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Friday, January 29, 2016

Phone Burner

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Top 10 Success Tips


Tip # 1.

Here is the most important thing...

Treat this Business like a Business.

Don't treat it like a hobby or a play thing! Take it seriously! The income you can earn is very serious. The changes you can make for your family are serious changes. You can become debt free! You can pay off your mortgage! You can provide the very best for your loved ones. You can build a legacy for your family! And in order to do all that, you need to be passionate about YOUR business.

Walt Disney built a empire and had fun doing it. He worked his dream and would not be deterred!

Tip # 2.

Stay focused.

Even your sponsor may be all over the place. Flying into one opportunity after another, back and forth always looking for the pot of gold over the rainbow. Never staying in one place long enough to gain success. Most people in networking do this, they keep jumping from company to company hoping to hit it big somewhere. Of course they never do. They just spend hundreds, even thousands starting a business and never follow through! Stay focused! The grass is always greener somewhere else, especially in the beginning!

After years of networking and our months and months of research we have determined that the "grass is greener" right here! Stick around for awhile and you will see why. Make a pledge to yourself that you have found a home! That this is the last network you'll ever build!

The Big Earners stay with One Company! Learn from their example!

Tip # 3.

Make a commitment to invest in YOUR Business.

Invest your Time. Invest your Energy. Invest your Money and Resources! And Continue To Do So! Understand this is just like any other business you would start. The rewards can be so much greater than anything else you could do. You need to water a garden to help it grow. You need to advertise your business to help it grow! You can do it through word of mouth or advertising, offline or online marketing. We suggest that you do it all.

Commit that you will continue to invest in your business!

Tip # 4.

There is Always a Way!

Whatever your situation, you can do this! Find a way! There is always a way! Some people are BROKE when they start but they find a way to borrow the funds to do what we needed to do. Let's face it if you are an adult (and I assume you are) and you don't have the money to grow your business, you need some major changes in your life. Because what you have been doing has left you in a position that you don't have a couple of dollars to launch YOUR business. STOP what you are doing! It is not working!

Anything you have ever really wanted in your life, if you really wanted it and worked to get it, I'll bet you got it! You CAN find a way to make this happen!

Tip # 5.

The Heavy chains of worry are heaviest in idle moments . . . get busy!

For things to get better you need to get better. For things to change you need to change.

Emulate a leader: Think of someone successful, ask yourself, "What would he do, well why don't I just do that?" And then just do it!

Continue to believe in yourself, you can do this!

Tip # 6.

Don't look upline . . . look in the mirror.

It is not the company, the system or the upline. It is working for thousands of others, ask yourself, "What else can I be doing?" Read motivating books! Be on all the conference and training calls.

Commit to work on yourself, get better and better!

Tip # 7.

Get in the game!

Always look to move up. Be a LEADER! Review Your websites. Listen to Your Conference Calls. Keep plugging in, 2-3 times a week, it will recharge your batteries. Listen and learn, the more you learn, the more you will earn.

Determine to be a LEADER!

Tip # 8.

Take ALL OUT MASSIVE ACTION for the next 30 . . .
60 . . . 90 days!

You are having a GRAND OPENING for your business. Have EVERYONE come and look! You want hundreds of people to visit your site in your first couple of weeks in business. Commit to do what ever it takes to make this happen! 

All Out Massive Action! Let the WORLD know you have a business opportunity for them to look at. Leverage the Power of the Internet to Grow your Business! 

Put the blinders on for 90 days and take ALL OUT MASSIVE ACTION!

90 DAYS Minimum!

Tip # 9.

Listen to your upline. They want you to succeed.

Duplicate success! Follow the Leader! In the same vain DO NOT listen to NEGATIVE people, they will try and suck the life out of you. Hang with successful people and you become successful, hang out with losers and you'll be a loser too.

Make the commitment to listen to positive people and avoid negative influences.

Tip # 10.

Do the Basics over and over.

Expose Your Business! Drive traffic to your site DAILY!

Follow up with people who visit more than once. 

Introduce prospects and new members to your upline (3-way call).

Make sure your new members are duplicating the System.

Use the 10 tips daily and watch your success SOAR!


