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Sunday, September 20, 2015

Affiliate Marketing




Affiliate marketing is a way of making money online by promoting the products of another company for a commission on each sale you generate.


People who promote products in this manner are called "affiliates", or sometimes "partners" or "associates". Most affiliates promote products through their websites or email lists, but you're not restricted to these methods: Basically, anywhere you can put a website address or a hyperlink can be turned into a promotional vehicle -- the only limit is your imagination.


Affiliate marketing isn't a pyramid-selling scheme, and it's not a tool for scammers and spammers. Affiliates are regular people looking to earn some extra cash from their websites, or individuals wanting a serious work-at-home business that they can perform from anywhere in the world, with serious earning potential.


When we say "affiliate marketing" we're actually talking about a bunch of things:


Finding good products to promote
Building websites
Conducting market research
Search engine optimization (getting your website ranking well in the search engines)
Creative ways to promote your products
Social networking and "web 2.0" strategies
Email marketing
Pay-per-click marketing
Creating or sourcing content for your website or newsletter
Getting motivated, staying motivated, and avoiding potential mishaps
Earning money by displaying ads on your site (eg, Google AdSense)
... And there's quite a bit more.

Now www.gogetpaid.info

Saturday, September 19, 2015

My Why

My Story: Since the day I was born I was told I could not do certain things in life. From birth my mother was told I was never going to be able to walk talk eat even go to the bathroom on my own. So From day one my family believed in the power of prayer. we learned all the time that God has the final word on your situation. As a result everything they said I would not be able to do not only did I do it but I exceeded at it. 

Elementary school was a challenge middle school was a struggle but high school a breeze. When I got to college it was smooth selling even though even when they told me not to because the environment was going to be to big. Not only did I get a degree but I started on my masters degree. 

For me everything people said I could not do I completed. so even with working from home family did not think this was a good idea

So the reason why I choose to do this work from home and be an social media administrator  is because I know that I can do anything I choose to as long as God is the center of my life. the reason why I am working from home is because I love helping other people. 

I love being hands on on my own time. I love the immediate benefit of helping someone even when you don't even realize it. The reason why I choose to do this is because I know that I am better as a leader then I am as an employee. Even though the money doesn't come as quickly as it always should. it comes. 

So I learned very early In life you either do what you want to do for yourself or  you do what you have to do for others. I choose to do what I want to do for myself.

What's your story 

Friday, September 11, 2015

Twenty-One Universal (and Spiritual) Laws

Here are the Twenty-One Universal (and Spiritual) Laws,

which I believe, are applicable in ALL areas of our lives:

1. First is the Law of ATTRACTION: When you are well grounded in your life purpose, have clarity for what you desire most, and are focused on your specific needs, the Universe (God/Life Force/Infinite Spirit) will come to your aid. People who spend time each day getting clear on what it is that they want, always will be able to get what they want.

2. The second principle is the Law of CONNECTION:

I believe every ‘body’ on this planet is connected in the spiritual realm. We are all spiritual beings on an earthly existence. Because we humans have the power of intellectualisation, rationality and especially in the immense power of choices – to act, to elevate our thinking and so choose our level of consciousness, which will determine our ultimate destinies. And we activate our spiritual connection through service to others, a sense of gratitude (or an attitude of abundance and especially grace), and a shared humanity.

3. The third principle is based on the Law of SOWING AND REAPING: In more modern everyday language, this may also be known as the LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT (as postulated by the Greek philosopher, Socrates). First you must give, and then you will receive. The farmer plants the seed and then reaps the rich harvest.

The Law of Attraction is also closely related to the LAW OF GRATITUDE: Have an ‘ attitude of gratitude ‘ and you’ll be richly blessed.

4 The Law of DUALITY (or CONTRASTS):

There is a flip side or opposite of everything. Every negative has a positive (and is accentuatated – big word – by the contrast). For instance, you can only know good, if there is evil. Light can only exist with the darkness. Good luck can only exist, if there is such a thing as having experienced bad luck. And to experience success you must know failure. Even severe adversity can have some benefit, if we adopt a positive attitude and grow from the experience. We can perhaps use our bitter experiences of the deepest hurts to help others.

