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Saturday, February 6, 2016


Hybrid Binary Plan: 5 Unique Ways to Get Paid


  •   Retail Profits Earn 50% Commission on all Customer Purchases

    - 25% of Group Volume goes into the Binary; Your Pay Leg.

  •   Fast-Start Bonus Earn 50% of all First Purchases of Each Person You Personally

    Sponsor into the Business.

  •   Residual Income Earn 10% - 25% Commissions of the Volume in your Pay Leg;

    Qualify by having 40 PV Autoship & Enroll 2 Affiliates.

  •   Check Match Bonus Earn a 50% Check Match on All Your Personally Sponsored

    & Earn 10% - 50% Check Match on All the People Your Personally Sponsored


  •   Corporate Expense Account Earn up to $1,500 monthly; Starting at National

    Director Rank.


    The 4 Stages of Growth:

  1. Formulation Ground Floor; Visionaries comes and Build Long-term.

  2. Concentration Expansion into New Markets; Attracts more Leaders

  3. Explosion Massive Growth is Experienced, Fortunes are being made

  4. Establishment Brand is now Established as a House-hold Name, Consistent

    Growth; Creates Wealth for those who started during Formulation Stage.

    TLC is in the Formulation Stage.
    -May be viewed as Risky; High Risk ...High Rewards!
    -May not be for Everyone, that we understand
    -Looking for Leaders that see the
    Vision of TLC & TEAM USA

Where Do I Get Started?

  •   Are you a Customer? Interested in the products only. Thank-You!

  •   Are you an Affiliate? Start with an order of $40/$100/$200/$300/$500! Lets


  •   Are you an Entrepreneur? Pick up a $1,500 Pack! Start Building Today!

    Get with the person who invited you to take a look at TLC and let them know what level you are starting at; Customer, Affiliate, or Entrepreneur. Thank You & Welcome to TEAM USA!