Commit To Making At Least 1 Referral Every 24-72 Hrs!

Before reading on, or even getting started, commit to yourself that you will stick with this until you have made at least 1-2 referrals every few days. You should be able to do this very easily with the information that is provided.

Now all you have to do is help others do what you did. You have the best opportunity you could possibly have.

It all starts with finding ONE who finds ONE.. This could be months but it could also be weeks or days the choice is yours.

We hope you will take advantage of being at the "right place at the right time" and explode your business by helping others. There is no better reward than helping others to succeed.

The number #1 tip I can share with you is,


If you have questions, let your upline know. We also include a knowledge base of frequently asked questions you can access 24/7, and we will help you to succeed. We're here for you, and we become successful by helping you be successful!

MCA training by Rodney

Welcome To The MCA Support Group


A place to chat together fast

Click the image below.  If you don’t have a Facebook account, open one for free at www.facebook.com I do not have a facebook account and I use my girlfriends account.  I will add you to the team training group from HER account. It’s very important that you us as a friend, that way you can get into our training group. The group is a great place where we can all chat about MCA.






This is going to be one of the easiest ways for you to market your business, especially if you don’t have online marketing experience.
This is a new video that has just been uploaded as of NOV. 2015, so please go through the rest of the training, and come back to
this video later.


If you do not have one yet, it’s very important that you open a (GMAIL) email account, that way you can watch all of my videos on YouTube (You need Gmail) For some of my videos, you will need to actually be logged into your Gmail account to play them. So if you’re using Yahoo, Icloud, or some other email source, please go to Gmail.com and open an account.

After that, please make sure you keep up to date with me on YouTube by subscribing to my channel. Log into your Gmail account, and click on this link https://www.youtube.com/themcaking . Again, make sure youSUBSCRIBE, that way you can keep up to date when I release new TRAINING videos regarding MCA and The Money Team. It’s very important that you go to the training group and my youtube channel daily as this is where you will get your updates.

If you’ve joined my team, more than likely you know my story. I won’t get deep on my history right here, but if you want to know more about me, visit my YouTube channel and watch all of my videos. I assure, you will be amazed at my Rags to Riches story (Not That I’m Rich), it’s just a saying. Please like, and comment since you’re visiting. Yes, MCA turned my life around, and if it were not for MCA, I don’t know where I would be in life. So again, to learn my story, watch my YouTube channel and visit daily for training tips.

STEP 3. WEEKLY SALES CALLS – Invite people to this live call

Write this down in a place you will remember it. MCA business opportunity live calls every Sunday at 7PM EST : Dial-in Number: (605) 562-0020 | PIN: 156-714-730 – If you want to make things easier for you, put together a list of people, or share this on your facebook wall. Do not share this training website with anyone that’s not a paid member on our team. Invite people to the live call on Sundays at 7PM EST. I will break this business down to people in the simplest terms.


This is my favorite motivational video from Art Williams, one of the biggest Insurance Brokers in the world. I highly advise you to watch this video. I still watch it at least once a month, 3 years later.

STEP 5. MCA BENEFITS EXPLAINED – Learn about the service that you’re selling 

You need to know what MCA is. I will teach you about the MCA benefit policy. If you’re not willing to learn about the services you are selling, then you won’t earn that much money. Take your time and take notes of this video.


When you signed up to MCA, you were given a referral link. I’m going to provide you a marketing website that’s more professional for your business. When someone is lookin to join my team, this is the exact website I send them all the time. http://www.motorclubamerica.net/RodneyWalker . By joining my team, you’ll get a free web site just like this. (.net/YouName) Watch the video below to setup your website . Once received, as long as you followed theinstructions, you should receive your website within 48 hours. In the meantime, just use the home office website that was automatically created for you.

STEP 7. – TVC MATRIX BACK OFFICE TRAINING – You must learn the back office

This is your back office. TVC stands for “Truckers Voices in Court.” MCA is the service we sell, and TVC pays your bills. TVC runs a commercial trucking services business also. This training is an hour long. Make sure you take your time, go through it, and learn about your back office. This is where you check all of your sales, etc. Before you ask, as many do for some reason which proves they are not watching the entire video, my membership ID number is(11273744).

