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Sunday, May 29, 2016

Now Seeking GlamBassadors

Would anyone like to meet and WERK with the fashion icon TYRA BANKS? She created her own makeup cosmetic line and will be in Las Vegas August 21 through the 24th and you can meet her then if you are promoting her company. You have the opportunity to earn an additional $750 if you bling up by august. We provide you with everything including the products. Just become a tyra beauty glambassador for free or become a Beautytainer for less than $100 and you can get ready to boss up your life while you rack up those bank signs from TYRA herself. Comment if you want the details. No experience necessary we train you weekly through phone and FB.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Believe it

Your emotions are the lever that moves the world. Whatever you think about, whatever you vividly see inside your head, you draw in more of.
So, if you’re a worrier, a fretter, or if your current thought patterns aren’t conducive to a life of abundance, then incantations are the way to change them.
Not affirmations; incantations. The difference is huge.
Incantations are a technique that the famous motivational speaker Tony Robbins uses to grease the wheel of fortune and open wide the floodgates of abundance in his clients’ lives.
According to Robbins,’affirmations’ are “just words on a page. They evoke no emotional response.”
In other words, as far as using them to call in prosperity and abundance, you might as well be screaming into a pillow – the vibrations won’t travel.
‘Incantations’, on the other hand, are personalized statements that evoke an emotional reaction so powerful that it permanently alters your thought patterns.
So the key here is emotion.
Don’t just say it; FEEL it.
The more you evoke EMOTIONS with your incantations, the stronger your vibrational output is and the more forcefully and magnetically you draw in the prosperity that’s rightfully yours.
Here are a few sample affirmations (yours for the taking):
– Money flows to me constantly; I always have more than enough.
– I am worthy of abundance and I experience it every day.
– I am solvent and prosperous. My life is rich and sweet.
– Money is my friend; we’re always together and always will be.
If you’re still not sure how to turn yourself into a success, money, and happiness magnet, CLICK HERE to see a free presentation I put together. In it, I teach you a simple vibrational technique called‘Destiny Tuning’ which automatically triples your vibrational output and forces the Universe to bring in MORE of what you love.
If you’re feeling stuck, if you want MORE, if you want to take your life to the next level of abundance,click here to check out the free presentation now.

Feel it

Money affirmations will assist you to love and hence attract money.

Money Affirmations

  • I love money. Money flows easily into my life.
  • I attract money naturally. My middle name is money.
  • I realise that money is essential for leading a good life but that I should not make it the number one priority of life.
  • The Universe is the constant supplier of money for me and I always have enough money to fulfill my needs.
  • Whatever activities I perform make money for me and I am always full of money.
  • My bank balance is increasing everyday and I always have enough money for myself.
  • Money and I are friends and our friendship will never fall apart.
  • I am a money magnet towards whom money is constantly attracted.
  • Every day I am attracting and saving more and more money.
  • Money is an integral part of my life and is never away from me.
  • I am debt free as money is constantly flowing into my life.
    My money consciousness is always increasing and keeping me surrounded by money.
As always, feel free to combine two or more affirmations and repeat them preferably in front of a mirror. Use these affirmations to attract money and become wealthy.

Believe it

– Money flows to me constantly; I always have more than enough.
– I am worthy of abundance and I experience it every day.
– I am solvent and prosperous. My life is rich and sweet.
– Money is my friend; we’re always together and always will be.

Manifest your dreams

Manifest tour dreams be specific, focus on the wanted, let the universe decide the “hows,” immerse yourself in the feeling of having and (most importantly) let go when you have completed your visualization. If you can complete each of these steps you will be able to manifest your dreams quickly and easily!

If you know about the Law of Attraction, you’ve likely heard that it is important to visualize your dreams in order to draw them closer to you.  While this definitely true, it is important that wevisualize properly in order to manifest.  Improper visualizationcan actually push our dreams further away from us.
Here are a few tips on how to visualize your dreams effectively.  Following these steps will help you  use the Law of Attraction with success:

1) Be specific

In the initial stages of visualization, it’s best to identify as many aspects about this manifestation as you can.  For example, if you want to attract a new car, take the time to figure out the exact model and all of the options that you would optimally want.
We’ve all had the experience of “almost” getting what we want, like getting the right car at the right price but in the wrong color.  As you progress through these steps, the universe will start to bring you what you’ve been thinking about, and if you haven’t thought at all about a key detail, your dream might manifest without it.
Therefore, it is best to fully identify what you want so it manifests properly the first time, and you don’t have to go back to the drawing board after an “almost perfect” item has shown up in your reality.