Perhaps our dark times (the “dark night of the soul”) are there so that we can really find joy in the bright days.

5 The Law of CYCLES:

All events occur in cycles. Professional athletes and cricketers (or baseballers for you Americans) might refer to the law of cycles as streaks (“hot”).In accepting the law of cycles, we must know how to make the most of the good streaks. And when times are bad, keep your head up and look ahead expectantly to the upcoming reversal of fortune.

6 The Law of EVOLUTION and CHANGE:

Everything evolves and changes (as pressures and the sands of life shift over time) – the ebbs and flows of life. So it is up to you to ensure you progress and move ahead; as what were once huge obstacles get, “seemingly miraculously” removed..

7 The Law of CHOICES:

The greatest aspect of the human condition, I believe is our freedom: a freedom to make choices in life: regarding where to live, occupation, how we spend our time, our leisure pursuits, who to marry, and so on. Each one of us has absolute control over the multitude of choices we make each day …and our possibilities are unlimitëd. Stop feeling trapped by your circumstances, as you are not a victim of life. If you are feeling “negatively stuck in the deep brown stuff”, make the decision to change your life and choose a brand new future. Consequently YOU have the power and freedom to control your destiny.

Linked to the above Law of Choices is:


You must accept the full outcomes for the various decisions (choices) you make daily.

9 The Law of INERTIA:

In physics the law of inertia states that: “An object at rest tends to stay at rest.” This law is true of life as well. Action gets momentum going! The longer you procrastinate on completing that project, the longer you go without acting, the harder it will be to get started.

10 The Law of MOMENTUM:

“An object in motion tends to stay in motion.” This second law of physics is again a reality of life. Once you get started, it is easier to keep going and make progress. After the decision has been made, one tiny first step gets the momentum going. You probably notice the effect of this law in action every day. Once you get out of bed (for me the hardest part) and into the showër (warm, I trust!), getting dressed, having “brekkie’ and even going out the door to work (‘clean and shiny’) is ‘a breeze’.

Done often enough (usually 21X ‘they’ say), an action becomes an ingrained HABIT… and good habits lead to good results and good living.

“The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.”– ancient Chinese saying

11 The Law of SYNCHRONICITY (otherwise known as “CO-INCIDENCES”*):* I prefer to call it ‘divine order’.

This principle is closely aligned with no 1: The Law of Attraction .You are part of the universe, not a separate entity.

We humans are all connected to a common humanity. Your actions affect those around you and determine how your life is shaped. It is important to recognize that you are inseparable from the events and situations in your life. When you see your connection to the world around you, you understand the control you have over your destiny.



Life is like a mirror – what you put out, you’ll get back even more. Put out positive energy (vibrations) and you’ll attact positive results. (This too is closely aligned with Law One: the Law of Attraction ).

You become what you think about the most (“then why aren’t I a woman!”). Our thoughts shape our reality; so we need to learn how to SHAPE our thoughts, as the potter moulds the clay. Consequently, as the old saying goes, “Be careful what you wish for – you’ll probably get it!”

“We are what we think.

All that we are arises

With our thoughts.

With our thoughts,

We make our world.”

– the Buddha

“It’s not what you think you are,

but what you THINK, you ARE.”– minister Norman Vincent Peale, the father of the concept ‘The Power of Positive Thinking ‘

“Man is mind

and evermore he takes the tool of thought

and, shaping what he wills,

brings forth a thousand joys,

a thousand ills.

He thinks in secret

and it comes to pass –

Environment is but his looking glass.”

– anon

Thanks so much for sharing, dad

13 (“Lucky”) The Law of EXPECTATION (POSITIVE):

Always expect a favourable outcome – the best from your actions in whatever you undertake. Be an optomist seeing the glass as “half full” in all your endeavours!

14. The Law of INTENTION (good)Do things in the right “heart and spirit” with a genuine desire (intent) of some action(s) to make some small difference in the world, otherwise sharing ideas to help others …and you can’t go wrong. (My reason for sharing this piece – “oh no, not another article from you, Craig!”)



