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Monday, April 25, 2016


When life gives you sour lemons make sweet lemonade. What does that mean when you are born with something out of your control? 

Yes I am disABLED but what that means is that I am very much able to do anything anybody else is able to do I just have to learn how to do it with adjustments. 

Life is not really designed to be sweet lemonade. There are so many different ways in preparing lemonade to make it taste perfect that you have to understand life is actually the same way. 

The main ingredient of lemonade is the water and the lemons. In my life the main ingredient consist of God (the water) me and my two daughters. (Lemons). 

Every day I choose what type of sweetener I will add it to my lemonade. Depending on my mood depends on how the day goes (lemonade taste). I try to make sure every day that prayer and scripture is the main Sweetner of my lemonade recipe. So that my daily cup always taste perfect. 

I understand that you have different types of cups that you can drink out of therefore I make sure to drink the same amount everyday. Meaning I have a daily routine so that my day can run smoothly the parts that I can control. 

When situations arise sometimes you have to pour out your glass of lemonade and refilled a bigger cup with a little more of the main ingredients. 

Don't ever let your situation make you feel as though you are not in control. Because really you are in control. You have to make the lemonade you have to buy the ingredients you have to make it you have to mix it. you have to pour it in the glass and you have to drink it regardless to how it taste. 

When life gives you lemons always make lemonade. When your back is against the wall always seek a higher force to hold you up.