2) Focus only on what’s wanted

When you are trying to visualize something to manifest (like maybe a new job), stick ONLY to the aspects that you want.
In other words, you wouldn’t want to be thinking during your visualization “I don’t want a lot of meetings” or “I don’t want a boss who’s a control freak.”
Thoughts like these will conjure an image in your mind of a lot of meetings or a controlling boss.  Visions like these make it more likely that the universe will bring you a job that has these exact things that you do not want.
You get the things that you are thinking about, so in this scenario it would be better to say things  like “I want a lot of time to work independently” or “I want a boss who is flexible and understanding.”  Then, visualize working independently and having a flexible, understanding boss.
Manage your thoughts during your visualization to ensure that they focus only on the wanted.

3) Let the universe decide how it happens

Please make sure that you don’t spend any effort or time visualizing how your dream will manifest.
For example, let’s say that you want a 60 inch screen television.  Do not make it part of your vision to imagine yourself going to the store and buying it.
The reason this is important is that the universe can deliver your dreams in an infinite number of ways.  It may be easier and quicker for your dream to come in a way you’ve never considered.
Maybe you’ll win the television in a raffle your friend entered you in without your knowledge, or a coworker needs to move suddenly and simply gifts their brand new TV to you.
Stick only to the end outcome. It is your job to decide what you want, but it is the universe’s job to decide how to bring it to you.

4) Immerse yourself in the vision to feel like you have it

Once you have clearly identified exactly what you want, allow yourself to be totally immersed in the vision.
If it’s a dream vacation, do a google search and look at pictures on the internet of the destination, the airport you’d arrive in and the hotel you’d be staying at.  If it’s a new cell phone, go to the mobile store and pick up the phone, look at it and play with it.  If it isn’t something tangible, simply spend some time fantasizing about having it.
The goal here is to begin feeling like you already have what you want.  Feeling as if you have your dream will bring you into the frequency of actually having it.

5) Let go

This is the most important step and the one most people get stuck on.  After you’ve properly defined what you want and immersed yourself in the vision, you must let go in order for manifestation to occur!
Do not obsess over this visualization any more.  You have done your job of visualizing exactly what you want, now you must send the universe a message that you expect for it to arrive.
Sitting down day after day to visualize sends a message that you are focused on not having what you want.  Focusing on not having something creates a situation where it will continue not to come.
You’ve very likely had several experiences where you wanted something very badly for a long time and you just couldn’t seem to take your mind off of it.  Finally one day you said “I give up on this! I’m ready to move on with my life!” and then WHAM! it manifested almost immediately.
Remind yourself of times like these to help you let go when you are working with your new dreams.  Paradoxically, if you can make it ok for your dream not to come true, it will come true.  Surrender your vision to the universe and then get back to living your life.
Again, to manifest your dream using the Law of Attraction, visualization is important, but you must take care to visualize in a way that draws your dream closer rather than pushes it away.


Almost all of us have met many different types of soulmates in our life. Some of them come in solely for the purpose of teaching us something, some to break apart our life and redirect us to somewhere different and some who pass us for the briefest of moments, yet tug on our hearts as if we’ve known them a lifetime. Each type will help you reveal the layers of your spirit, and guide you towards finding the ultimate soulmate…
Related post: Way To Get A Man To Fall Head-Over-Heels In Love With You!
The Friend Soulmate
Sometimes we meet a person and just from that moment we behave like we have known them our entire life, even if we’ve only known them a few minutes.
You could talk to this person for hours on end and never get bored. These types of soulmates actually know you better than you know yourself, which is why they are extremely important in your life. They “get you” in ways nobody else does and help you find your way through all of life’s trials and triumphs.
The Affair Soulmate
These people don’t stay in our lives forever, but they come in as a lover and typically take on the form of a really beautiful relationship for a period of time. These soulmates are meant to be in our lives for a certain period of time to teach us about ourselves and other important lessons about our life road.
Soulmates like this often stay on good terms and become friends after their relationship ends, both realizing and acknowledging how much the other person taught them. Therefore that “soul connection” lasts a lifetime even though the romantic love portion of the dynamic fades.
The Stranger Soulmate
This is always a very brief encounter with somebody you don’t know. It might be the person you sat next to on a flight for a few hours, someone you meet and spend time with one evening at a party, or as brief as a stranger whose eyes yours meet on the street and you exchange just a few words with.
If you believe in past lives, it’s typically because you are recognizing them as someone who truly is from your past.
The exchange is brief but intimate. They normally say something that you need to hear in that moment, validate something that you’ve been feeling or push you in a direction you need to go but are afraid. You know in the depths of your soul the encounter meant something even though you never see them again.
The Teacher Soulmate
Also referred to as Karmic Soulmates. A significant other, a friend, a family member, and even an enemy can be a teacher soul. This relationship can be romantic but it does not last. No matter how strong the attraction is, teacher souls do not make good romantic partners as they will never see you as their equal.
Teacher soulmates bring out the best and worst parts in you. They are around to teach a lesson, and what you fail to learn from one karmic soulmate, you will tend to seek from another.
More than often, teacher souls start as friends and end as near-strangers when their work is done. When that happens it’s best to accept the wisdom gained from the teacher soul and move on. Understanding why they appeared will help you appreciate them for what they were — a lesson, and nothing more.
Divine Love Soulmate
This is the soulmate that every one of us desires to have. And if we’re lucky enough, we will meet them and live out the rest of our days on this earth together.
They encompass all of the above… the familiarity, the feeling of having known them for an entire lifetime moments after meeting them, the intense bond and connection that never goes away, the deep friendship, and the extraordinary, enchanted, deep-seated love.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Friday, May 13, 2016