STEP 8. THE MCA CLOTHING STORE – Brand yourself and the company

Branding is everything guys. Again, this is not required, but it’s a great way to show how serious you are about your business. When you brand your business, you’re also branding yourself. You become a discussion target. If you have the extra funds, you may wanna check out www.TheMCAStore.com . Watch the video below for more info.

Also, if you do what this guy did, you can get a free MCA T-Shirt. Just make a video following his lead. Buy 1, get 1 free.


STEP 9. – THE MCA SHOP – Purchase additional marketing tools

Keep in mind, this store has been updated. Their are lots more things to buy, as you can see over at www.MCAShop.com . Watch the video below for more information. We have different flyer designs, and business card designs, etc. None of this is required to earn money, but it’s a great investment if you don’t have experience marketing on the internet, and it’s how I started my MCA Career.


So far, we’ve learned alot. We’ve learned…

1. How to get involved in the Facebook Training Group

2. How to subscribe and stay updated on my YouTube channel

3. How to attend the business opportunity calls on Sundays

4. How to get motivated with Art Williams

5. How to educate people on the benefit policy

6. How to setup your free marketing web site

7. How to login and learn your back office

8. How to get marketing tools

9. How to get MCA clothing and branding accessories

If you’ve skipped any of the steps above, you’re literrally shooting yourself in the foot. Please take your business seriousy. 

MCA SHORT PRESENTATION VIDEO – If anyone ask you about MCA, you can send them this short video to get your point across. As our major competitor is Triple-A, this video will help them relate to the MCA Services, and the business opportunity in a very fast way.


YOUR FACEBOOK IMAGE – Carry a professional image on Facebook at all times


BUILD INTEREST IN FACEBOOK USERS – After someone responds to your Facebook post

FOLLOW UPS FROM FACEBOOK – If you don’t here from someone, don’t just let them go, keep track of who your talking to and re-contact them

GET TONS OF LEADS FROM CRAIGSLIST – Follow this simple method.


Now that you’ve setup your MCA marketing web site, it’s time to advertise it to the world. It’s very important you know what MCA is, so when speaking with people, it’s very important that you know this information.


You need to be able to know exactly what to say. Here’s some information. Please adjust it to your likings.

“MCA Roadside Assistance is a United States based auto club company that specializes in Roadside Assistance and Motorist Benefits. It currently services over 7 million members nationwide, and has bee in business over 80 years. Our services and Sales Associate position is available in The United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico. MCA has been offering a commission incentive to refer new members to their company commercial truck driver and standard motorist memberships for years.

Signing up with MCA makes you eligible as an independent contractor for one of the most well established companies in the United States. It also makes you eligible for commissions, and gives you instant and extensive motor club benefits. MCA is a $20/month membership, that has a small $40 start up cost.The first and last month are billed together like a gym membership. Commissions are $80 to $90 per person, per sale. As a bonus, when one of your teammembers makes a sale, you earn an additional $6 for each sale they make, which is called an override, and they add up fast! To promote MCA and make commissions, you can advertise on social media, online classifieds, or if that doesn’t make you comfortable, feel free to pass out business cards, flyers, or even host live opportunity calls.

Their are literally thousands of ways to expand your business and when they become an MCA member, you will receive a check for $80-$90 dollars from MCA the following Friday after the sale. Commissions are direct deposited to your bank account every Friday, for as long as you continue to make sales. If you’re wondering why our company pays $80-$90 per sale on a $20 monthly membership, it’s simple. MCA does not invest in any television commercials, radio ads, magazine, or Internet campaigns like most big corporations. Instead, our company pay’s it’s own members to increase sales of the company. Imagine going into Walmart, buying a $500 Television, and getting paid double that amount of $1,000 in commission every time you sell another TV through your own Walmart Affiliate website. It would be nice, but it will never happen. At MCA, you only pay $40 to get started, and you truly earn double that amount which is $80 or more on each new membership. Our company does things differently, and this is why we’re the hottest work from home business inthe world. “


“I understand, I wondered the same thing when I started. Let’s not forget, MCA is billing you $20 per month for your membership. So if we look at thenumbers, when you come in to buy a membership through me, I’ll get $80, but the $40 you invested goes to me. With our company having such great benefits, we’re positive you will remain a member for at least a year. After you make your first 2 monthly payments, the company will completely earn backthe $80 commission they paid me, and from their, it’s pure profit for the company when you pay your monthly bill. This is a win/win situation for all of us.


