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Sunday, June 29, 2014

How to Succeed Using FB

In order for you to be successful on Facebook the main thing you must always remember is that you are trying to be popular like the popular kid in class or the popular kid at the party. I know it sounds crazy but it really is the truth when you think about the big network marketers that or recognizable they are popular and the things you have to learn is how to become popular.

It is crazy to have to go back to a high school mentality but it really is the best way to start your business in a successful manner. if you start a business and you start the business all boring no fun, think about it with no excitement, guess what instead of becoming popular you become ignored.

I started this page on May 22, 2014 and when I started this page I started this page because I got very very aggravated with my other Facebook page which has over 1000 friends and over 500 followers.

I didn't realize that my aggravation should not be with the people on that page but my aggravation should be with the way that I was selling my popularity I never actually put things on that page other than job-related things.

Now that I have shifted my mindset and is starting to understand that my Facebook page is basically a store in the Facebook mall, I have now learned how to create a Facebook page that can become popular generating a nice income.

When people come to this industry they don't realize that this is one of the main things you need to really really make it. first of all your Page needs to be recognizable, Informative, and inspiring.

1. If you have a Facebook page that is over a year old and you have been marketing on it for over six months without seeing any success my first suggestion is to create a new page strictly for marketing and meeting like-minded individuals.

This was the first thing I did on May 22. I created a page and honestly I did not go friend like-minded individuals. I actually friended people in my hometown that liked the same sports teams as me. so I requested to join all Saints, LSU Tigers, and Southern Jaguars groups on Facebook.

Then after requesting to join those groups I made myself known by creating topics or post that was very relevant to what was going on in the sports industry. So one of the big topics for the Saints was the fact that they let go of Darren Sproles I created a topic around that and generated over 75 comments. Another big topic was the charges that been brought against former Saints player Darren Sharper. I created a post about that, that generated over 200 comments from it. I also started commenting on the post of other people that were in the groups of the Saints fans. This is how I added my initial people to my page and that was about 20 people.

On this new Facebook page I also decided it was really important to have real supporters on my Facebook page. so I went and requested Facebook friendships with people that were in the same marketing industry as me. so I requested friendships from Mca Associates, Wakeupnow independent business owners, and Kannaway brand ambassadors. I requested friendships with people that were looking for employment in the work groups on and on the unemployment Facebook pages. This is how I received my next 20 people on my Facebook page.

2. The best decision I made to help my Page succeed in Facebook friendships was getting involved in the VIRAL ADD ME FB POSTS. this is where I started changing my mindset on how to brand myself because I represent so many companies.

So go on pages and add only people that comment under posts that are meaningful to you.

Make sure when you add them, you like Whatever the comment is they left on the post and you go on their page and like the first three posts that are on their page.

3. If you are learning to become popular this is one of the most important steps you must remember to complete. always make three types of post each hour.

make a post that requires people to comment on something relevant to the marketing world, make a post that explains the product you are providing, and provide a post that gives people inspiration or a different way to look at negative things that are taking place in their life.

Do not put your link on all three posts I would suggest and what I have been doing is putting my link only on one of the three post specifically the product post. I also include my branding link only one of the three post so I actually put my link on two of the three post each hour.

4. Because you are making posts that require people to comment or inbox you or answer questions, I suggest that you do what I have done which is respond to every single comment by liking that comment. if you have AN actual verbal response I suggest typing that response letting them know what your thoughts are. this allows conversation to take place on your post and whether you realize it or not people are definitely reading the comments.

After you like their comment go on their page and like a few of their posts and leave one comment that requires people to engage in communication on one of the post you like on their page.

5. As you began to gain more popularity by just talking, I suggest you follow up with people who or engaging on your page. Send them an inbox message thanking them for leaving comments and liking your post. let them know that you will return the favor and love by doing the same. never give them your link just let them know if they are interested in creating multiple streams of income you have different things that could definitely help them do just that. Then go like more comments on their page.

6. Lastly Remember Facebook is not only a popularity contest. It is also your store to engage with customers. so always remember that your Facebook page is a store in the Facebook mall and you always want people coming to your store everyday.

When you go to the your favorite store you know exactly what you are looking for so you know exactly what to expect. remember people look at your Facebook page in the exact same way. not only do they expect you to have the post that are popular and that brings about a lot of communication they also look at your store for the best products and for the best services. so make sure that you provide all of the above and then you will get to see a increase in your income.

Now if you have read this and you are interested in creating this foundation please let me know. I will help you in every. I will show you how to be successful with using word-of-mouth by promoting your own self first.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad