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Saturday, March 5, 2016


What's the secret?" I get asked this question a lot like what I'm doing is a secret.. it isn't..

1.) To attract more people to you and ultimately more leads to your business on social media like Facebook, you are judged by your profile picture down to the content that you post on your wall. If you are posting sports news all day, then you are perceived as a sports commentator. If you are posting jokes all day, then you are perceived as a comedian. People are more likely to join your business if you inspire them to want to do more in life. How you communicate to the world matters. I have my privacy setting on Who Can See Your Posts on PUBLIC. More strangers are likely to hit the Add Friend or accept your friend requests if they enjoy your content. You don't need to wear suit and tie for profile pic, but it should be a clear photo of your face from shoulder up.. preferably smiling. The first thing people see is your face before any content

2.) I learned to become a social butterfly. I engage on a lot of people's posts on Facebook to put myself out there. Someone out there on the internet is watching their posts and wondering who are the people commenting. If you are doing #1 above, then when people do check out who you are, they are likely to add you. More chances of new connections... more chances of more leads for your business

3.) You don't see me make redundant posts like GOOD MORNING ... GOOD NIGHT... HAPPY FRIDAY... ENJOY YOUR WEEKEND. I don't post a lot.. typically one every other day. I only post when I know it's something that people want to see. You want more engagement? Post content worth seeing. Observe the masses and do the opposite. People should look forward to more content from you

4.) I spend more time directly communicating with people (phone, FB chat, meeting in person, Skype, email) than thinking about what to post on my Facebook wall. Post less, talk to people more. Solidify the relationships. Good relationships... good business partners 

5.) My objective on Facebook is to network and make money. Not here for popularity. The end goal is to get people to spend money or get someone they know to spend money. Hey.. if you don't want the truth and don't care about growing your business, then continue posting politics, violence, news, viral funny cat videos, and plenty of things that you have no control over. It's none of my business honestly, but if you've read this far, then you probably wanted to learn a thing or two 

6.) You don't see me share content. While I like Grant Cardone's book, you won't see me sharing his videos or his Facebook posts. He's already famous and making millions. I'm not there yet... so I need to focus on ME. Brand yourself... some of you I scroll through your profile and all I see is other people's contents. Am I on your profile to learn about you or someone else? 

Follow basic principles on social media, and you too can blast out of obscurity, become known, generate a ton of leads for your business, and slowly but surely, you will always make money online 

It was a huge learning curve for me, but it's all worth it for the time freedom that I now have

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