Spend more time in planning and setting goals. Then spend quiet times in reflection and contemplation to review and monitor your progress. Are you moving ahead, or do you perhaps need to “change tack” (strategy).

Manifesting what we want out of life still requires action and planning. Ask, trust, and allow the Universe’s Infinite

Wisdom to send you the answers on what to do to attain our deepest desires.

BALANCE thought with decision, which leads to ACTION. Because, if you are going to move ahead in life and make the most of your potential, rather than just ponder possibilities, you will need to take some practical steps, ie. actually DO something, “Mr/Mrs/Ms Dreamer”. You have to undergo the process of taking your desired goals and breaking them down into manageable parts. Plan appropriately and follow through – then through taking action on each step, it IS definitely possible to attain even your “wildest” dreams or destination.

16 The Law of HABIT:

Good habits maketh man and woman.

“Try not to become a person of success but rather try to become a person of value.– Einstein


When one commits fully to an endeavour, “body, heart and soul”, nothing can stop you. The moment one commits fully to an enterprise, all the mysterious forces of the Universe, God, Providence, Life Force moves too – in bringing all the threads even the “tangled” ones) together, so that your most earnest desires WILL one day come to pass..

18. The Law of EXPANSION: What you focus on expands. (Then as a friend said: “Then why aren’t I a woman?)

19. The Law of COMMAND:“Thou shalt deem a thing and it shall be so.”

The words we use to ourselves are vital in shaping our attitudes (mindsets). So be careful what you say to yourself (especially negative self talk/chatter); as it might just happen – it usually does! “Speak” desired events, ocurrences and outcomes “into existence”.

and most importantly (saving the best for last)

20. The LAW (POWER) of BELIEF:

“All things are possible to him who believes.”– Mark 9:23

Now for a few personal thoughts on “spiritual matters” (note this is NOT religion , as I sincerely believe dogmatic and fanatical religion divides humanity and is the cause of so much conflict).

Christianity is based on all these laws and especially the power of belief. Indeed Jesus Christ understood perfectly human nature (the human condition) and the above-mentioned principles of the mind – even 2000 years ago! The teachings of Christ were psychologically correct and violate no psychological laws, though original in concept and spirit. Jesus possessed a wealth of wisdom in dealing with people’s day-to-day, as well as their spiritual problems. He knew the deepest recesses of the human heart: “He knew what was in man.” The very best psychiatrist!


*BELIEVE in the tremendous power of BELIEF (ie. certainty): in the form of your thoughts and imagination . Use these incredible mental tools to your advantage through your amazing human mind. Sow positive energy and you’ll reap positive results. If you think your life will be exciting and fulfilling, you WILL make it a reality.

“Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you HAVE received it and it will be yours.”– Mark 11:24

I believe there is a spiritual solution to any problem on this planet. One just has to think “outside the square”, on another level, at/in a “higher dimension”… then one’s whole perspective changes.

When stuck on what particular action to take, ASK, TRUST, and allow the Universe’s Infinite Wisdom to send you the answers through the amazing power of your subconscious mind, our “doorway to God, the Ultimate Source”.

I really believe that this article is going to spread all over the net, like a virus (a good one)!

and finally, the two most powerful forces in the world…

21. THE LAW OF CREATION: God is a God of Creation, which is why we’ve all been blessed with the amazing power of the human imagination (the way, I believe we “get divine answers from “another realm”, a Higher Power. We ALL have FREE WILL: the choice to BELIEVE, or not: the FAITH to believe that your deepest desires and even wildest dreams can and WILL happen if you can just have enough FAITH.


22. N.B: THE LAW OF LOVE: It really works! Give love and you receive back far more..

The above principles, I believe, are in perfect alignment with the laws of physics and human psychology (the spiritual is just another (and ‘higher’) realm or dimension in which they operate). I sincerely hope these Truths (eternal) motivate, uplift and perhaps even inspire you to move ahead and achieve great success: To be all you can be and become… in your business, or whatever endeavours you may choose to embark on in your life.

Have FUN and BE happy as you “ride/slide down down the rapids of life”