Subscribe Now

💘 everywoman should be subscribed to these different monthly goody bags they are all under $15 💘
















Personal Shopper http://syw.co/Ebony

https://paribus.co/i/C9hTBw sign up with me to save additional money!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Just Pray

Lord I come to you today asking that you remove the negativity out of my mind and the negativity from around me. If anyone is coming to me with negativity I return it back to them and I give it to you. Keep my mind focused on what it is I would like to accomplish today. Place in my spirit a renewing heart and mind. Remove anybody out of my life that means me no good. That is doing harm to me and that is talking bad about me. Forgive me for anything bad that I have done and said to hurt or offend anybody. Allow my day to go by smoothly with nothing but happiness peace and joy bring in some money so that I can can continue to live in peace and joy bless anybody that I come in contact with today in Jesus name I pray amen.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Entice Network

What is the EnticeNetwork?

We promote thousands of webcam models across the United States by placing local classified ads. Our mission is to send as many new paying guests to our partner model's cam rooms as possible. In fact since 2005 we've sent over 300,000 new paying guests direct to our partner models.

Why do models use the EnticeNetwork?

Cam models make money when they are performing for paying guests. They are usually too busy performing to effectively promote themselves. No matter how good looking a cam model is, it can be hard to stand out from the rest on a large cam site. Over 3,000 models use the EnticeNetwork to promote their cam shows.

Why do you need affiliates like me?

The majority of models do not list their actual home town for obvious security and privacy reasons. In fact a model will usually geo block their real location so they are not viewable in that city. However 'being local' is a huge attraction for potential viewers so most models list an alternate, fictional location. For example a model from Dallas might list Kansas City as her hometown on social media and her cam profile. A lot of sites will only allow users with a local IP address to post in that specific market. The EnticeNetwork was created so affiliates like you can place ads in your local area and then we connect those incoming leads with the right cam model.

What am I actually promoting?

As an affiliate you are promoting a model's cam show along with her contact information. When potential guests are enticed by your ad they can text the number provided and we will connect them with an available model. When a guest creates an account on the model's cam site and performs an action (enters their payment information or purchases a show) you will receive credit for a sign up.

How do I know what model I should promote?

To receive the highest lead to sign up conversion all ads that you place will be general in nature, with no specific model identification. When the guest texts your number our internal system connects the guest to an available model that matches your promotion. Since a model isn't performing 24/7 this allows us to answer the incoming lead any time of day and connect the viewer to a model. This is important because the longer a guest has to wait for a reply, the less interested he will become in watching a show.

Do I have to view any adult content?

No. Since we place generic, non model specific ads, we do not place pictures or videos within our ads.

Where do I place my ads?

Classified sites in your local market. The biggest and best classified site to place an ad on is CraigsList. You can also place an ad on BackPage, AdultSearch, CityVibe and many more. As long as the classified site has an adult or personals category it is a good place to promote our model's cam shows.

Do you offer training on how to place an ad?

Yes, if you are unfamiliar with a site and how to place an ad we offer complete tutorials on every major classified site.

Does the EnticeNetwork provide the ad content?

Yes, when you're ready to place an ad just go to your 'Daily Ads' page within your EnticeNetwork account. This provides you with multiple customized ads you can choose from, including pictures (if necessary), titles and ad copy. The ads provided vary by day and time. All you have to do is copy and paste!