“I’m sorry, our company doesn’t have corporate offices from state to state, and here’s why. MCA pays millions of dollars in commissions every year to it’s own members. To keep this process going, the company keep’s it’s overhead low. Therefore, office and retail locations do not exist, that way our members can continue to earn great profits each and every Friday. I know this is not the traditional way of doing business, but I’m grateful because I’m able to earn a great living from home with MCA.”


Keep in mind guys, you can enroll new members in various ways.

A. Have the customer attend your website to enroll themselves

B. Visit your own web site on your smartphone, tablet, or computer and input the customers information

C. If the customer is not comfortable with giving you their personal info, you’re welcome to call our home office on a 3-way call or in front of the customer and enroll them that way also.


MCA offers a Security, Security Plus, Total Security, Total Security Gold, and Total Security Platinum. My team only promotes the Total Security package because that’s the package you earn $80 + per sale on, but at the same time, the cheapest package. Always sell people on the Total Security package, then once their credit card is approved, ask them then to upgrade to Platinum. The Platinum has way more benefits, and you can earn a $600 bonus monthly, yet it’s double the price to get started, and double the price monthly.


There are two major mistakes that new network marketers make online and both are just as deadly to your business. The first, is believing that network marketing is a get rich quick ticket and doesn’t require hard work. The second, is that network marketing is just a numbers game and doesn’t require hard thought.

Of course, neither of these are true. Network marketing is for people who think that they aren’t paid enough in the job market and believe free enterprise affords them an opportunity to be paid what they’re worth.  So first of all, if you think marketing an hour a day is going to make you tens of thousands of dollars, you need to take a cold shower and snap out of it. If you aren’t treating your online business as seriously as you would a J.O.B. (just over broke) then you lack the discipline to work for yourself and should go back to a place where you can follow orders and make an insignificant “steady” paycheck.

Secondly, most of your marketing will be done on social media and blog and job platforms. When we say “market consistently” we don’t mean “spam your Facebook wall 20 times a day” and “post your link as many times as you can in an hour.” The trick is diversity in your advertising.

“Don’t think 100 times on 1 website, think 1 time on 100 websites.”

Your posting can be quick, but you won’t make any money shoving your link into as many places you can and hoping someone stumbles upon it by accident. If you market consistently, build a following and earn a reputation online you will be successful. No doubt about it. Follow the guidelines set forth in this guide, be trustworthy, ethical and consistent, and you will have success.


What is offline marketing? That simply means marketing off the internet. Offline marketing is how I started, and how I still earn money today. It’s very important to set yourself a schedule to go out there and put out as many flyers, business cards, or door hangers as you can. I’ve showed you in the video above how to order the designs, and then how to get the flyers etc. Take action, and do it. Keep in mind, even when I’m not planning on marketing, I’m always marketing. If you go to the gas station, keep flyers in your purse or your pocket, and hand them out, put them on Gas pumps, etc. Never put flyers on car windshields because if it rains, the flyer will stick to the windshield. Always put flyers in the door jam by the key lock. You have to be consistent. Themore you put out, the more you will earn. If you can get out 5,000 a month, you should be able to earn a decent living off that one process, but imagine 5,000 pieces a week, on top of your ONLINE marketing?

Watch this video to see a sample of me marketing offline in action ——> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lg_I1d5dzWg


This is a great way to brand yourself, online, and offline. I’ll explain how. Use the domino effect to start your meetings, then grow your meetings by having each prospect that attends, bring 2 people to the next meeting. If you’re prospects join, and are consistent like you, your meetings will grow week after week after week. Do I do meetings? No I don’t, because I’m to shy to be honest. Although I’m the #1 earner in this company, I do have things that I’m not great at. Why don’t you lead by example if you’re great at public speaking, because I’m not.


