the study. Among those participants who completed the trial, all reported significant reductions in daily pain and electronically induced pain.

More recently, Spanish researchers assessed the use of cannabis treatment of Fibromyalgia. A cursory review of the results indicates why so many FM patients are preferring pot over pills.

Investigators reported, “The use of cannabis was associated with beneficial effects on some FM symptoms. … After two hours of cannabis use, VAS (visual analogue scales) scores showed a statistically significant reduction of pain and stiffness, enhancement of relaxation, and an increase in somnolence and feeling of well being.”

3. Epilepsy

By far the most common approach to treating epilepsy is to prescribe antiepileptic drugs. Commonly prescribed drugs include clonazepam, phenobarbital, and primidone. Some relatively new epilepsy drugs includetiagabine, gabapentin, topiramate, levetiracetam, and felbamate. Many medications amplify side effects such as fatigue and decreased appetite. Epilepsy medication also may predispose people to developing depression or psychoses.

Several lines of evidence now suggest that cannabinoid compounds are anticonvulsant and empirical evidence in many children is establishing conclusive evidence that cannabinoid therapy may be the most effective treatment available for epileptics.

In “The Endogenous Cannabinoid System Regulates Seizure Frequency and Duration in a Model of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy”, Robyn Wallace explained that the data not only shows the anticonvulsant activity of exogenously applied cannabinoids but also suggests that endogenous cannabinoid tone modulates seizure termination and duration through activation of the CB1 receptor. By demonstrating a role for the endogenous cannabinoid system in regulating seizure activity, these studies define a role for the endogenous cannabinoid system in modulating neuroexcitation. The endogenous cannabinoid system thus provides on-demand protection against acute excitotoxicity in central nervous system neurons.

Anti-convulsant drugs have potentially serious side-effects, including bone softening, reduced production of red blood cells, swelling of the gums, and emotional disturbances. Other occasional effects include uncontrollable rapid eye movements, loss of motor co-ordination, coma and even death. In addition, these medications are far from ideal in that they only completely stop seizures in about 60% of patients.
Large amounts of anecdotal reports and patient case studies indicate the assistance of cannabis in controlling seizures. Cannabis analogues have been shown to prevent seizures. Patients report that they can wean themselves off prescription drugs, and still not experience seizures if they have a regular supply of cannabis.

The British company, GW Pharmaceuticals pursued advanced clinical trials for the world’s first pharmaceutical developed from raw marijuana instead of synthetic equivalents. In response to urgent need expressed by parents of children with intractable epilepsy, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is now allowing Investigational studies of purified CBD (cannabidiol) for seizures.

Ben Whalley and colleagues at the Center for Integrative Neuroscience and Neurodynamics, University of Reading, using mouse models of epilepsy, established safety and showed that CBD and another cannabinoid, CBDV, exert anti-seizure and anti-inflammatory effects. This research came to the attention of families in the US who had loved ones with epilepsy.

The British Medical Association has stated that cannabis may prove useful as an ‘adjunctive therapy’ for patients who cannot be kept satisfactorily free of seizures on current medications. Likewise, the National Institutes of Health workshop considered that this is ‘an area of potential value’, based largely on animal research showing anticonvulsant effects.

Charlotte’s Web is a sativa marijuana strain that has gained popularity as a good option for treating seizures as well as a range of other medical conditions. This medical potency is due to its high-CBD content, which was specifically cultivated by Colorado breeders The Stanley Brothers for a young epileptic patient named Charlotte. This strain is effective with little to no psychoactive effects, making it great for those who don’t want their medication to affect their daily tasks.

4. Multiple Sclerosis

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has alerted the public that patients diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) have developed serious brain infections after taking the drug Gilenya (fingolimod).

Other drugs like Tysabri are antibody treatments designed to block certain white blood cells that cause MS when they attack nerves. the problem is they have a history of also making patients vulnerable to infection. Biogen and Elan yanked theirs off the market after two cases of the brain disease were confirmed among patients taking the drug; a month later, a third case was confirmed. The FDA allowed the drug to return to the market in July 2006 after they stated benefits outweighed the risks, no doubt with some help from Big Pharma.

GW received government approval in 1998 to develop cannabis-based plant extracts. Their flagship product Sativex is a highly defined extract containing an approximately 50-50 mix of CBD and THC that has been approved by regulators in the UK and more than 20 other countries for treating pain and spasticity in Multiple Sclerosis.

Some forms of medical marijuana are proven to alleviate certain symptoms in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), according to guidelines published in the journal Neurology.