How often can I place an ad?

This depends on the classified site you are posting on. The largest, CraigsList, allows you to post 1 ad per IP and device every 48 hours.

What is the best time to place an ad?

This depends on our partner model availability. As a general rule the best times to place an ad is during prime time, between 7pm - 2am Eastern.

What happens when a guest texts the phone number in my ad?

The text message (lead) is delivered to our internal system where it is pre-qualified. Our automated system determines if the guest knows the ad was for a cam show, knows the cam show costs money, has a way to pay for the cam show and is interested. Once qualified the lead is distributed to an available model and she takes it from there. The guest signs up to view the model on her site and either verifies his membership with a form of payment or purchases credit to view the model. As soon as the guest takes this action you receive credit for the signup and the commission is added to your account.

Once I place an ad do I have to do anything else?

Nope. All you have to do is place the ads. Our system and our partner models handles the rest.

How many leads and sign ups should I expect from each ad I place?

This completely depends on the classified site and date/time the ad was placed. Some ads will generate hundreds of leads and multiple sign ups. Other ads might only generate a couple of leads per day, but stay up for a week or longer.

I placed an ad but it doesn't look like it went live?

It's possible your ad was 'ghosted'. On the most popular classified sites your ad can show as 'live' however it cannot be viewed by the community. This usually happens when the ad you have placed has been flagged as abnormal or suspicious. The most common cause for this is violating the sites terms of service by over posting.

My ad was flagged down by the site's community members. Is this normal and how do I prevent this from happening again?

Unfortunately the majority of ads placed on the larger classified sites will be flagged eventually. Although are ads receive a large response, some community members do not care for 'cam show' ads and will flag them down. Some ads will remain live for a few minutes and some ads will remain live for multiple days.

How much can I make promoting your cam models?

You will earn $10 for every sign up your leads generate. The average EnticeNetwork affiliate earns $100-$250 a month placing 2-4 ads a week.

Is it really under 1 hour of work a month?

Yes, it takes about 5 minutes to place your first ad. Since most sites let you simply re-post an ad after a set amount of time, subsequent ads can take as little as 1 minute to post.

How will I be paid?

We process payments via direct deposit and check. It takes 3 business days to set up your direct deposit with our bank so make sure your payment information is updated before your scheduled payment date. You are also welcome to set up direct deposit with a pre-paid card if you would prefer. The minimum payment amount is $20.

How often will I be paid?

Our pay period is weekly (Monday 12:00 AM through Sunday 11:59 PM Eastern time). We process and send payments 1 week later (the following Monday, unless it’s a bank holiday, then it will be sent the next business day after the holiday).

Are taxes taken out?

No, you are considered an independent contractor and taxes are not deducted from your commission payment. A 1099 is sent at the end of the year (if you earned $600 or more) and you are responsible for making your own tax payments.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

5 Things Your Brand Should Learn From Beyoncé’s Lemonade

5 Things Your Brand Should Learn From Beyoncé’s Lemonade

 Apr 26, 2016
  • Famira M. Green Branding (Coach*Strategist*Designer), Speaker, and International Best Selling Author

So if you were anywhere near a TV, computer, cell phone, well any electronic device then you should know all about Lemonade. And no I’m not talking about the Country Inn kind your Mom use to make. I’m referring to the Queen of Killer Launches ........Beyoncé!

So the Leader of the Beehive has done it again! She’s got the whole world talking about her. And I’m joining in the conversation. But I’m not here to talk about the phenomenal imagery of the videos, the emotional subject matter or any of that. As I watched the visual album on HBO and all the buzz throughout social media it became obvious the lessons that all entrepreneurs could learn from this. There are five specific lessons I want to share with you that will help your to catapult your brand to Beyoncé status in your industry.

1. Dare to Be Different! - We can’t keep ourselves inside the box. And we DEFINITELY cannot allow others to force you into a box they’ve created. Though Beyoncé was not the first person to have a visual album and this is not even her first visual album (remember the “Beyoncé” album). However, it is still considered different in the fact it’s not the everyday norm of releasing music. As Entrepreneurs we have to be confident with going with the ideas that we receive even if it’s not being done in your industry. Different is what makes you STAND OUT! Embrace your brand’s uniqueness, don’t run from it.