Ok, so here’s a list of ads guys to put online to advertise your business. Click the link below to get graphics, and sample ads to use online



Now, let’s take some action and responsibility. If you want to learn how to market your business on any of these websites, simply go to YouTube and type in “How to market on X website. Replace the X with a website listed below. You will get tons of ideas on how to market on any of these websites. Did you guys know that my sponsor never helped me 1 bit to grow to a team of over 12,000? That’s right, I learned everything I learned from YOUTUBE, not high school, not college, YOUTUBE. Again and always keep up with my YouTube channel to get more training tips.

NOTE: If you want to use the MCA logo to advertise your business, just log into your back office, and click on Associates / Sales Support. If you need to learn how to shrink a logo, go to www.picmonkey.com . Get some training from YouTube about PicMonkey.com . You can also use PicMonkey.com to add logos to other images. It’s that simple folks.

Facebook: www.facebook.com

YouTube: www.youtube.com

Twitter: www.twitter.com

Pinterest: www.pinterist.com

InstaGram: www.instagram.com

Craigslist: www.Craigslist.com

BackPage: www.backpage.com

MySpace: www.myspace.com

Monster: www.monster.com

The Blaze: www.theblaze.com

Career Builder: www.careerbuilder.com

Google +: https://plus.google.com

Live Journal: www.livejournal.com

Ning: www.ning.com

LiveLeak: www.liveleak.com

BlogSpot: www.blogspot.com

CafeMom: www.cafemom.com

LinkedIn: www.linkdin.com

WordPress: www.wordpress.com

Tumblr: www.tumblr.com

Wired: www.wired.com

Blogger: www.blogger.com

BlogSpot: www.blogspot.com

DailyMotion: www.dailymotion.com

WordPress: www.wordpress.com

Reddit: www.reddit.com

Vimeo: www.vimeo.com

Tagged: www.tagged.com

Scribd: www.scribd.com

Hub Pages: www.hubpages.com

DisabledPerson: www.disabledperson.com

DeafNation: www.deafnation.com

StumbleUpon: www.stumbleupon.com

Ezine: www.ezinearticles.com

Yahoo Classifieds: www.classifieds.yahoo.com

MySpace Classifieds: www.classifieds.myspace.com

Ebay Classifieds: www.ebayclassifieds.com

Free Classified Stuff: www.freeclassifiedstuff.com

Blog Catalog: www.blogcatalog.com

MyBlogLog: www.mybloglog.com

Digg: www.digg.com

Mixx: www.mixx.com

GumTree: www.gumtree.com

Oodle: www.oodle.com

CSS Globe: www.cssglobe.com

Orkut: www.orkut.com

Friendster: www.friendster.com

Hi5: www.hi5.com

Bebo: www.bebo.com

BlackPlanet: www.blackplanet.com

Parents: www.parents.com

Single Moms: www.singlemoms.com

Top Mommy Blogs: www.topmommyblogs.com

Furl: www.furl.com

Working Mother: www.workingmother.com

Work-At-Home: www.2work-at-home.com

Forbes Forums: www.forbes.com



Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Flavor your food

Diplicious is the home of the Yummy, Easy-to-Make Dip Mixes! We carry a large selection of savory & sweet dip mixes, salsa mixes, and bread dippers. All of our mixes are made with high quality herbs and spices that contain no artificial ingredients, or added preservatives, and are gluten free! 

Our mixes are made with just wholesome natural goodness! http://bit.ly/FlavorMyFood

Free Gas

Does your Roadside Assistance Program bring you FREE GAS? pay for your speeding tickets? Give you 60% discounts on your prescriptions at CVS, and other pharmacies? Give you dental/vision benefits? Give you discounts on rental cars, and hotels? Provide you with Legal representation? Give you unlimited Towing? Refuel your car if you... run out? Give you lockout service? Battery Recharge? Accidental death benefit, 5000 stolen car reward? Give you 500$ arrest bond? 25,000 bail bond? Daily hospital stay allowance? Credit card protection? With many more benefits.... All in one package?..If not then you are with the wrong Company.... For only $10 a month.....  http://bit.ly/getcoveredgetpaid Signup now. 