In a review of 2,608 studies, the researchers were able to assess which therapies had sufficient evidence to indicate that they may be effective for patients with MS. Overall, researchers discovered that certain forms of medical marijuana

— a spray form and a pill form — appeared to have the most evidence indicating they may be helpful in patients with MS.

“What we learned are these specific forms of medical marijuana can ease patients’ symptoms — specific symptoms of spasticity, or muscle stiffness … and helped with frequent urination,”according to study author Dr. Pushpa Narayanaswami.

In a 2011 study, Israeli researchers showed that CBD helps treat MS-like symptomsby preventing immune cells from transforming and attacking the insulating covers of nerve cells in the spinal cord. After inducing an MS-like condition in mice — partially paralyzing their limbs — the researchers injected them with CBD. The mice responded by regaining movement, first twitching their tails and then beginning to walk without a limp. The researchers noted that the mice treated with CBD had much less inflammation in the spinal cord than their untreated counterparts.

In another study in Neuroscience researchers used experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), an animal model of MS, and found that cannabinoids reduced microglia activation, nitrotyrosine formation, T cell infiltration, oligodendrocyte toxicity, myelin loss and axonal damage in the mouse spinal cord white matter and alleviated the clinical scores when given either before or after disease onset.


The normal course of treatment for a child diagnosed with ADD/ADHD, is a course of methylphenidate, better known as Ritalin. For the child diagnosed with ADD/ADHD, the side effects of using Ritalin, are many, including psychosis (abnormal thinking or hallucinations), difficulty sleeping, stomach aches, diarrhea, headaches, lack of hunger (leading to weight loss) and dry mouth. In some cases, the use of Ritalin has led to death. Death can be caused due to burst blood vessels, heart failure and fever. Violence is a leading cause of amphetamine-related deaths. Violent tendencies can develop after even regular use.

Children are dying at unprecedented rates from drugs like Ritalain. An excellent documentary Generation Rx, details the disturbing and ongoing chemical abuse of children by conventional medicine. The prescription of psychiatric drugs to the masses, specifically children, are altering their minds, bodies and entire lives.

While some apply preconceptions that marijuana exacerbates ADHD almost all California cannabinologists believe cannabis and cannabinoids have substantially improved the lives of ADHD
sufferers, and with less negative side effects than common stimulant drug ADHD treatments.

We have come to understand more about the brain and the role of dopamine and the endocannabinoid system we are starting to unravel how cannabis, anandamide and dranabinol act to free up dopamine and decrease the overstimulation of the midbrain.

The results in treating ADHD with cannabis are often spectacular. Patients report grades going from Cs and Ds to As and Bs. Dr. David Bearman, a physician practicing in Santa Barbara, California, reports patients have said, “I graduated from the Maritime Academy because I smoked marijuana,” and “I got my Ph.D. because of smoking marijuana.” Almost universally, ADHD patients who therapeutically used cannabis reported in helped them pay attention in lecture, focus their attention instead of thinking of several ideas almost at the same time, helped them to stay on task and do their homework.

70 percent of the brain’s job is to inhibit sensory input from the other 30 percent. Typical ADHD symptoms include distractability. The most accepted theory about ADHD rests on the fact that about 70% of the brain’s function is to regulate input to the other 30%. The cause of ADHD is probably a decreased ability to suppress sensory input both internal and external input (need a reference here). Basically the brain is overwhelmed with too much information that comes too fast. In ADHD, the brain is cluttered with and too aware of all the nuances of a person’s daily experience. This phenomenon is caused by a dopamine dysfunction.

Since the endocannabinoid system was discovered, many studies revealed that marijuana also modulates the dopamine system and therefore has a potential for ADHD treatment. As recounted in the physicians’ stories below, marijuana may be a safer, less costly, and more effective treatment than anything available from the

About the Author:

Marco Torres is a research specialist, writer and consumer advocate for healthy lifestyles. He holds degrees in Public Health and Environmental Science and is a professional speaker on topics such as disease prevention, environmental toxins and health policy.


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Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Get a Ad for $7

Hi there,

Ebony here to show you how you can get
your banners seen by thousands of others at the
same time as earning real cash commissions.


Yes you can get your ads shown on the 7 Dollar
sites network for just $7 and at the same time
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each person who joins under you.

It's just $7 to get started and that gets you lifetime
access to this great cash earning website as well as
your first 20,000 banner impressions.

Check it out now at

Ebony Simon

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Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Do you have a Capture Page for your Link

One of the most important marketing elements, and the first “exposure” to your prospects, is your Lead Capture Page. This page is the first page presented to your prospects and is used to gather basic information and allow them access to your Marketing Site. Your Marketing Website is the primary exposure for your prospects, once they have visited your Lead Capture Page.