2.Don’t Be Afraid To Be Vulnerable! - All over social media as the words poured in as varying views of the videos included in the album. They were everywhere I turned on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, not to mention just type in the word lemonade on Google and see how B takes over the World Wide Web! However, whether they like the album or not the same words were used to describe it; raw, emotional, artistic, strength, pain and forgiveness. She allowed herself to be very open and show her vulnerability to people about her martial struggles (alleged). By being so open with her emotions and not being afraid to do so made her audience relate to her even more. The same is true for all of us in business. Stop only wanting to share the good and glamorous side of entrepreneurship. Being open and honest will allow your audience to trust you more!

3.Give Your Audience What They Want! - There are many speculations as to why Beyoncé gets the response she does from her fans...respect the Beehive or they will come for you! No matter what your thoughts are to the why at the heart of it all is that she give them what THEY WANT. She’s very in tune with her audience. How in tune are you with yours? Are you giving them what they want or what you want them to have? They’re not always the same thing. Building community is imperative your brand’s success. Get people off social media and in your mailing list. So that you can connect with them even the more. When creating programs, products or services you have to tap into your ideal client’s desires and needs.

4.Let Your Genius and Gift Speak For Itself! - Whether you like Beyoncé or not the one thing you CAN’T deny is her gift. She’s not only a musical genius, but a marketing and branding one as well. Even with the flawless way in which she executes her releases it wouldn’t matter if the music was garbage. So let this be a lesson to you as well. No matter what hype you drum up around your Brand if there’s no substance behind it you WILL be found out! Trust your gift, embrace your genius zone and allow it to speak for itself.

5.Think of a Master Plan & Keep It To Yourself! - Trust me I know when you create something new you want to shout it from the rooftops! It’s bubbling up inside of you, however telling the world is not always the best thing to do. Part of why Beyoncé’s projects like Lemonade and the Formation Tour are able to be the huge successful releases that they were is because she put together a Master Plan for them. These were not easy undertakings the thought and planning is apparent! The way in which she laid out the release of Lemonade on HBO as well as on social media was impeccable. Playing a major role in the success was the elements of surprise and curiosity. Both of which could only be accomplished at this level by keeping it under wraps. Not just herself, but her team as well. Just think of all of the people involved in creating this visual album and NOTHING leaked!! So learn to keep things to yourself and when you need a team to help you launch be sure you chose the right ones to share with and take whatever means necessary to ensure their discretion. I’m sure there were tons of Non-Disclosures signed for this project. The proof is in the EXECUTION not the CONVERSATION.

So let us all learn from this amazing songwriter, musical artist, and business phenomenon. No matter what’s going on in your business it’s time to get yourself into Formation and turn those lemons into lemonade....... (I know, I know; I couldn’t help myself!)


(image provided by Tidal .. http://listen.tidal.com/album/59727856)


Sunday, May 1, 2016

Speak it

It's a NEW MONTH. Train your mind to expect what you believe REPEAT & BELIEVE EVERYDAY FOR A YEAR 

No weapon formed against me shall prosper. Every tongue that rises up against me in judgment shall be condemned. 

Let's speak out THESE 25 affirmations. By Stormy Wellington

1. I will hear the voice of the Holy Spirit within

2. I will lead and not follow

3. I will create and not destroy

4. I am a force from God

5. I defy the odds 

6. I set new standards

7. I am the head and not the tail

8. I am above and not beneath. 

9. I am the lender not the borrower 

10. I am loved by God. 

11. I am chosen by God. 

12. I am protected by God. 

13. It's my season. 

14. It's my turn. 

15. I am healthy 

16. I am happy 

17. I am humble. 

18. I am wealthy 

19. I am strong. 


21. I will never be broke another day in my life. 





No weapon formed against me shall prosper No weapon formed against me shall prosper and every tongue that rises up against me in judgement shall be condemned. every tongue that rises up against me in judgement shall be condemned..

Reminded by Brian Fanale to create Daily Affirmations.

I will be a millionaire.

Money will come to me easily.

I will earn money in my sleep.

I will be able to give freely.

Money will never be a problem.

I will never be broke again.

My investments will triple in value.

My kids will never go to daycare.

My husband will be his own boss.

My grandchildren will only know entrepreneurship.

I will wake up with joy in my heart daily.

Peace of mind will encompass me.

I am strong.

I am a leader.

I provide people with value.

The Most High will order my steps.

My enemies will be my footstool.

My marriage will thrive, be healthy and everlasting.

My children will be blessed.

I am a conqueror.

My path is blessed.

My home is blessed.

My family is blessed.

I am blessed.

No weapon formed against me shall prosper No weapon formed against me shall prosper and every tongue that rises up against me in judgement shall be condemned. every tongue that rises up against me in judgement shall be condemned..j