#PRAYFORBATONROUGE To All police officers. We love you. we respect you. we appreciate everything you do for us. but at the same time we are also terrified of you. we do not know if you judge us before you even approached us. When passing by you in a vehicle we are scared to make Eye contact with you because we are afraid you're going to turn on the lights That make us immediately have to go to the bathroom. trust me we do not want anything bad to happen when we encounter each other. Little do you know. we really do respect your badge your gun and your role in society. we wish that you respect our life our race our feelings and our belief. Yes some of us or angry and aggressive but the majority of us are humble and submissive in your presence. if you tell us what to do we do it. we do not try to aggravate or agitate you in no way because we are trying to leave with our life and no tickets. When you approach us we are scared to death because we do not know if we are about to meet death. We try our best not to do anything that would make you think we are suspicious of anything. we look straight we put our hands where you can see them we tell our children to be quiet and sit back. We tell everyone don't say nothing unless asked a question. please understand you get more respect then you could ever imagine. There are very few of us Who want to get a ticket less known go to jail or die when we see you. if we are going fast we slow down if we are walking by you we will literally stop and take a pause just so we do not have to be approached by you. I am telling you from first-hand experience we are terrified of you because we do not know what you think of us. but what we think of you is pure respect. you probably are the only people that can get anyone to respect them simply by looking or approaching them. So remember this you can approach us and we will be just as nice as you. All we want to do is go home and continue our lives just like you. Even though we are different we are all the same and we all have one thing in common respect we will always respect you please respect us.