If you don't have a capture page it is hard to really know who is coming to your website so the most important thing to do is make sure you have one anytime someone comes.

When they click your link with a capture page they can leave their information and you can contact them immediately.

So try out our system for $1. http://inspiredbyebony.yourwealthticket.com/join We offer many ways for you to personalize and customize your system and we'll help you every step of the way!

My System Pro is an online and offline marketing system that was designed for a variety of opportunities. This is the presentational website that will expose your prospects to you and your company and opportunity.

You have several customization abilities such as

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Display your contact information
Include your social media links if you would like
Share your story
Select your default movie which plays on your marketing site
Set up your Getting Started links for your marketing site
And, much more!
Build your own Lead Capture Page
Select one of our pre-created Lead Capture Pages
Lead Capture Page Options
Customize Your Website
Advertise Your Website
Search Engine Optimization & Ad Tracking
Integrate with an External Website
Rotate Traffic
Edit Your Link · Get a Custom Domain
The choice is completely yours. You may change your selection at any time.

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It's simple! Once you have personally enrolled four (4) active paying subscribers into the My System Pro System, who are not in their free trial period, then your personal system will be free.

Here's my site I just built in 3 minutes

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Who Am I

Hello everyone. I am a Workfromhome Hiring Recruiter for over 80 companies. I live in Baton Rouge Louisiana and I am currently looking for anyone, parents, students, veterans, entrepreneurs, people with no experience but have social media accounts that are interested in earning money from home. If you would like more information on how to save and manage money then please give me a call or text on my business number at 1-225-412-2576.

A little about myself. My name is Ebony I am 31-year-old mother of two daughters and stay at home wife, college grad student, and network marketer. I have been working from home through Facebook and Twitter since February of last year. I currently represent over 80 companies online and I received commission for every person I refer to the corporate company. My job is to train individuals like you to do exactly what I do. When I started I did not have any training. It took me over three months to even understand what the beginning concept of marketing is. Now that I know you must first establish a relationship with the people you are training I am now a successful online marketer for some of the best companies in the market.

I receive daily income weekly income monthly income and residual income. I spend on average three hours a day on the Internet communicating with people about the corporate companies and the benefits and products we provide. Once my company and products have been promoted I contact people that are interested in joining and I explain what the benefits are. I prepare them for the positive outcomes and negative outcomes of this industry and I honestly give them my intake on how they will do in this field.

I am currently a Kannaway Brand Ambassardor, MCA Hiring Associate Recruiter, I am a Mentor and Training Affiliate for Wealthy Affiliates, I am a Epx Distributor and team leader, I am a Email Processor Reseller for Eps, I am a Home Marketing Representative for Instant Rewards, I am a Online Hair Business Store Owner for 2 hair companies (ITYH, HOBH), I am a Hair Vitamin Affiliate for HairInfinity. I am a Team Leader for Maleluca, MyFunLife, Roboform, and Clixsense. I am a Amazon, Hootsuite, Jvzoo, Payspree, PayPal, Rignite, Vista Print, and GoDaddy Online Affiliate.

Again I have been doing this for a year and two months now I am very equipped and ready to show you how to successfully make six figures in six months. Everything I have for you will make you 6 figures in 6 months. This job is very simple and will come with 24 hour training. You will be provided with the post to post the Tweets to Tweet the craigslist ad to promote pictures to post flyers to hand out training calls to go on everything.

I will be your personal sponsor and will arrange for you and I to discuss everything needed to successfully make six figures. This is not an opportunity to make quick fast cash. This is an opportunity to become a independent business owner who will build a residual income for the rest of your life with team members who are successfully creating teams all across the country. Again get started by texting me at 225-412-2567 or go here and make sure to http://inspiredbyebony.yourwealthticket.com leave your contact info on the site and I'll email you in 30 minutes.

Remember I have over 80 streams of income. I am trained by the best and I will provide the best training. If you are dedicated to improving your quality of life by saving managing and making money then let me know I'm available Everday from 8am-8pm through my Facebook and Twitter page or by phoning my office at the number above.


God Bless,

Ebony Simon Wheeler

Independent Business Owner

Business # 13024991579

Text 1-225-412-2567

Motor Club of America Job Line 1-225-341-1862

Mca Recording https://vr.shapeservices.com/user/faithluvprosperity/

WakeUpNow JOB INFO Leadership Call 1- (712) 432-1085 Pin: 758495

WUN Team Build Call http://goo.gl/er3bEu







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