NUTRABURST is a liquid vitamin that has 72 minerals, 12 whole foods greens, 12 herbs, 19 amino acids, antioxidants, 22 Phytonutrients from fruits and vegetables, Ellagic Acid, Multi-fiber complex, All benefits of Ganoderma. And the advantage of a liquid vitamin it completely absorbed into your bloodstream 98% than a pill vitamin. order it here http://www.iasotea.com/3256371 if asked You were referred by: Ebony Simon. Enroller ID: 3256371

Get paid to Lose weight

Get paid to Lose weight join the team and lose 5 pounds each week by drinking 2 cups of our tea and the person That lose the most weight will win $50 at the end of the month along with getting paid for every person you bring it to the team.  I have found a company that is amazing. And because everyone is ready to loose weight this company is the Company to help you do just that. Twice a day drink two 8ozs cups of our Iaso Tea and you WILL loose 5 pounds per week. Our company TLC is all about CHANGE and motivating yourself to make everything possible. If you didn't know You have the power and we give you the the support and tools to make it work. If you want to stay healthy, Enjoy peace of mind, and be stress free by earning a second income easily promoting products you use everyday go here http://www.iasotea.com/3256371 sign up on step 4. I will have everything waiting for you when I get the confirmation. You can average $100 or more a day selling our products. You will make a Fast start bonus of $20 on every person you enroll plus a residual pay out and when you enroll 3 or more people or customers per month you will get a BONUS. Now I will make sure you get all this done. Everyone wants to loose weight easily. So this is easy. You are paid every Monday on your company debit card or by bank direct deposit. This is a international opportunity that you can join for $40 which includes 4 packs of 100% Organic Iaso Tea. This tea has a unique all-natural blend of 9 essential herbs designed to cleanse the upper and lower intestines, ridding the body of toxins and some really nasty parasites. Help people detox their body and loose weight simply drinking tea.

Friday, January 22, 2016


Do you need a PayPal card Order your FREE PAYPAL debit master card now. This Is completely different from a regular PayPal card. You can transfer your money between your PayPal account and your pre-paid PayPal account load $10 and we will give you $5 or load $40 and we will give you $20. go here http://bit.ly/FREEPAYPALDEBITCARD put referral code 7391243599

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

What's your WHY

What's your WHY 

Why do I want what I want?


Why is it important to me?


Why will it matter to others?


Why will it make a difference?

It will make a difference because I will be able to show people that one small positive decision will help them become successful in their own world 

Why will I do what it takes to get it done?

I will do what it takes to get it done because I know that the only way for me to see success is to help others see success first.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Let me be your Mentor

Mentors are there to educateencourage,inspiremotivate and to be an active part in discovering the solutions you need to make significant advances in bringing your visions to life. But the unfortunate truth is that it’s impossible for me to say “yes” to all the requests.

Here are the success concepts we’ll explore together:

Week 1: Dream

Week 2: Gift

Week 3: Purpose

Week 4: Faith

Week 5: Integrity

Week 6: Confidence

Week 7: Forgiveness

Week 8: Wealth

Week 9: Leadership

Week 10: Loyalty

Week 11: People

Week 12: Love

Week 13: Power

Week 14: Joy

Week 15: Respect

Week 16: Values

During our time together, you’ll learn:

  • Why it’s important to discover your gift and how to do it.
  • How to add more joy, love and fulfillment to your daily living.
  • How clarity of your values plays a major role in your success.
  • Leadership qualities that help you get ahead.
  • What to do when you experience setbacks, challenges and failures.

Are you ready to mentor with me?

It’s easy to get started. This mentor program is delivered to you online, which means you can access it from anywhere on any device. You can use your desktop, laptop, tablet or smart phone – anytime.

Once you enroll, you’ll receive a special login and passcode that will allow you to access week 1. Each week, you’ll receive a new video lesson, along with the reflection, power step and mantra.

Don’t worry if you get a little busy, you’ll be able to access your current and past video lessons anytime you need to.


When you enroll now, I have a special bonus just for you You’ll get immediate access to my Act Like A Success – LIVE!

I recorded this speech live and during the educational and entertaining talk, I share some of his biggest life moments that has led me to where I am today.